Fuck sake
>tfw if it wasn't for this and awful battery life this would be your favourite controller
Fuck sake
>tfw if it wasn't for this and awful battery life this would be your favourite controller
Other urls found in this thread:
>he doesnt have the newer model
Use caps, the rubber on the early ones is really crappy.
awful battery life and it is the only controller ive ever had that starts falling apart from normal use
honestly the worst controller for a console ive ever owned, fitting for the worst console ive ever owned
>people bought a console with this piece of shit controller
You can only blame yourselves.
The new model has this problem too. It has happened to me twice.
Replace the shitty DS4 joysticks with xbox one joysticks.
What the fuck are you spergs doing with your controllers? This has literally NEVER happened to me.
Take care of your shit and cut your fucking nails, god.
Shit battery
Feels cheap as fuck
Stupid fucking LED
Stupid fucking touchpad
Shit joy placement
Absolute SHIT triggers.
Xbox normal or elite any day of the week.
Stop sperging at your controller. My launch controller doesn't look like this.
lol what, i literally still have my launch dualshock (although I use a newer one cause batterylife) and it still has perfectly fine sticks
why are you digging your nails into the joysticks, fucking autists
so you don't play videogames?
nah i have two and religiously cut my nails AND barely play my ps4 (maybe 10 hours a week) and BOTH have this
xbox controller does absolutely shit on all other controllers but too bad there's nothing to play :/
>Thumb keeps slipping on the DS4's left stick
>Rubber peels off
>Expecting controlling the camera to be a god damn nightmare
>mfw it feels 100 times better
Don't be a fool. Truly you're not suggesting that if I play with the control, it gets destroyed? Just doesn't happen.
I can't imagine what you're doing. Do you play really intensive fighting games and push on the sticks with all your might?
This happened to the one I got with the console, but my newer one hasn't had this problem after three years of fairly extensive use.
I just want to use my elite on all consoles ;_;
This is a known fault in the controllers, Sony addressed it with the new ones.
I have 600+ hours in bloodborne, 250+ in let it die, platted nioh and play a whole bunch of other shit without being even close to this.
It looks like you fucking bit it off so you could shitpost here about it. What's wrong with you?
I mean jesus, if that's not a bite mark than what the fuck is it?
A known fault for autistic children maybe. Treat your things better, is all I'm saying. Treat it as a lifehack.
Rubber wears out. Deal with it. Dont be a dumb ass. DS3-4 both have terrible joystick designs. Everyone should do themselves a favor and replace them with better ones. Buy some xbox one joysticks off amazon. Be happy with superior comfort.
It's all just Nintendo smear campaign since they can't compete with Sony on a hardware and software level, they make up lies so people would reconsider when choosing a console. I had my controller for over 2 years, I've abused it, I've thrown it, dropped it, stepped on it and not only does it still work flawlessly, it doesn't even have a single scratch on it. It's just one of many lies a large inferior company makes up in order to attempt to compete. My favourite is the last one they came up with, the PS4 attracts cockroaches. It doesn't even make sense, but they're desperate I guess, gotta try everything they can.
Too cheap to buy replacement sticks? Just peel the rubber off, its better without it anyway.
I've played for hundered of hours and the only thing wrong with the joysticks are that they are slightly looser. When I played xbox 360 the joysticks would get really loose, off center, and wouldn't register very well while pushing them in a certain directions.
>ps4 controller starts to have a deadzone right at the top of the left thimbstick
>new ones are 100 fucking dollaridoos
It's between that, the Switch Pro and the Wii U Pro controller for me.
playstation controllers have always been the worst of the generation. Not that everything is bad about them. the rechargeable battery in the ps3 and ps4 controllers is far better than AAs and the pairing by connecting a usb cable is good, but the controller themselves are dreadful.
The ps4 one is the best playstation controller, but fuck me they phoned it in on the build quality. And the fucking touchpad is braindead retarded.
Actually senpai, I live in a pre-war NYC building. Beautiful renovated apartment, but if you don't set traps near them, during the humid seasons they WILL get in your PS4.
But my controllers have always been pristine. You sound crazy.
Stop moving the analog with your finger nails or cut your damn nails.
I've had my same two ps4 controllers for nearly 4 years now and I have yet to rip that shit off the analog.
>Rubber wears out. Deal with it. Dont be a dumb ass.
I played over a 1000 hours on my piss4 with it, and it's as good as new. Not too mention the hundreds of hours I used it on my peecee, at least 300 (50+ from hollow knight, 50+ risk of rain, 100+ dark souls, 80+ dark souls 3, 50+ enter the gungeon, 30+ metal gear rising. Bought it on fucking launch day too. You know you're not supposed to put it in your mouth right?
