Splatoon 2 – Splatfest #2 announced (flight vs. invisibility)

The next Splatfest for Splatoon 2 has been announced. In the second competition, players will be asked to choose between flight and invisibility.

This Splatfest will be taking place in both North America and Europe. We’re waiting on details for Japan at present.

The next Splatfest will run between September 1 and September 2.

Flight, naturally.

Holy shit, Pearl's going to have a good opinion for the first time!

Reminder that people who choose invisibility are perverted, nefarious people who have things to hide.

Flight has 10 times more uses than Invisibility can ever have. Prove me wrong.

Clearly invisibility to look at dem titties all day

Oh shit, this is actually a good one. I don't know what to choose.

>choosing flight when invisibility gives you so much more options

this reason:

Invisibility is only for the most faggy of faggots

Easiest choice of my life.

He didn't so good


>all these people choosing flight
fucking normies i swear

This. Invisibility is far more versatile. With flight all you can do is fly. With invisibility you can do all sorts of things.

>both of these are abilities Inklings have to some extent

Ninja Squid thats why

name 10 things you can do with invisibility

I guess i'll have to vote for invisibility. Acrophobia sucks ass

What would he choose?

Definitely flight, you can go anywhere in the world and all you have to do is disguise yourself to steal shit

Flightbros report.


does invisibility simply mean that no one can see you? or that you can also pass through walls and shit?

>choose invisibility
>get on planes for free

honestly guys the right choice is obvious


>you can go anywhere in the world
You can now.

>Pass through walls

Flying is everyone's dream
So #TeamFlight

You can enter places you wouldn't be able otherwise.
You can hide from people you don't want to talk to.
You can perform all sorts of pranks on flightfags
You can drive people insane by whispering into their ears, when they look for a source they'll see none.
You can look at them titties without being worried you'll get caught.

meh, I don't have any more, now name 10 (or at least 5 to match) flight uses

Good luck flying overseas without being able to stop to sleep or being able to carry enough food and water for the trip.

You are stupid

that's why i asked

nice counter argument flight fag

Eh. You'd just have to go plane-to-plane to find one with an empty seat, then you're set.

Why fight over the abilities, think of what we could achieve if we came together

But how fast am i flying, like a plane or supersonic jet?

>all these flight fags who don't understand any level of physics and that they would freeze without any other abilities

>oh sure flying user, let's just open the door to our pressurized cabin and let you take a seat for free while you somehow caught up to us.

How does this make any sense?

So is the invisibility based on reflecting light or influencing the minds of those that see you? Anti-memetic invisibility has a lot more potential since you wouldn't be able to be noticed even if you tried.

You'd be a better assassin,thief, you can avoid people chasing you, get out of sticky situations noticed, great for pranks, become the greatest magician ever, can probably cloak others, get information better, streaking will be the best, jet-packs won't make you obsolete

Flight so I dont have to take a car to work

No. Flying barely has any use.

Invisibility means frauds, thievery, sexual abuse.

1. Be a huge creep.
2. Basically snatch anything you want, who's gonna stop you?
3. Observe basically anything, even if it's extremely dangerous.
4. Scare the shit out of people.
5. Sneak onto planes, fuck the power of flight.
6. Kill anyone you want, if you're smart. Whether those people are good or bad is up to you.
7. Get away from it all, you can relax wherever you want, even if it's expensive. Who said you'd be paying?
8. Smack a flightfag on the head before they try to fly.
9. Live the easy life.
10. Just slip out of your old life, if that's what you want.
Now name 10 things you can do with the power of flight.

Jesus, user.

>go to airport
>walk through terminal onto plane going to place you want to go
>check to see if there's an empty seat
>if not, step back off and check the next flight

But how invisible am I, like am I translucent or completely transparent?

>No timestop
Shit fest

With flight, you can actually do amazing shit.

With invisibility, you can only be a creepy fuck that messes with people.

So naturally invisibility is the best.

>get power of flight
>go for a flight for first time
>unidentified aircraft detected
>nuclear bombs launched
>world ends
>never see 'her' naked

>get invisibility
>see 'her' naked

come on guys this shouldn't be difficult

Flight has always been my go to superpower in whatever medium, even over teleportation.

I would probably give my firstborn child to be able to fly the way they do in DBZ. The feeling of the wind on your body and just being able to see more of the world would be incredible.

you would get shot out of the sky the moment someone caught wind of you doing this

you can literally walk right past the camodudes at area 51 with invisibility

>Invisibility means frauds, thievery, sexual abuse.

>turn invisible
>sneak on plane
>flying while invisible

what now flyfags


>Literally everything for free
>Impossible to be caught for any crime you commit
>Can walk into a bank and take straight cash for whenever you need money
>Whenever you want food you can just walk into a store/fast food chain and take whatever you want
>Can make the greatest hidden cam porn OF ALL TIME


>Most likely going to be shot down by an anti air gun while flying over a no fly zone

The choice is obvious

Is this for Japan too?

