ITT: Sup Forums Confessions
I've played through Blood Money countless times but I've never watched a single one of the between-mission cutscenes, and have no idea what the game's story is about.
ITT: Sup Forums Confessions
I've played through Blood Money countless times but I've never watched a single one of the between-mission cutscenes, and have no idea what the game's story is about.
I think Twin Snakes is better than Metal Gear Solid.
I've never played Metal Gear Solid.
I did the same thing, I played it since release but only actually watched the cutscenes a year or two ago when I decided to play them all again.
I silently judge adults who enjoy shows like Steven Universe but I like Nintendo shit.
why guys? why?
Based hunchbackfu
I don't follow the Payday 2 story at all. All I see is heists.
I still haven't finished MGSV even though I've played 1-4 countless times and even have a MGS tattoo.
Disgusting skeletal deformity, did she have rickets or was she just fat?
I was going to think of a way to crush you for this, but I'm too tired. I prefer cheap beer to a fine scotch, but I've never had a fine scotch. DURR
You aren't missing much anyway.
Lol, textbook insecure nerd whi vot bullied André Trieste to look mature
There's story? I thought it was just "this wacky accent has these themes to their missions" like the sood afreecan always being against Murky, or Vlad being a crazy shit.
I've never played a final fantasy game. I regret selling my old hardware bc now I really only want to play older titles
You can emulate them.
Get a used PSP, install CFW, play 1-9 (i.e. the good ones) for free.
Why is she looking at the camera like that??
I had to play Viewtiful Joe on Kids mode, since Adults mode was too hard.
You're not missing anything.
Having watched all the cutscenes, I also have no idea what the game is about.
My confession: After years of putting Deus Ex at the top of my favorite games of all time, I finally played it and found it to be pretty flawed. There were a lot of things that were awesome *for their time*, but in retrospect just kind of suck. It's definitely not a bad game,
but it doesn't really have the timelessness that I think the best games should have. Eventually it will really only be remembered for the games and gameplay it inspired, rather than what it accomplished on its own--if it isn't already.
>After years of putting Deus Ex at the top of my favorite games of all time, I finally played it
How can a game you hadn't played be at the top of your favourite games list?
Looks like Hunchback of Notre Dame.
I've no idea how some man can find a female like that attractive.
truly disgusting. for multiple reasons.
she wants you're dick user
The only Dark souls game I've played it DkS2, and I refuse to play the others because people shit on 2.
Childhood is idolizing thicc
Adulthood is realizing sticc makes more sense
>marry sticc
>try to have baby
>cant because shes a sticc
I enjoy watching Hitman speedruns but I've never played any except Contracts demo and don't think I'd like any of the games.
Why is this so sexual. Does she fuck that food.
The cutscenes don't actually reveal the story to Blood Money. It's just a guy lying to a reporter so all you get from that is that he is in on the conspiracy. The story is mostly revealed by who some of your targets are, some optional events in the missions and the newspaper articles at the end of the mission. You have to read between the lines a little for the last one.
Why the fuck does she keep staring straight at the camera the whole time
he looking at your soul
I won't lie. It's kinda hot mang.
he's doing asmr vid
Its a fucking female. What is wrong with you faggots.
Sticc is the only thing a skeleton can aim for anyway.
anytime i play as a female (ie Lightning in FF13, not a created character) i wear bra and panties throughout the playthrough
yeah, mtf that is. not real female.
dogs shouldnt get sugary sweets you dumb bitch they die
Sauce me Sup Forumsros
I THOUGHT something seemed a little odd...!
Same, it really does not fucking matter what the plot is. Did this with a JRPG once too (The Last Remnant), still have no idea what the fuck it was about nor do I care.
What is a file name, anyway?
Listen here Hillary voter, I will not accept your globalist agenda of forcing our children to have mandatory sex changes. Take your liberal satanic shit elsewhere.
>they die
Eventually yeah. It's too much sugar for their body size, but the same can be said for the average human.
Sup Forums, where everyone has to be a male for these faggots to find them attractive
Because everyone else did.
I think the Soulsborne series is shit after playing all of them.
You know, that's fine. I respect someone more for playing a game and coming to a detailed conclusion of what they didn't like about it, than someone who just hates games because of their fanbase, or who only plays a tiny bit and judges the whole game by that portion.
post the nipslip webm
I remember enjoying Blood Money's story. That scene at the end with the funeral was great.
It has one of those useless ones that it gives you when you bulk download off IMGUR I believe.