This all still doesn't answer my question, what the fuck is that mark? Was I right when I assumed it was a teeth mark from biting that shit off?
I have no fucking clue how that shit could happen naturally, you fucking bit it off, end of discussion.
As poor as the battery life is (seriously, my platinum headset lasts far longer than it), the recharge time is blazing fast. Mine can go from 0 to full in just under an hour.
>Didnt happen to me, OP must misuse their things.
Youre an idiot.
>shit battery
>feels cheap as fuck
The fuck? The buttons and weight of the controller feels great. Not sure what you're talking about.
>stupid fucking LED
I can get that
>stupid fucking touch pad
You literally never use it and it doesn't get in the way.
>Shit joy placement
>absolute SHIT triggers
Better than the 360's
>Didnt happen to me, OP must misuse their things.
Yes that's exactly what's going on. Maybe your piss face can tell me what the fuck those marks are?
Come on faggot, tell me he didn't chew on it like it's his dad's misformed tit.
This happens when you play a lot of FPS games and games that constantly use L3 for sprinting.
What pisses me off more is the awful bluetooth connectivity. Nothing quite like losing control at critical moments because your finger got in the way.
>playing fps on console
I think yours is broken.
Better than playing on PC where half the players are using some sort of aimbot.
Yea, I'm on 4th PS4 controller already. I went through like 7 or 8 on my PS3 but that was mainly because my first three were the shitty Sixaxis controllers.
No it doesn't, this has literally NEVER happened to any of my controllers in my fucking life. Stop lying, stop pretending.
Fat fucks so hungry they eat their fucking controllers.
>Having shit tastes in controllers
Steam Controller+WiiU Pro is the masterrace and you retards still try to push the Xbone controller (god help me sometimes even the fucking ELITE), the DS4, and the Switch Pro because they're readily available and conform to your brand loyalties.
Sup Forums might have the most retarded opinions about controllers out of any gaming forum on the internet. The amount of autistic importance you place on stick placement of all goddamn things when it's effectively cosmetic (and you don't even argue for the only stick placement that almost has something unique going for it).
Sup Forums talking about controllers makes my fucking blood boil.
>WiiU Pro
>Steam controller
This is bait
you can buy a pair of caps for 2$
I wish it had the Vita's d-pad because the current one is squishy mushy garbage
>have to buy $2 trigger attachments for DS3
>have to buy $2 stick caps for DS4
Why can't they just make a controller that isn't shit?
You guys are retarded. Maybe the Pro model has a better controller. The battery life on mine is fantastic. And it actually came with a charging cable that is a decent length, locks into the controller nicely unlike my xbone where the mini usb port is already bent up since I'm not going to waste AA batteries on 2 hours of gameplay.
Why can't you keep your controller out of your mouth?
Do you live in some assbackwards country? They're 40-65 dollars in Clapistan.
Nah mate, the PS4 controller feels terrible in my hands... Thumbs keep slipping and hitting either the TouchPad in the center or the PS button whenever I try using the analog sticks.
>I never got cancer so it doesn't happen
Then you don't play many games or you're a pussy handed freak. Controllers getting worn down isn't unheard when people play games require constant analog stick motion.
Don't be a faggot.
>Steam Controller+WiiU Pro is the masterrace
>because they're readily available and conform to your brand loyalties
The ironing.
I have literally never had this happen, and I've been a shameless sonybro since 1997.
>biological diseases are equal to physical products
WiiU Pro is far and away the best traditional controller design and the Steam Controller is god tier which you'd know if you didn't get your opinions from youtubers. WiiU pro is for falling back on when the Steam Controller won't work well for something like a 2D game.
Valve is shit, I buy all my games through other services/piracy and run them as non steam games. Steam Controller is the only thing Valve has gotten right for about half a decade and Nintendo's clearly not the same company that the used to be.
Try to git gud, maybe it wont seem like this to you anymore. On consoles 95%of players are complete retards. Add the bad controlls because of input device and you have a huge fucking clownfiesta. On pc on the other hand you might meet decent people with decent equipment quite often and they will shit on console-noobs. It is what it is.
still better than shelling out 50$ for another xbox controller if you bought the launch model with fucked up lb-rb buttons
Any controller with a dedicated "social media" button will always be shit as far as I'm concerned.
It's been years and I still occasionally hit it mistaking it for some kind of select button.
He is obviously from straya mate
So basically every keyboard because it has Print Screen?
Because that's what SHARE does.
