The one launch title the XboneX had is delayed

>the one launch title the XboneX had is delayed
>no new release date given except Spring 2018
What the fuck are they doing?

Other urls found in this thread:

Crashing the Xbox brand with no survivors.
Regardless, Forza 7 is a bigger launch title than Crackdown. Crackdown would have flopped releasing in between CoD WW2 and Battlefront 2, so that's probably why they delayed it. Still a very poor choice

The build they showed off recently looked like hot garbage, like worse than Agents of Mayhem. So its not surprising its delayed.

Wow I'm sure all those people eagerly awaiting another Crackdown sequel must be disappointed.

Not surprised, it didn't look very good.

I know you're being sarcastic, but my friends and I were looking forward to it

Cancelled soon?

I just want Crackdown one on PC.

Probably waiting for agents of mayhem to go in to the bargain bin for a few dollars.

Crackdown 3 will be joining them not too long after release i'm sure.

This. It would have been another Titan Fall 2 flop. Except Titan Fall 2 was actually a good game.

Less competition for Tails new game which launch on the same day Crakcdown 3 (before CD3 got delayed).

>IT's a Sup Forums pretend to care about a game and pretend they were excited for a game despite knowing no one will thread.

This is Scalebound's scenario happening again.

Plenty of people were optimistic for Scalebound.

Before that one co-op gameplay presentation that looked like fucking shit.

Does anyone care about Crackdown 3 that much?
It looks like Saint Rows 3/4 without the comedy.
Is meme Crews really enough to sell the game?

I couldn't find thread about the 1st trailer in the archive. How did people reacted to the not smooth gameplay, the 20 fps and the MC with the dubstep here?

I don't even remember there being gameplay in the very first trailer. I don't remember them showing gameplay until significantly after its initial reveal but the first gameplay shown people didn't mind it was the co-op trailer that made everyone turn on it real quick. For good reason.

OP here. I was excited for Crackdown 3. I had a ton of fun fucking around with my friends in Crackdown 2

Cancelation soon.

It was the Gamescom 2015 trailer:

Probably this.
This game was the only thing I've wanted to play for the past few E3s.
Delaying it this long pretty much means it's as good as cancelled or worse, turn out like The Division

Doubt it.

Oh yeah? How is this different from the others?

I remember the trailer after this turning people off a lot more. The one where his buddies show up at the end.

Why the fuck has it taken them so long to put this game together? Its just a standard open-world game with superpowers, the fuck is taking them so long?

So how is a delay a bad thing? If it was going to be canceled they wouldn't have advertised it the way they have.

More polish the better. Anyone who disagrees is a shovelware shill.

They wouldnt do that. Would They?

Microsoft game studio is a mess. They need to fire everyone.

Scalebound was advertised quite heavily and it was cancelled.

Scalebound got the same treatment at E3 a couple years ago.

Scalebound was shown, but not advertised with terry crews and the like.

What does it matter? They will spends tons of money on shit that doesn't exist just to show off something during E3.

How many millions did they lost by cancelling all those games?
>Fable Legends (AAA game)
>Project Spark
>Scalebounnd (AAA game)
>Phantom Dust Remake

Is this the first time an active console had gone an entire year without a first party exclusive? The Xbone is a joke

In the grand scheme of things it probably doesn't add up to a huge loss for a giant company like microsoft.

A long troubled development cycle doesn't really bode well for a game

God, I want to smash Brittany.