I liked Sonic 06 but only Sonic and shadows part, silvers need to die
Googled it and Anna Christine Speckhart is a woman, and she's standing next to an oven in the gif so...
It's the opposite.
Childhood is idolizing sticc, because kids like small, cute things
Adulthood is realizing thicc makes more sense, because they look like goddesses of fertility
>retard face
Fuck off nigger
Is this the idle animation thread now?
Thicclovers are just sad Americans who have grown desensitized to the disgusting obesity of their society, so they convince themselves there is a proper kind of fatness that is actually "attractive".
>Fuck off nigger
People like you should be banned from posting in Sup Forums.
Nigga, if you like fat chicks all you gotta do is say that. Stop trying to dress it up behind words like thicc.
That makes no sense.
Too bad, she'd be kinda hot if it wasn't obvious she was batshit
someone's new
That's because MGSV is nothing at all like 1-4, and is trash.
reddit should be more to your liking friend
sticc ain't small
No, it's just people like you are obsessed with fatties.
I used to cheat my way through every RTS I played because my dumb kid attention span hating waiting for shit to happen.
fuck off nigger
>food porn
I want to take a bite too.
>I unironically love halo up to 4
>I unironically love borderlands
>I unironically love skyrim
>Titanfall 2 is my current favorite game and most likely will be for awhile
>I spent over 200 dollars on Destiny and a 100 already on Destiny 2
>my favourite game of all time is original paper mario
>I've spent 150 on team fortress 2 and joined after it was f2p
>I like fallout 4 and 3
>I think overwatch is just waifu trash
>I think splatoon is boring
>BoTW is my favorite Zelda tittle
im a guuurl gaymer
Fuck off.
Fuck off.
>Implying some women can't rock Thicc
>Implying some women can't rock Sticc
>Implying you have to be an ass or a tits man
>Implying a hot bitch isn't a hot bitch regardless
You'll faggots need to get laid.
>comparing height
>against fallon
Isn't he a legal member of the muchkin guild?
Nah, you're just wrong. >Muh favorite game has to be flawless
There aren't any flawless games.
>it's gotta be timeless
Level design, narrative, characters, soundtrack, did we even play the same game? I guess the gameplay is mildly dated because the AI isn't great.
>Modern men no longer desire big breasts
What went wrong bros?
>Food analogy
he's 6 feet tall
I play most sp Games up to 80-90% then drop it. I only finish coop games because my roommate is adamant on finishing them. I don't watch the endings of the sp Games on YouTube so unless my roommate plays them I won't know how they end.
(((modern men)))
Hitman speedruns are god tier so that's understandable.
>that fucking bling
is that a fucking 2carat diamond, holy shit her husband must be loaded
I doubt it
Halo 2 and reach are shit
Borderlands is shit and 1 is only 7/10
Skyrim is shit
Titanfall 2 is DEAD
Destiny is shit, Destiny 2 will be shit
Paper Mario is not as good as TTYD
TF2 became shit
Fallout 3 and 4 are shit
Overwatch is shit. Correct.
No opinion
BoTW is inferior to MM
>Boring neutral opinions
>pretending to be a girl on Sup Forums for (you)s
Well, congratulations, you're garbage.
You want an actual confession?
>Play MK when I'm young
>Fatalities on all the female characters make me hard to this day
>Oddly not into guro-hentai or gore in a realistic way
>Unironically think KH2 is one of the greatest games ever made
>ODST is easily the best Halo in the series
>PC Gaming in general is pretty gay and I kind of frown upon it
>I think DmC is a good game that gets a bad wrap
>Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time.
>MGSV is the best in the series by a long shot.
>Mass Effect Andromeda in it's current state is a better successor to ME1 than ME2 is
>Valve was never that great.
What's it like being a faggot?
If you want to fuck little boys so much just move to france
>nip slip
fucking phonefag, look at what you write before you post it
You gave her a (you) solely for mentioning she's a girl, so....
you would probably say some tired shit like "hurrr da cutscenes is lik anime!" when the PS1 cutscenes have almost nothing going on at all.
or "hurr da first person makes it too easy!" when the MGS2 AI makes it harder overall than the original where you can kill enemies with auto aim + silenced SOCOM and they'll just disappear. the only thing harder about the original are the stiff controls in some boss fights.
the only objective negatives that twin snakes has is the soundtrack and voice acting.
Second this
Congratulated him on it too, so what's your point
What's it like being autistic?