>Quick Super Jump vs Stealth Jump

I'll pick whichever side my wife does. Pic related, it's my wife.

Yeah I could finally live out my life's dream of being a ghost.

Not just sneaking onto someones private jet

There was an X-files episode where a Jinn turned a dude invisible. He promptly got run over by a car that didn't see him. I can't help but feel that flight would get your ass shot down by a couple of jets scrambled after someone spotted an unidentified aircraft that hadn't filed a flight plan. I hate heights so I'd go with the mack truck bait.

>Basically snatch anything you want, who's gonna stop you?

But it just makes your body invisible according to the OP image. People will see shit floating and walking out. Unless you have huge fat flaps to shove things in or a loose anus, you'll just get away with small things.

literally who fucking cares? does this add anything whatsoever to the gameplay or is it just a dick measuring contest but for 6 year old children

stalkers, creepers, watching girls shower-ers

Heroes, saving cats from trees-ers, talking down suicidal people on the ledge-ers, explorers

It's pretty obvious this one is going to be a landslide.

Fuck this one's actually difficult

I missed splatfests. Now we got 2 weeks of intense flight vs invisibility shitposting


How are you supposed to look at titties if your eyes are invisible too?

Obviously invisibility so he would be a spooky ghost.


So sneaking money and jewels wouldn't be an issue

>get the power to fly
>get shot by a redneck or jailed by the government the first day

i don't think invisibility includes objects but i'd choose it anyway


here's a tip

look both ways

So we can agree to choose invisibility, because the kids/shitters will choose flight and will loose like last time.

Can't wait for the inevitably lewd artwork people will draw in-game for Team Invisible.

>what is thermal tracking

>put on a jacket
>can now fly at decent heights no problem

whereas you invisibility fags ACTUALLY don't understand any level of physics

>oh no I'm getting chased! better go invisible
>your clothes are still visible and your chaser shoots you in the still visible shirt

The image implies that only you become invisible, nothing else.

Flightfags have to wait for open seats while invisibros can just chill out literally anywhere on the plane.

>not a onesided fight this time

thank fuck

Too busy looking at titties man. They're worse than phones for distraction purposes.

I just want to fly so I could travel in a different way and have a better view of landscapes.
It's far more comfy than invisibility.

If you got invisibility you could actually keep that shit to yourself for the most part.

Whereas if you were a flying man soaring above traffic to get to work you'd not be able to hide your identity for long.

not an argument

>pick flight
>can't go above a certain point because it starts getting pretty fucking cold, also oxygen starts lacking, fainting because of lack of oxygen while flying would be a bad idea
>no real advantage other than getting to other places faster
>might be neat just for the ability to zoom through the air without having to use transport

>invisible, able to get out of just about any situations
>super easy to steal stuff
>very versatile, can have a lot of fun with it

why does brown octoling keep getting the best options?

1. Be a huge creep.
2. Basically snatch anything you want, who's gonna stop you?
3. Observe basically anything, even if it's extremely dangerous.
4. Scare the shit out of people.
5. Fly really fast, fuck airplanes
6. Kill anyone you want, if you're smart. Whether those people are good or bad is up to you.
7. Get away from it all, you can relax wherever you want, even if it's expensive. Who said you'd be paying?
8. Laugh at beta invisiblefags while you zoom circles around the world
9. Live the easy life.
10. Just slip out of your old life, if that's what you want.

Everything on this list can be done faster than an invisiblefag since you can fly. Invisiblefags can sneak through obstacles, while flightbros can just hover past it

Flight. Invis fags can fuck off.

No dip, that's what I meant.

Feels good man. Maybe they learned that ketchup vs. mayo was actually retarded.

Why would you wear clothes if you had invisibility powers
Why are you dumb

they don't always use it, could wear something ambiguous to mask your heat signature and/or literally kill one of the guys walking out of there to gain access

you're underestimating the benefits of inivisibility


>being a clothes-wearing normie

You'd be blind, retard. The light would pass right through your skull since there's nothing for it to reflect off of.

>whereas you invisibility fags ACTUALLY don't understand any level of physics
??? are you retarded

>You'd be blind, retard.
So I couldn't look both ways to cross the street in the first place then.

>1. Sneak into locations you otherwise could not
>2. Eavesdrop on others without being caught
>3. Perform ebin pranks
>4. Perform assassinations and never be caught
>5. Do crazy shit with it when fighting
>6. Peak up girls skirts with them unaware
>7. Molest people on trains and they will think they are crazy
>8. Obtain blackmail to use on others
>9. Run around naked while invisible
>10. Steal from pretty much anyone and anything, never having to pay a single cent again.

Invisible is the normie pick because most people dont have morals and just want free money.

Realistically speaking plain flight powers kinda suck, specially if they use stamina.

Unless you're a pervert or thief there isn't actually that much use for invisility, and realistically speaking you'd have to be naked.

>put on a jacket
Flight babies everyone

also not just stripping naked or wearing clothing that are easy to remove in a hurry