This is a 2018 open-world game running on an Xbox One X. Thoughts?
This is a 2018 open-world game running on an Xbox One X. Thoughts?
that's an incredibly boring skybox
Looks better than anything on the Switch and PS4. That's all that matters.
What Switch port is this?
>being a shitposter
Obviously half the reason it looks like shit is because it's a compressed YT screenbox, but holy shit why does it look so bad?
Literally 360 tier buildings.
Is it though? I mean, with Microsoft's track record, can we be sure?
This. Get Bungie or someone to come fix your skyboxes you inept retards.
>Looks better than anything on the Switch and PS4
It really doesn't.
Still a pretty boring skybox.
they need to release more shots like this
all the videos look like ass
The game has fully destructible environments, faggots
Suuuuuure it does, Phil.
Power of the """Cloud""", right?
>This is a 2018 open-world game
Who are we fooling, its 2019 open-world game
lol, looks like shit famalam
>Falling for bullshots in 2017
Jesus christ.
Do you people just never learn?
you failed to mention it is in silk smooth 29 fps
>being a bullshot poster
Only in multiplayer
No, already talked to dev on twitter
Its only destructible in the multiplayer arena
Not in co op, or singleplayer
They fucked up
looks better than Nier PS2mata
Well, at least it still runs at 60 FPS
>Not in co op, or singleplayer
To what end?
This is a 2013 open-world game running on a regular PS4.
This game has shite pop-in though
Wow, a bunch of rectangles!
Is this some bullshot?
Don't remember Infamous SS looking this good.
Nah just a cutscene
I think it looks decent in general, though like says it's got its share of technical problems
this game was fucking shit and delsin was a faggot
Isn't this coming to pc as well?
Yeah, windows 10
Just get Ultimate Windows Tweaker before you bitch about 10
looks like shit