>teammate asks for healing
>heal him from critical all the way to full health
>fucker doesn't thank me, pretends I don't exist
>spend the rest of the match "pretending he doesn't exist" too
Are healers the most thankless role in gaming?
>teammate asks for healing
>heal him from critical all the way to full health
>fucker doesn't thank me, pretends I don't exist
>spend the rest of the match "pretending he doesn't exist" too
Are healers the most thankless role in gaming?
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You mean he never went to you for healing the rest of the match or just didn't defend you? Remember that people won't always protect you, especially when I play as Mercy. I just heal anyways, don't matter to me. I just heal like I'm supposed to and don't expect stuff in return.
What the fuck did you expect him to do
Shoot you? Emote at you in the middle of a match?
Fucking moron healers think every other class in the game has nothing better to do than suck their dick. Shut the fuck up, and heal if you want your team to win.
It's like holding the door for someone and that person never thanking or even acknowledging you. Eventually you just stop.
True, I have lost games where I kept dying and they never protected me those matches, makes me kind of angry to think we would have won if they protected me.
>play healer
>get flanked by tracer/genji/doomfist constantly
>team never does anything about it
>"can we get a healer"
It's like holding the door for a member of the armed forces. You want them to lick your boots while they're fighting for your country?
This is the only thing that bothers me. I try to protect our healer if I notice it's being attacked but I don't always succeed in doing so.
At least there you would be getting paid to do it
>2 tanks, enemy and our team's, contesting the point
>Kill their teams from full health all the way to dead
>Fucker on our team doesn't thank me, pretends I don't exist
>Spend the rest of the match "pretending the point doesn't exist" too
Are damage dealers the most thankless role in gaming?
do you thank tanks for tanking and dps for dpsing?
>play tank/dps
>emote "thanks" after every heal
>one time i don't say thanks in the middle of an intense fight
>never healed again
Why not stop playing video games and get a job then? Because that's pretty much what you're describing.
>Kill someone as a DPS
>Take lots of damage or eat on ult as a tank
>Defend the point from a 6 man push as defense character
>Receive zero thanks anywhere except MAYBE the upvote screen no matter what
Don't expect people to thank you for doing the one thing your character is supposed to do. You're just as dumb as the DPS player in death match who think just because they are playing DPS in death match they are good and deserve praise.
If your attention starved soul can't play the game without being thanked maybe don't fucking play it. And the number of times I have lost comp matches due to shitty healers is ridiculous so I don't want to hear shit from any healer about having thankless roles. Try playing a fucking tank. Now that's thankless.
>teammate plays zenyatta
>gets flanked by tracer and genji despite our best efforts
>suggest he switches to someone like lucio
Fucking this. You're all working towards a common goal, stop expecting a "thanks" every time you heal a point of hp
They're not fighting for my country. They're fighting for Israel.
Get lost, shill.
Always thought that it was Saudi Arabia
That is why Mercy players and healers are the cuckolds of these types of games.
You are literally keeping other players healed so they can go and have fun. Just like a cuck prepping the bull to fuck his own wife.
What exactly am I shilling, underage?
Oh, my bad. You're just a clueless idiot.
Holy shit user don't hurt my feelings
Good job OP, I woulda went with another picture though.
Is this pasta now? Because I'm certain this has been posted word for word recently.
Whoa, what's got you riled up? Boyfriend not thanking you for heals in bed between thrusts?
>metaphors are supposed to be taken seriously
>look mommy i'm part of a terrorist group, and i'm outside knocking down statues and destroying history r u proud of me yet mommy i'm an adult now mommy
Just do your job you dumb heal slut.
I thank the people healing be in bf1 because I usually play the medic class there myself
>shoot at enemy
>healer just stands there healing and shit
>I keep shooting enemies
>even hit them sometimes
>healer still not thanking me for every single shot that hit the target
>spend rest of the match shooting the wall
Is DPS the most thankless role in gaming?
