
Looks much better and you don't forcefully fill in slots or use sequels, you just choose your absolute favorites.

Other urls found in this thread:


lol op is a gay

What is with all the redditards trying to change up these threads? It's 3x3, not 4x3, not 2x2, not 800x600. Fuck off.

>SWAT 4 instead of 3

Care to explain?

Haven't played 3
No this is the superior format.

OP is a casual and can't think of 9 games.
Post 3x3

9 games is too many. You can't have nine games all competing for a close favorite, but four is more reasonable.

1x1 > alle

that's an extremely stupid thing to say

Of course I can, the problem is that your format is ugly and has no aesthetics too it, a 2x2 gives fewer games to discuss so it's more likely that people will actually have any kind of constructive criticism in these shitty XxX threads and they can spend less time on actually making their lists look good. We have a 3x3 thread like every single day and it's just people jerking off themselves for their 'superior' taste in video games not talking about other peoples lists like this > 3/5

fuck you, 9 is too few
cutting it down to nine is already near-impossible. Each one is a favourite in its own right. This one leaves out my favourite racing game (burnout 3), my favourite city sim (sim city 2000), and my favourite roguelike (nethack)

if you can't fill 9 I don't know what to tell you
maybe you just don't play enough games.

Lighten up friendo play some Kirby or something this is a depressing 2x2...jk sort of

People are gonna jerk themselves off to their taste no matter how many games they post. Plus 4 is not nearly enough to get a good idea of what someones taste is like.

> it's just people jerking off themselves for their 'superior' taste in video games not talking about other peoples lists like this > 3/5
That's not the format's fault, it's people who make the thread. Thread's where the OP say's shit like "Recommend someone their new favorite game" or "Guess they're favorite music genre" are great. Thread's where it's Just "r8 and h8" are bound to just be a circle jerk

I've never gotten the idea of that these 3x3 threads are about peoples tastes, it's about showing your favorite games and then having them criticized or praised, a way to discuss video games. From the way of how fast paced Sup Forums is as a Sup Forums board it takes far too much time to talk about multiple 3x3's constructively.

Reminder that if you have any of the folowing games in your 3x3
>any Valve game that's not Half-Life 1 or 2
>any MOBA
>any MMO
>any Persona game
>any CoD game
>any Battlefield game
>any Halo game
>any Killzone game
>any Dead Space game
>Nier Automata
>any 3D Sonic save for Generations and Colors
>any overly weabooish JRPG like Neptunia and Disgaea
>Fallout 3
>any wrestling game
>any realistic sport game (Fifa, PES etc)
>any TES that's not Daggerfall or Morrowind
>any LoZ game that came out after Twilight Princess or is on the DS and 3DS
>any Arma game
>any zombie survival game in general
>Nuclear Throne
>any Pokemon game
>any Castlevania that's not 1, 3, Rondo of Blood, SotN or Aria of Sorrow
>any God of War game
>any Spyro and Crash game that's not part of its respective PS1 trilogy
>any Witcher game
>any Souls game that's not Demon's or Dark Souls 1
>Final Fantasy X and onwards
>any MGS past 3
>Metal Gear Rising
>Doom 3
>any realistic racing game (NFS, Gran Turismo, Forza etc)
>The Last of Us
>any multiplayer FPS
>any Bioshock game
>any multiplayer oriented ARPG
>any Jak, Ratchet & Clank or Sly game
>any Batman Arkham game
>any Mass Effect game
>any GTA game
>any visual novel
>Binding of Isaac
>Super Meat Boy
>any game that has only multiplayer
>any Saints Row game
>any inFAMOUS game
>any Far Cry game
>any Mortal Kombat game
>any overly simplistic game (Tetris, Pac-Man etc)
you should refrain from posting in these threads

literally autistic

I really like the first Dead Space game. Playing through it exclusively with a plasma cutter was such a good blend of action and horror. The other games are bad though.

>>Any Ratchet & Clank game

Thanks for the input, maybe I'll give Dead Space 1 a try

Nice b8. Now gtfo.

It's good because it limits how shit your taste in games are.

That's nothing.
I really would rather use this than a 3x3, but I know very well no one would want to rate all this shit

Extremely generic taste, apply yourself

The only acceptable taste.

OP really needs to play more games if he can't make a top 9. If anything these threads need a slot for each genre.

OP is a fag for sure

Good taste user

Where's the site?


Anyway, here's my "contribution".