Who else excited for the stronghold 2 steam edition!??
Who else excited for the stronghold 2 steam edition!??
No one.
that Sim campaign was very comfy
not a single person
> Who else is excited for my game nobody ever heard of
Typical pc cucks with their trash indie obscure games
Stronghold Crusader remains the best so whom cares
this. it's getting pathetic at this point
never heard of it, who cares about this obscure indie series
go back to tumblr
Tried playing it. Looks like shit and feels like it too. Thankfully I can play the new stronghold 2 soon
why do you post here then?
leave the thread to the people who do care.
dumb nigger
as you can see, nobody cares actually, you can be happy that you get some Chads to bump your shit
this isn't a safe space, tumblr tard
Is it better or worse than Crusade HD?
>Le first day on chan xDDD
not a safe space for you to hide from games you don't recognize, either
Is it a new stronghold game or just some sort of remaster thing?
People like GTA, Overwatch, PUBG, Call Of, Battlefield
We don't give a shit about your trash looking crap for autists and stupid people
I can't even tell if this is just "ironic" shitposting or if this board is that far gone
>19 posts 11 posters
> if this board is that far gone
Honestly, you will have way more interesting and clever video games thread on /r/eddit.
Sup Forums has become a place where people don't know shit about vidya and just want to "hate" to think they are part of a cool secret club.
indie games are garbage
Now I get it. The guy shitting up this thread is a redditor trying to advertise.
new stronghold game, coming to ps4 too
Thumbs up if anyone else here from reddit XDDD
BTW shit thread anyone play the neww black cocks?
I liked the first game a lot better than Stronghold Crusader, if this game is worth it then I'll certainly pick it up as long as I don't have to chase Arabs around so they don't kill my peasants
You name is so cool bro XD
Now kys you tryhard faggot.
Stronghold > Age of empires
Fight me
meh. could be okay then. original was pretty fun back whenever it was released. tried it again some months ago, but it felt too dated. don't remember if it was the controls or ui or what.
That's unfortunate user, they're still great relax games. I guess if you never stop playing games from an era you can't get spoiled for graphics
>le stupid indie obscure game xddd
Do people even look up what they trash talk now adays?
Food stocks are dwindling my liege
Didn't they already remaster Stronghold Legends for steam?
naah the graphics were fine. there was just something that bugged me or i just didn't bother to re learn the game
Hope they increase the population limit. No excuse if it's being remastered. Stupid only having 104 peasants.
Yeah but it's not as popular. Multiplayer is dead sadly.
I liked Strokhold 2 but honestly it was bad.
I wish they made a new one...
The only good Stronghold was the first game and after that they only released bugged and dumbed down, flawed garbage.
empire earth
3D stronghold is garbage unfortunately.
Stronghold 2 was fun as fuck but shit like law and order ruined it because the AI didn't get criminals or rats or gong.
Stronghold crusader>Stronghold>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Stronghold crusader 2>everything else
my feelings about it is that er wud stocks er too loow soire
the stronghold sequels after crusader being trash is a damn shame, especially since it's one of the only old strategy franchises that's still around
When is it coming out?
The other faggot is lying to you, it's just a remaster of Stronghold 2.
They remastered Legends (the fantasy spinoff of 2) couple months back and promised that 2 was next. Supposed to come out today or something.
AoE2>Stronghold>Age of Mythology>Aoe3>AoE1>Stronghold2>>>>>>Stronghold3