>everyone who disagrees with me is alt right
I don't even live in your shitty country lel
It's the only thing you're good for, burger mentality of asking for tips for a normal job.
poster x950
what the fuck was that? not gonna (You) but seriously
>play healer
>heal someone
>nobody sucks my dick for it
>wow u guys don't appreciate me.....
Fuck off if you're a healer you're supposed to be healing people. Do you thank your DPS every time he gets a kill? Do you thank your Reinhardt every time you stand behind his shield? In TF2 do you thank the engineer every single time you teleport? It's their job. Yours is to heal people.
This is the average overshit player.
i can open doors myself you cuck
I don't get this culture. Apparently you get looked down on for not paying the waiter. Do they not get paid by their employee or something?
Stop harassing me I can't take it anymore!!!! :'(
If someone is running around at critical health and still has to ask you for healing, you don't deserve thanks.
I'll thank an exceptionally aware healer, like an Ana that hits me as soon as I round a corner, but not a blind one like you apparently are.
No it's not because irl you're not SUPPOSED to hold doors for people. You do it because it's polite to so they'll thank you for it. You go out of your way doing something you don't have to do.
As a healer you're supposed to heal your team. You don't deserve thanks for just healing someone.
>Hold down left click to heal
Wow such a thankless job
I'd rather heal the rein than a shit genji who keeps attempting to solo the enemy team
Priorities yo. Doesn't make you a shit healer
No, it's more like you're the doorman and you have to hold the doors for people. Just because they don't thank you for doing your job doesn't mean you can stop holding or opening doors (your job).
Serious question for people that think like this; do you thank DPS heroes when they manage to get a kill? Do you thank a tank for taking damage away from you? No, because that's their fucking job. Your job is healing, fucking do it properly.
If tips don't reach minimum wage the employer has to pay the difference, but if you're not getting enough tips you're obviously not doing a quality job so they just fire you, not like there's a low supply of minimum wage workers to go around.
>teammate asks for healing as he jumps into the middle of 3 other enemies
>I die trying to save his dumb ass
>Get bitched at
lol k then
>tfw no gentle femdom mommy mercy
Congratulations, you've just been doing our fucking job.
People ain't gonna bend on their knees every time you heal them when it's literally the only thing you're supposed to do, and it doesn't even require any special skill to do so.
Do you thank your DPS for getting kills? No?
Do you thank your tank from saving your ass from a buttload of damage? No?
Fuck up and do your job.
>healer doesn't thank me for killing the enemy
>stop killing the enemy
makes sense to me
You're still supposed to say thank you, you edge lord
No wonder Americans are so fucking unhappy all of the time
Do you thank him every time he does his job and gets a kill? No? Then why do you expect him to thank you for doing your job?
>the employer has to pay the difference
Phew. Sounded like something that'd happen in a middle eastern country otherwise.
Still, it doesn't happen for any other profession. Makes more sense to get rewarded extra by the customer for going above and beyond, rather than a mandatory reward simply to stay afloat.
I'm playing a game. All I'm really "supposed" to do is have fun, everything else is optional/a favor.
Can you even make binds in this game? Last time I checked it was easy to accidentally taunt and shit.
>do your job
>"wow why people arent sucking up to me i need validation"
millennials were a mistake
Incorrect. Read the terms of service and code of conduct. That's what you're supposed to do. Having fun is optional.
Sorry, griefing will just get you banned mat
>work at McDonald's doing mindless easy work
>someone orders something
>they pay and walk away
>fucker doesn't even tip me
>they come in next week
>they try to order but I ignore them
>see how they like it
>they get mad and get me fired
Is burger flipping the most thankless roll bros?????
Lol good luck trying to get a healer banned because you're buttblasted she didn't heal you
>someone picks widow on attack and sits way back doing nothing
>constantly asks for heals
yeah go fuck yourself cunt, play something more useful if you want heals
>food analogy
>thank you dps for cutting the time spend in a dungeon in half
>thank you tank for aggroing the mobs away from me
>thank you support for providing with the needed buffs to prevent wipes
>thank you control for being a cool guy
When healers start to thank everyone for playing the game i might consider wasting a word of phrase to these fuckers, otherwise you arejust thin air
It's blizzard. They'll ban you given enough reports.
