Where does the Ratchet and Clank series go from here?
Where does the Ratchet and Clank series go from here?
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Either remake the second game or make a new one. I feel bad for Insomniac Games, because they clearly wanted to move away from the series. However, the PS4 remake was a big hit, while Fuze and Sunset Overdrive flopped hard. At least they got Spider-Man.
>they clearly wanted to move away from the series
I don't think so
from what I've heard they still have lots of material for the series and it's also very fun to work on those games (Mark Cerny hinted that working on R&C was the most fun he had in gaming)
It shouldn't be the last game, that's for sure.
If they ever plan to end of the series, which would make me very sad, it should be with Ratchet reuniting with other lombaxes, or at least seeing them.
The series had a nice run. Yeah there were some bumps in the road but I think its time to end it. One option is to graphically improve the older games, fix some of the issues they had and make a collection to sell on consoles (and pc pls)
Fuze was the product of corporate meddling, its original version looked fine
The handful of people who played sunset overdrive liked it but the market for "whacky open world TPS shit" is saturated.
Sadly insomniac high ups think Ratchet is out dated and not what current gamers want. Even though you can take the series anywhere and the devs love pushing consoles to breaking point with the world and weapon effects
>and pc pls
stay cucked
Oy. How stable is PS2 emulation in 2017?
Niggah i got my chance to play ratchet and clank games before I switched to pc. Last one I played was tools of destruction which was meh... I liked the edginess of deadlocked though.
ToD was the best game
But that's not a crack in time
Idk I just didn't appeal to me that much, like it was good but I guess back then it wasn't as good as I wanted it to be? Idk that was a long time ago
Well, they have also Resistance, which has a very loyal fanbase.
No more diminensionater plots that end with Ratchet turning down the chance to see the lombaxes. This has happened 4 times already. It's been a motif in Tools of Destruction, A Crack in Time, and Into the Nexus. Either bring them back or stop dangling it in front of Ratchet.
If you're looking to emulate the Ratchet games, get the >1.5 build of PCSX2, it fixes the infamous mipmapping issues. I've only bothered to try and run it a crappy PC, but it's mostly CPU intensive, so if you have a decent one, you should be fine.
I played the first original four in the series and watched the movie, the movie was average at best.
Is it worth picking this series up again?
furry porn on patreon
No idea. The remake was medicore representation of the original with less planets, worse music, no humor and becoming a product of mainstream media which the original was known to mock.
The remake and new movie are awful I don't care what anyone says. They completely butchered the character design.
>once you hit rock bottom
Well. You know.
The story of Resistance is absolutely finished and closed. They aren't going back there.
In a hole, in the ground.
Mipmapping is fixed but I can't get past 3 since the last giant ninja at the giant clank fight won't spawn. Don't know if that's just me though.
No but aren't you interested in the lombaxes though? Don't you want to solve this giant issue that Ratchet has been struggling with because I said so?
It is spawning. You just aren't finding it.
The movie tanked and couldn't break even on a 20 mil budget, but the game, on the other hand, was the fastest selling game in the series, topped UK sales charts and it was the second highest selling game in April, so I'd say the odds are good we'll see another game, at least.
Just do it or drop it. If they bring back the dimensionator one more fucking time, it better not be another "you can either see them or let the galaxy be destroyed" choice that is obviously not a choice for Ratchet.
In April in the US*
I tried emulating the first game yesterday and there was slow down whenever more than 3 enemies were on screen, or in open areas. This is on a i7 and 1070 at native res.
I'm thinking of just burning it and playing it on my actual ps2. Dunno what the other games are like.
That's entirely on you, tweak your settings.
It's on PS3 as well.
I tried messing with them more than a dozen times, if you wanna give your settings I'd be happy to try them and report back.
I thought the movie was good
but then again i've never played the games before
>emulating when you own the original hardware.
For what purpose?
I hope they don't continue the story from the remake, besides the graphics and the gameplay (which existed before in the future trilogy), the Remake is inferior to the original in almost every way.
Let it die rather than make more of these soulless remakes.
Each new game is largely an original story. They don't need to work to hard to keep things fresh since the series is so fantastical, too.
autism but great video
lost to the realm of endless furry porn
Ratchet is cute.
It's a shame they didn't continue the funny naming conventions set by the 2nd and 3rd game.
>Up Your Arsenal
Freaking genious title.
Pretty sure crack in time was pitched in house as "clock blockers".Obviously Sony had an issue with that.
Back in the box because Sony didn't make shit off the reboot double feature.
Well high impact games did "Size Matters". Maybe QFB but I don't think so.
Same with "4play" and "Multiple Organisms" for All 4 One
>that one cuck joke two fongoids make in CIT
>completely flew by me first time
>mfw hearing it on challenge mode
It had a stellar run, and ACiT was a fitting ending to the series. Just show up to occasional party game/crossover.
either new game or a butchering of the original trilogy
Probably time to end the series. The series used to be known for having cool unique guns and all we get now is blaster-shotgun-gravity bomb clone rehashes. It's obvious Sony is ruining everything they touch right now, keep Ratchet on the downlow until it's ripe for a nostalgia trip.
Knowing Sony though there's a new one on the way with Funny Nefarious once a-fucking-gain
It doesn't, now give us Ape Escape 4.
probably either a remake of the 2nd game or a sequel to into the Nexus. the PS4 game sold well. so there might be another one coming very soon.
my favorite one was Up your Arsenal.
did you know that one of the names R&C: into the nexus was going to be Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nether Regions at one point.
Either you reboot the whole series or you continue where Into The Nexus left off. I hope for the continuation. I didn't like the character developement in the reboot.
The kids LOVE their social medias!
ps3 ps2 emulation makes pcsx2 look perfect
>Kill off the Warbots