Based Turks explaining why Mount2 doesn't have release date

We have not disclosed a release date so far because it does not exist. We don’t work like that. We are not a company who sets a timeline to release a product and then works to meet that deadline. We are TaleWorlds Entertainment: we create games because we love making them, and we want them to be the best games that we can possibly make. We think that our fans don’t deserve less than our best efforts, our total commitment. We don’t believe in releasing a game before it is ready just because we might miss the hype.

“But all these companies give a release date – why don’t you?” We respect every approach, of course; we are not saying that if a company announces a release date then they are not trying their best to develop a great game. It’s just that every company has a different philosophy and a different set of circumstances. For example, some companies have publishers, shareholders, investors and owners who press for a release date, even if it means cutting content from a game.

We are not in that situation, and creating the best game we possibly can is the most important thing to us. With that in mind, why limit ourselves with a release date if no one is pushing us to do so? And how would setting a date and then pushing it back further and further be better than not giving a date we are not sure about?


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Because real devs have publishers who don't like their money being fucked around.

shut the fuck up with your dumb antagonizing ass

they are right

>pajeets works for bethesda

real man.

also triggered me , game has publisher you idiot. but a not jew one

>and we want them to be the best games that we can possibly make. We think that our fans don’t deserve less than our best efforts, our total commitment. We don’t believe in releasing a game before it is ready just because we might miss the hype.
So this is a change from what they did before?

Lol ummm sweety, you got that mixed up backwards try again kiddo

So the game has been pushed to 2018, hasn't it?


try 2023


try 2077

>we create games because we love making them, and we want them to be the best games that we can possibly make. We think that our fans don’t deserve less than our best efforts, our total commitment. We don’t believe in releasing a game before it is ready just because we might miss the hype.
>releases With Fire & Sword



try never.

its not developed by main team


>Mount & Blade CYBERPUNK edition 2077
I'd buy that.

>We are TaleWorlds Entertainment: we create games because we love making them, and we want them to be the best games that we can possibly make. We think that our fans don’t deserve less than our best efforts, our total commitment. We don’t believe in releasing a game before it is ready just because we might miss the hype.
What the fuck?



>anons will die before playing this game

>We are TaleWorlds Entertainment: we create games because we love making them, and we want them to be the best games that we can possibly make

The best game they could possibly make is Mount and Blade games, in which the biggest positive is how mod friendly it is because vainilla fucking sucks? Ok then.

Will this come out before Overgrowth?

Mountain blade flag captain will be an august 2018 release.
Screen cap this post.

Nice. Too bad it will be a consolised game regardless.

Turks were a mistake

>''Lol it's never coming out thanks for the money from Warband boys!''

How does their Community Manager get away with this?

Fire & Sword was a mod Paradox decided to buy out and shit for a quick buck like all the other Warband DLC. Is Bannerlord even going to be published by Paradox this time? I sure hope not.

It worked for 3D Realms, right? Oh wait...

I don't think the devs behind Bannerlord are constantly scraping the game and starting all over again whenever a new gimmick that's kinda popular comes out.

>Based T*rks

desu I'd rather have a date that's constantly being pushed back instead of just being left in the dark

>falling for this blunder

They have no release date because they realized that Bannerlord is literally Warband, but with a graphical overhaul.
Now they are trying to add actual new features and are stuck in development hell.

Bannerlords should be pulled off from steam. Enough of this bullshit.

Bannerlord has had more features since the very fist gameplay showing

Actually it was. Read up on this. Your post is ultra ironic.

Give me a source and I will.


That's not a source that's a search engine. Either give me a source or get sucked off like the fag you are.

They are right.

>this much blatant falseflagging
Go to bed, Mehmet.

>""""""""'europeans"""""""" like Slavs and Kebabs are the only game devs not plagued by SJWs and retarded publishers
The absolute STATE of Western game industry.

it doesnt even release for consoles

how retard are you

>ree spoonfeed me
Fuck off and lurk more.

Fire and Sword was LITERALLY a mod that Parajew bought rights to and published as paid product, Taleworlds had nothing to do with it.
I bet you think the Napoleon and Viking DLCs for Warband are also official products and not paid mods huh?

>justifying your love for Japanese games on an anonymous Japanese sushi rolling board

It's okay to like Japanese games more than Western games, we won't tell anyone.

sure also do you want them to replace with BETHESDA PRESENTS "FALLOUT4 buy again edition"?

How are Slavs not European?


Slavs are definitely European. Even kebabs can be considered very close to us, as the Middle East laid the foundations that the Greeks used to create the West.

No, I want to have a release day. Games are put on steam to get sold, not stay in eternal development comatosis. If it's not being released for few years then they should fuck off from steam.

user pls keep those reasonable opinions for yourself or else you might awake the Sup Forums


I just dont like people denying history. They are right about nignogs achieving nothing, but we must not deny that Egypt and the Middle East are our forefathers of sorts.

Have you seen pc gaming E3 footage? Lmao its fucking awful, blurry, horrible fps drops. Game is not even close to being finished.

it's way better like this, even many triple a games release in an early access state while charging full price, it's getting pretty bad. Just look at Andromeda, FFXV or SFV

>Lmao its fucking awful

opinion invalid
go back to you normalfaggot

I don't like your opinion... thats why I have to do this...



