Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Reminds me of game of thrones
Reminder they are /ourguys/
I hate when people get confused about this and think cucked CD Projekt Red said this. They would never do something like that because their game and audience is as liberal as it gets.
From the very first reveal of this game I knew the facial animations and lip syncing was gunna suck and turn me off.
Yeah I mean honestly there are enough games with stupid diversity it's perfectly fine to have a historically accurate game like this one.
>playing a good game for graphics
Come on.
This, and I'm only 1/3 white.
>that voice acting
Hopefully there's a separate slider for speech volume.
I can't wait for modders to insert Martin Lawrence models into the game.
I really like the lightning in this game.
I don't understand what's so wrong with diversity. Is your game experience ruined by having a black person in it? Did you refuse to play Skyrim or Oblivion because of MUH REDGUARDS?
Black people exist. Gay people exist. Muslim people exist. If you get so triggered that you can't deal with a video game containing them, maybe you should stay in your safe space on r/the_donald or Sup Forums.
>witcher 2.5
>kickstarter edition
no thanks for the scam
It's forced and doesn't feel natural
It's like that token black guy in sitcoms
>It's forced and doesn't feel natural
That literally doesn't mean a thing.
>It's like that token black guy in sitcoms
So a black guy on TV triggers you. When you see black people in real life, do they also seem like unnatural tokens? Do they trigger you?
It's ok to have gay and black characters when the setting allows for it. There were no black people on Bohemia. Being gay used to get you killed, at best.
It breaks the immersion because it's not historically accurate.
Because it's always forced as fuck? Same with gay/tranny NPCs.
Nevermind, go back to wherever you came from.
>It's ok to have gay and black characters when the setting allows for it.
It's a video game. By definition, the setting allows for it.
>There were no black people on Bohemia.
Care to prove that?
>Being gay used to get you killed, at best.
There are literally hundreds of attested cases of gays in medieval Europe. There were gay kings, gay popes, gay poets who wrote gay poetry. Homosexuality was encouraged among Catholic clergy.
I'm sorry. Did I trigger you?
You understand there's a difference between reality and fiction, right?
ill wait for mordhau
>It breaks the immersion because it's not historically accurate.
Because you know so much about the history 15th century Bohemia.
Yes, I do. But apprently you don't since you believe that video games are literal reality.
>It's a video game. By definition, the setting allows for it.
My sides. Kindly kill yourself.
So its like the Witcher 3 but less interesting and no magick?
>every medieval game is TW3 now
There were no niggers in 15th century Bohemia
Will it allow sex mods. Can't have a medieval game without plowing whores
Isn't this game the one being made by some racist guy? I heard he said something like black people don't belong in Europe.
Does the game or the story benefits for having a black guy in it? If not why should the studio bother with making another character model and hire another actor, because next you'll demand that a black voice actor do the voice for a black character.
There might have been a black guy in 15 century Bohemia but would his presence in the country warrant someone to write about him? Out of the many texts and painting not a single mention of that lone black guy appeared so people aren't wrong in thinking that there was no black guy in the damn place. Give proof that there was in fact black people and maybe then history might be up for revision but until then the notion of "no black people in the country" is right.
>mars isn't that far from earth, an earthling could have made the trek.
Forced diversity often comes across as silly for the wrong reasons
Shut up retard.
I played the demo of this game since I backed it but it's really far from being finished. Combats feel clunky.
>that facial animation
Dropped so hard.
The point is that there aren't supposed to be Africans in 13th century Europe, unless they're travelling Moors bringing spices or some shit.
The dev is 100% correct but being an insufferable racist is retarded, just stick to your opinion and portray your country well.
>but being an insufferable racist
I retract this comment, he isn't being racist at all, he's just saying there were no Moors in Bohemia and he's right. Only people calling him racist are dumbass alt-left.
t. Mixed race Jewish guy living in England
but whats wrong with not having diversity, is your game experience ruined by not having black people in it?
but moors arent black
Looks a bit rough around the edges, especially the facial animations
This, it is wrong for a FIFA game not to have NBA players?
