Imagine being the president's qt daughter and you can't seduce your knight in shining armor because of some ugly...

Imagine being the president's qt daughter and you can't seduce your knight in shining armor because of some ugly zipperhead in a red dress.

*bitch in a red dress

ballistics secured

no way fag

she will pollute Leon's bloodline

Leon is meant to settle down with a nice civilized white girl like Ashley not a rice farming mata hari



She looks like a goblin in a wig and whines like a brat. An "ugly zipperhead in a red dress" is trading up big time.

if only she had her armor outfit


This a dump thread?

t. "ape"-a big fat yellow wong

Sorry, Ashley, but you are a paperbag girl.

I don't think she's even fuckable.

The ganados and cultists didn't even bother to fuck her. They were probably so disgusted with her that they picked the bella sisters over Ashley.

Mata Hari was white though, despite her bahasa nickname

I've always wondered, what do irl girls like this do? You're not good at literally anything so you stand no chance at competition, but you're also just not attractive enough for any guy to consider you even fuckable much less deserving of his love / adoration / resources. Do you just off yourself?

Become a lesbian, become a crazy cat lady or just keep trying.

You settle for a desperate beta. Ashley is pretty much the only RE character that Sup Forums would have an actual chance with if she was real.

same what Sup Forumsfag would do? find a hobby\distraction, live without being fucked, why do you care?


Because I care about other people and try to at least imagine life through their eyes so I can make an emotional connection. No homo though

>If you find 5 bullets per "world" for your magnum you're lucky
Just fuck my shit up. I WANT TO USE THE FUCKING MAGNUM

What happened to the 'Not an hero' dlc for 7?

>That CSS
what the fuck man


Wong is from China and probably Hapa. She is no south east Asian.

Maybe he's smart enough to be the Secret Service agent who doesn't pork the presidents daughter?

I think daddy would be understanding that his hornball daughter would be infatuated with her literal savior.

I don't know, Ashley should have just date raped him without protection.

This. Imagine how painfull would be your death by the hands of angry SS agents. No pussy is worth that.

Let's be real here, some shitty SS agents wouldn't be able to kill Leon in the first place, let alone give him a slow, agonizing death.