why did it fail?
why did it fail?
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It hasn't even been out for half a year. Give it some time.
Wishful thinking won't get you what you want OP.
No matter how many times you repost same shit.
Go seek your TORtanic elsewhere.
>Give it some time.
is there good games in 2018?
zelda and mario are out in 2017
it hasn't
No le games
Well, not yet, but they may announce some. Don't forget, Metroid Prime 4 and Pokemon Switch are a thing.
Fire Emblem Switch and Pokémon aren't good enough for you?
>Don't forget, Metroid Prime 4 and Pokemon Switch are a thing.
maybe a 2020 thing
Splatoon 2 is the best game released this year. Fuck Zelda.
never played a fire emblem
pokemon will not be ready in 2018, literally just a "we are working on it" announcment
>2 games
No. Now if you say FE, SMT5, Pokemon, Metroid 4, no more heroes 3 and sex adventures with reggie and miyamoto then yeah. Much better now
We know for certain Kirby and Fire Emblem are coming that year. Octopath Traveler is probably coming in 2018 as well. We could also very well see Pikmin 4 in 2018. 2019 is probably gonna be another year of heavy hitters with Pokemon Switch and Metroid Prime coming.
why did it fail?
Reminder to hide, report and ignore these pokebarneyfag threads
>why did it fail?
people didn't want to fall for the ps3 scam again
>b-but SONY!
Like clockwork
>trislosher meta
>more than half the weapons didn't return
>more than half the clothes didn't return
>lack of new clothes
>lack of new weapons and kits
>regional matchmaking which causes 5 minute waiting times where you arent' even guaranteed to play
>SR isn't available at all times
It's shit.
why did it fail?
but, do you have any proof it wont be in 2018 ?
The answer is obviously no.
Fire Emblem is trash. Its a game with RNG stat growths where you can literally get played into a corner and can't advance if you distributed the EXP wrong to your characters. Pure cancer
It's too easy to say why the xbone failed and pc is a completely different beast. Who else would be behind a post like this?
pokemon went through 7 nintendo hardware by now
look up how long it took each time to release the first game on a new platform
Oh, we aren't allowed to shitpost in your shitposting thread?
You seem pretty bad
Complete disdain for it's audience to the point where the business model was "the unwashed masses will buy it for cowadooty" and "they'll buy what we tell them to buy"
While making it more expensive and shoving kinect down our throats.
if I'm to buy this it will be a revision because of all the problems people have been reporting that you may get
>inb4 mine works fine
Anybody wanna play Arms?
If it was xbox i would have believed you. Why does that even exist when PC is a thing for them? Like fuck sake
FE is just a trash series. Even the people who like it say you'll need to restart the campaign several times on your first playthrough so you know which units are good and which are useless. Any game that requires so much fucking trial and error is not worth playing.
1-2 years. It's fine to be upset that you are losing, but you should stop being retarded
>first one is not even a year out yet and the second one already has 65M+ units out
What a bunch of fucking retards.
Not even a shred of effort to make a decent bait.
>why did it fail?
It has no fucking games.
Botw is meh at best and all it has are indie ports shovelware. It's depressing.
t. switch owner
screen is worst than psp's
Animal Crossing and Pokemon are required to make it sell.
in what way did it fail? it's selling well, people seem to like it, it's got a decent library within it's first 6 months, if games slow down there's a bunch of 3ds and wii u games they could always just port over etc. It's the best Nintendo console launch since the Wii
Never, EVER happened.
There are very few actually bad units, and even then any player with over 85 iq can win the game with those.
Feel sorry for you, brainlet
>in what way did it fail?
none of my friends bought it
it's getting dust on my country gamestop shelves
it hasn't been around long enough to have failed.
But if it continues to deliver very few games it will.
sony ponies hoped real hard it would fail, and it failed that
too expensive
no games
autistic fan base no one wants to be associated with
RIP Switch 2017-2017
>There are very few actually bad units,
Birthright was my first game in the series and like half of the units are just plain useless and one of them died in a cutscene for no good reason.
How's the SOPA
my little south american trash friend?
why did it fail?
>why did it fail?
invasion of normalfags
introduction of (You)s
>you can literally get played into a corner and can't advance if you distributed the EXP wrong to your characters.
Most FE games can be beaten with 0% growth rates if you're not a shitter, so you're just bad at SRPGs
>reddit filename
>none of my friends bought it
well if we're using anecdotal evidence, I know 7 people with a Switch
It's having a great launch and is getting at least one notable release every month until the end of the year, some of those being big swinging titles. 2018 is looking optimistic for it, and it's confirmed to have at least one ultra blockbuster game in development.
So the short answer is that it didn't. But you already knew that, OP, didn't you?
>I know 7 people
fake news
You are just plain bad. Like if you said you played 6 and levelled Marcus only or someshit FINE
But you somehow had trouble with Birthright, the admitted baby first, easy FE. I have no fuckign clue how you can type and read but have trouble with Birthright.