>Print screen actually doing anything other than quietly saving a screenshot of your screen to be copy pasted
t. steamcuck
>Try to git gud
>This will remove all the wallhacking fags one shotting you from across the map through the walls
yeah sure buddy
>as opposed to on console where literally everyone has aimbot
how to tell a console pleb has never played on PC, the post
>Steam Controller
>brand loyalties
steam controller is the most brand loyal since it needs to launch with embedded bloatware and drm to work
>he actually thinks hacks are that common
Double battery life, enjoy.
>not having back up controllers
>Comparing a keyboard to a controller
Stop being an idiot. Have you ever looked into this issue beyond this thread? Anyone that has had this problem with their DS4, its always on the left stick. Its wear and tear on the material they used. Didnt happen to you? Great, keep on using your controller. Be happy. For anyone this does happen to, buy replacement sticks of better quality. DS4 sticks are gross, the material is just plain uncomfortable.
they're probably greasy cavemen, but even still there's no reason why they couldn't buy some thumbstick caps for less than a dollar
There are so many better BT speakers out there.
You can add non steam games to steam. And there's programs to use it without steam entirely.
>aim assist
>helping anyone in a non hitscan fps ever
If anything aim assist only makes it harder. Also, it's much easier to aim with a m/kb than with a controller with aim assist.
The only fps I play is BF4 and hacks were ruining it for me on PC so I got it on PS4 and never went back. Also, the servers are more populated. Both platforms are filled with shitters though but it's still fun to play specially when there are no hackers around shooting through the walls.
I actually like controllers that use AA batteries. They are dirt cheap and when they go dead I just pop in a new set instead of chaining the controller to a USB cable while it charges.
I don't have to worry about replacing a built in battery either, but that's normally pretty easy to do with controllers.
It's still my favorite controller. Nothing on my 3 DS4s has broken.
>His backup controller isn't a dinged up 360 pad because it's guaranteed to work in pretty much every controller game ever and they last for ages
I have like 50+ hours in Yakuza 0 alone and I'm just barely past the halfway point.
Battery life is shit, but i don't know how the fuck you manage to do that to your thumbsticks, I still have the two controllers I bought with the console back in 2014 that still work good enough to not warrant replacements.
Hmm, is this whats wrong with my xbox one controller? The left bumper works very inconsistently. Most notably when using it for "boost" in rocket league.
>since I'm not going to waste AA batteries on 2 hours of gameplay
Have you actually tried it dude? Those AAs will outlast your DS4s battery life dozensfold
I've got 3 DS4s (white, black, and anniversary colors) and an Xbone Elite controller (4 year warranty). I also have a Steam Controller.
DS4 is my favorite.
>50+ in a single game
Hey we got a truly hardcore gamer right here boys. WOW!
do you have the launch model?
>retarded meme spouting
not an argument
These tastes good god.
I got it for free with my phone years ago
My battery life is fine and my thumbpads are in OG condition.
You can also mod it to have a phone battery so it outlives wiiu controllers but I'm not a retard who throws an autistic fit because he has to use an micro USB cable to charge meanwhile some 5 year old girl in taiwan can play with the wiiu one without plugging it in
You must be buying shit tier AAs then. I'm still using the rechargeable AAs I got a couple of years ago, and I get a good 7+ hours of gameplay out of my Xbox One controller on a single charge.
I also have a Wii U pad, a Wii U pro, 3 DS3s, and a bunch of Wii motes connected to Classic Pros.
And I don't care if you don't like what I like.
Considering I bought the controller around the time they were for sale, yes.
>not using a wired 360 controller
imagine being that fucking dense
does it have a jack port?
>Shit battery
Battery lasts like 6-8 hours, can mod it to last for aeons longer than wiiu. Git gud or are you really so retarded you can't use a screwdriver and soldering iron?
>Feels cheap as fuck
confirmed to never had held it
>Stupid fucking LED
confirmed to being le ebin Sup Forums echo box parrot, it is a useful battery indicator and nothing else
>Stupid fucking touchpad
confirmed to be consolecuck
>Shit joy placement
confirmed to have never held it
>Absolute SHIT triggers.
confirmed to have never held it
I like ds4 a lot and I use it for PC.
It has great triggers which work well in racing games and touchpad is god tier for pc usage.
Its as if they wanted to make a top tier pc controller but accidentally put it in the ps4 box.
try not being a ham planet with your controller, mines an original model and has no signs of wearing out at all..
You realize that there's a setting in Options that does exactly that, right?
You press it, it silently (depending on your notification settings) saves a screen shot.
Hm, would have to check. Youre talking about the headphone jack, which is only on the newer models?
steam screenshots are the F12 key by default