I could fart out a more original story.
The only reason people care about this game is because of the combat; the trailer should show that first and foremost. Not some fuckass story that nobody cares about.
>Was pretty hyped by this game before watching the trailer
The voice acting is abysmal. And why do they all sound British?
The voice acting is mixed really strangely.
>fuckass story that nobody cares about.
The journos do, and it's the only thing they seem to review and want.
Yeah go ask Sweden how "diversity" is working out for them. Here's a hint, Sweden is now the rape capital of Europe for white women.
>there aren't supposed to be Africans in 13th century Europe
It's clearly late 14th to early 15th century Europe though.
>Sweden is now the rape capital of Europe for white women.
Sweden has crazy rape laws though. Even looking at a woman the wrong way counts as rape there.
>mfw Spain, Barcelona right now
> haha andromeda xD my face is tired xxxxxx---------DDDDDDDDDD
> but it's okay when polaks do that
I always see swedecucks use this as though its some sort of defense. That just further proves how fucked your dystopian feminist country is.
In some cases, yeah. For example - when games are set in the middle east, the MC is supposedly middle eastern, but he speaks english with an american accent.
Assassin's Creed 1
>I was a century off
Point still stands my african-american friend
with butterlord not coming out any time soon i may have to at least consider other options
Means shit when it's not actively enforced, a woman can scream rape but the court will not judge a Somalian guilty. A Swedish man though, he'll get ten years.
Sadly the voice acting is just terrible. None of the characters fit their voices, there's a hodgepodge mix of European and British and there's even a fucking American in there. I've been spoilt by the animation work of Witcher 3 and can put up with non-perfect lip-sync, but the voices seem like it is a rushed dub. I know they're Polish and probably have it in Polish but come on.
>it's okay when polaks do that
Except nobody is excusing how shit this looks.
Weren't they going to develop an RPG? What's up with the main character talking on his own all the time?
Warhorse studio is a brand new development studio funded by Kikestarter. The fact it's actually being made should be good enough. Bioware is a multimillion dollar company backed by EA, a multimillion dollar publisher. They have no fucking excuse.
Also pretty much everybody is shitting on it but they don't really care; I certainly don't. I want it for the gameplay, not pretty stuff. If I want pretty, I'll do Witcher 3, if I want gameplay, this is probably better.
>console release
nah. back to neogaf you faggots.
Cool, a new Dark Souls rip off. Yay, I can't wait to play such an original game.
Looking at some of the alpha footage, everything except the combat looks pretty bad, voice acting is worse than a bethesda game and the technical aspects are pretty janky, especially concerning the animations and AI.
Combat seems to be the focus but that alone won't be able to carry a gorillion hours long story-driven RPG.
Man that's lazy shitposting.
Where is blacks? And women wielding swords?
>Yes, I do. But apparently you don't since you believe that video games are literal reality.
That was a good one.
Why does a character have to be a benefit to the story/game if he's black? Does being white benefit the story? Crying about historical accuracy in a fictional game is silly, it's not taking anything away from the actual game.
>game's going for historically correct medieval setting
>no dragons
>no magic
>lots of research and consulting with historians and focus on accuracy
>why don't you include black people that just WEREN'T THERE for diversity's sake
Gee I wonder.
Finally a video game protagonist with my name!
>Why does a character have to be a benefit to the story/game if he's black?
Why a white couldn't do the job if he doesn't bring anything to the story.
>Does being white benefit the story?
Does being black benefit the story?
>Crying about historical accuracy in a fictional game is silly, it's not taking anything away from the actual game.
Why historical inaccuracy would be important in a fictional game, it's not adding anything to the actual game?
I'm hoping the gameplay's good. the setting looks pretty comfy, I want to see more historical RPGs
that was cringey as fuck desu
i know that's a reddit word, but there's other way to describe it.