>Most FE games can be beaten with 0% growth rates
prove it
How could it not fail? Nintendo has no fucking idea what people want. I want a console that gives me multiple orgasms on demand, I want it to make me sandwiches and give me foot massages, I want it to give me a hug when I'm lonely. It's really that fucking simple but Nintendo is stuck in the 20th century.
I don't even like the Switch but it's obviously successful.
No Skyrim on launch
I just stopped playing at Ch. 22 (I think) because I got sick of all my units being useless besides Corrin and the lobster dude.
Fire Emblem is a piss poor srpg that's barely advanced at all in 15 years, get over it. Or do you have fun slowly whittling down an immobile boss so your priest can get a kill and finally level?
Better than Xbox "all of our games are cancelled or delayed" and Sony "we showed the same games at E3 twice in a row and probably a third time next year"
I bought a Switch at launch and am currently enjoying the console. That being said, I'm concerned how long Nintendo can keep this momentum going. At some point, people are going to demand to play new third party games on Switch and I don't think Nintendo's glorified tablet could pull off games like Overwatch or new Resident Evil titles
why did it fail?
It did?
They said at least a year and half before Pokemon is ready. So no, it won't be out in 2018. At BEST Holiday 2018, but it all depends.
Anyway, who gives a fuck, the last two gens of Pokemon have been literally shit.
Citation right here
You're retarded
Is that the real prop? Does it do anything?
I can smell your butthurt all the way over here
wow if this is the switch fanbase, I sure can't wait to join!
what a warm welcome!
What alternate timeline are you posting from where it's a failure? It's not even 6 months old and it's still selling out every shipment immediately in most areas, with multiple first party titles hitting sales numbers in the millions.
sooo, what you are saying is that you have no fuckign idea and that you are mad that pokemon is popular. Thanks for your imput
Masuda said "it may not come out for more than a year", and that was months ago. I mean, I agree that it'll probably be a 2019 title, but let's get our facts straight.
Also, this is fucking console/portable HD core series Pokemon we're talking about, dude. That game WILL be the best seller of the system, and probably the best selling game that year in general.
>4 year library
Oh yeah I forgot about pokemon. That pretty much guarantees this console will sell at least 50m units in its lifetime.
Don't pretend you'd actually do it when you're just posting cheap bait.
nice argument faggot
>Sup Forums defends this
I love this meme.
I'll give it 5 out of 5 meme points.
Next time try to work in 'movie' in there somewhere, it will be 6/5 then.
It didn't.
>post real concern
Is that cubie IKEA? I had one like that 2 years ago and it fell the fuck apart under stress. 2/10 not a quality cubie do not trust with games.
>Wii sports box had a bigger attach rate than the ps1
So what happened there?
now lets talk about iconic games that each system has that any normie would be able to recognize
ps2: uhhhhhhhh gtasa? but that is multiplat
ps1: crash
wii: wii sports, mario galaxy
ps3: uhhhhhhhhhhhh
xbox 360: halo 3 and multiplats like gtav
is sony the most insignificant company in gaming?
Uncharted, The Last of Us
>smug anime girl
Yeah, you just won the argument redit-kun.
Here's the last (you) to quench your thirst.
Less games.
Best gen of Pokemon was 5, and the Gen 4 remakes.
XY, ORAS, and SM are all garbage.
The lack of cable ports so it could maintain its spherical shape didn't help. The graphics are incredible, but if I can't plug it in to my tv to see them, then what's the point?
FE5 SSS rank 0% growths
FE11 H5 0% growths
FE6 HM 0% growths
FE10 HM 0%* growths
That's some starter stuff.
Switch has no games worth buying.
Ports of Wiiu like MK8 or BOTW
Shovelware like Arms or Bomberman
Port disguised as a sequel like Splatoon 2
Are you even trying?
SotC, Kingdom Hearts, FFX, San Andreas, MGS3, Guilty Gear, God of War, etc...
Tony Hawk, MGS, FFVII, Twisted Metal, etc...
I didn't own a PS3.
And PS4 has plenty.
Reminder that Sony fans are the ONLY ones who consistently make literal marketing charts, lists and graphs of various flavors. And they're always padded.
every FE game on the highest difficulty can be beaten without stat growth besides maybe Awakening Lunatic+, but that mode is complete bullshit anyway
>library determines whether a console was a failure
>not sales
I love me a good consolefag thread.
nice try Sony but that hat is clearly photoshopped
>multiplats and weebshit
Sony ponies are likely the ones masterbaiting themselves into a coma, not that that's a bad thing
That doesn't change what I said, you know.
>gaming console
The Switch and Xboned are also fucking shit by the way
>inb4 "it's spherical" meme
Fucking shills. Spheretards will defend anything.