>console release
>not the highest normalfaggotry
time to fuck off back to your shithole neogaf normalfag.

Sounds alot like the shit Star Citizen fans get fed.

holy shit a honest developer telling it like it is without bullshitting their audience?
what timeline is this?

that means they don't care about marketing cycles and would be happy to release the game in January or May

except people didn't donate them hundreds of millions of dollars, so they have no incentive to "bullshit" like those hack frauds

Nah man. This isn't obvious pr damage control, but a heart to heart from the developers. They just care too much.

The Eastern European timeline.

Underated post

>game is in development hell
>here is some made up bullshit about our work ethics so that our fanboys don't forget we exist

Back in the day I thought 3DRealms were cool when they said Duke Nukem Forever would come out "when it's done", look how that turned out.

That's right goyim,now hurry up and make me money

yeah because you can keep a game in the oven for years and years without running into founding problems i totally believe that...

>*it goes straight through my body*
>*reveals my sharingan*
Heh, thought you would have learned by now kid.

whatever before 2030 is ok in my book

>tfw I've been waiting for a vidya but I've found calm, patience and modesty which I could never know that exist

nah I worked with Turks
they are too fucking comfy in their chains and they work like turtles to the point that you would finish your model while they are still working on the skeleton.

>We have not disclosed a release date so far because it does not exist. We don’t work like that. We are not a company who sets a timeline to release a product and then works to meet that deadline.
That's basically the same thing Star Citizen is doing.

Having said all that, we understand that some of you might fear that we are abandoning the game or that we are stuck in development hell. We can assure you that that is not the case: we have of course made our share of mistakes and false starts which have added to development time, but not more than what could be expected from a project of this scale.

Why so many years then? Well, the main reason is the size of the game. Bannerlord has a huge sandbox campaign which contains a number of different features that players can experience and enjoy. This includes, but is not limited to: fief and kingdom management, a deep trading system, a diplomacy and relationship system, and epic battles with hundreds of on-screen combatants that the player can command. Then there’s the multiplayer aspect of the game, featuring a matchmaking system for the first time in the Mount & Blade series, which lets players test their combat and tactical skills against players from all over the world. We are also working on ways to support our fantastic modding community by making the game as highly moddable as possible. Five years is actually not that long for the development of a game which encompasses as much as Bannerlord does. There are a lot of fundamental tech and architecture changes compared to Warband: it’s more complex than just adding some new textures and animations. It involves the technology, such as the new engine we built from scratch, but also the system, the mechanics – this is about balancing the invisible, the look and feel of the gameplay.

This is why we have not announced a release date, and why we won’t do it at Gamescom either. And these are the reasons why we think

god bless having no publisher

They are keeping the game hostage for when erdogan turns turkey into a totalitarian state so that they can defect to the west.

Star Citizen is taking millions from people by promising things that don't exist. Bannerlord is not being sold yet.

When you're not bound by a publisher's bullshit, you can do whatever you want instead of releasing broken ass games in an attempt to meet meme deadlines like 11.11.11.

kinda like valve huh.

how so
valve doesn't make games

God damn it. Will this cancer ever be stopped?

oh ho you missed their latest " game " annoucement then

At this point I'm just worried that it won't get out before it's stopped by officials of Edrogan's new caliphate for not being islamic

That didn't stop CDPR from releasing a broken ass game in 2015 that had more bugs and glitches on release than meme game from 11.11.11.

I don't see TaleWorlds sitting on a fatass pile of Steam transaction cuts, so unlike Valve they have every reason to keep making games.

Warband released in 2010. Valve released Portal 2 and dota 2 since then. Taleworlds has sold some fan mods.

Face it. Your turks are even flakier than Valve when it comes to making games.


relax, there is nothing wrong with matchmaking

its not like they are removing server list or shit.

>considering a card game a game

I think so. I believe they released the Viking Expansion a couple years back before it was ready and it was pretty buggy. I believe it had negative reviews on steam for a couple months before they patched it

>poker isnt a game

I've gone through so many phases of getting excited for Bannerlord to varying degrees and starting up new Warband campaigns that I hardly feel anything when I see stuff like this pop up.

I just want to play Bannerlord.

>card game
>a game of cards

Well I still can't fucking conquer the first game without being gang bang by sea raiders so I can wait.

>mfw all the anons swallowing this with a smile

Are you guys for real? Release dates, deadlines, these are things that keep a workforce in check. They are pillars of integrity. I want bannerlord as much as every other faggot but come on. They are slapping their dicks on your faces and you are saying THANK YOU.

there's nothing you can do

So they're delaying a game that is basically just Warband with a texture pack and minigames. TAKE MY MONEY

>They are slapping their dicks on your faces
nothing wrong with this though

There is no one to keep them in check. They can do whatever they want and this is what they choose to do.

This coming from the dev that released the incredibly buggy and unfinished original M&B?


So what mod is that, Floris? I haven't kept up with it.