>demanding to be thanked for doing your job
It's nice to get thanked or receive a compliment every now and then, but demanding it under the threat of not continuing to do your job? Fuck off.
>Play as Ana
>Genji won't stop "i need healing" spam
>Decide to not heal him anymore
>Friendly Zarya ults
>Nanoboost junkrat instead Genji
>Genji leaves
>Junkrat gets POTG
It feels good to decide who lives and who dies you fuckers
>play as ana
>any tier below master
Kill yourself.
I play healer a lot in games like TF2 and Overwatch and even I think you sound like a faggot.
A lot of the time I get thanked for flying over to someone with my matrix up or jumping over and dropping a shield at the last second to block a shot.
I've also thanked people for killing an enemy that I was struggling with (For example, I'm Winston and I get attacked by a Reaper while my jump is on cooldown, but a teammate swoops in and we 2v1 him).
It feels nice to be appreciated and even if it is just a tiny gesture, I think it does improve morale.
Did you thank him for doing damage to the enemy? You did your job as it was meant to be done, want a pat on the head every time it happens?
Why ?
She's fun.
It's not my fault my team mates are useless fucks.
>check official forums
>Roadhog mains still crying about the nerf
>playing a healer
>playing for the thanks
Scum. The thanks is just a nice afterthought. If you do it for a thanks youre playing healer for the wrong reason.
>play a healer
>they always thank you
>after every match everyone compliments everyone else and everyone glosses over my high healing numbers
As far as I'm concerned, if a healer needs to be protected, that's not one, but two useless characters.
If you aren't playing a healer, are you entitled to thanks from the whole team every time you score a point or make a kill? No. What makes healers so special?
I usually play a healer, and I don't do it for thanks. There's absolutely no reason for me to expect gratitude for fulfilling my role, esp. when someone fumbling with messages is wasting the whole team's time and I healed them specifically so they could get back to playing and covering my ass.
Maybe it's assholes like you that make people worry that they won't get healed unless they pay special tribute to medics.
Yeah, it's retarded, and people who defend the system are retarded too.
yes, you can make binds
Do you thank your burger flipper at McDonald's whenever they flip your burger
I'm a mercymain and I thank anyone who saves me or makes a really great play for the team.
I find that the more thankful you are as a healer, the more people thank you in return and also go out of their way to protect you. It also improves team morale. It's nice healing everyone and cheering people on, but also sucking everyones cock. Especially Pharah's
but my point is that i never ask for thanks
i just get them because im not terribad
maybe play a game with a better community
show some humility, act like you've neem there before, and don't bitch because nobody fuckin thanked you. what little do you have in your life to be in your feelings over 14 year olds not thanking you for what you're supposed to be doing as a healer?
In America, if you don't pay the waitstaff, nobody will. Here we consider the tip to be a hidden part of the price, and the only people who should be looked down on are the employers who expect customers for them, which is each and every single bar/restaurant owner in the country. They're scoundrels all.
The reason this persists is because when you switch to no-tip policy, prices go up (about to where they already were) and then all the fucks who had been freeloading -- not paying the tip -- will balk at the price hikes and the business may suffer or close. Meanwhile, poor-ass white niggas think that they will be showered with gifts and favors if they oppose minimum wage increases, making them the darlings of those enterprising rogues who charge 7 bucks for a can of beer and pay their employees 3 bucks an hour.
If someone isn't getting enough tips to live on it is probably not because they suck -- Hitler himself could get 7 bucks in tips in an hour slinging braus in Williamsburg. The free-market capitalist's rational explanation is that the business doesn't get enough customers, and that is objectively management's failing, but he will always be the last person to suffer for it.
>be healer
>some faggot spams I NEED HEALING
>ignore them the rest of the match
>enjoy watching them die
>someone says I NEED HEALING
>I spin around to heal them
>they are full health
>someone else dies because I wasnt there to heal them
>ignore them the rest of the match
>enjoy watching them die
Pretty much every game ever.
>don't get thanked by teammates for every kill i make
ungrateful cunts desu
I don't play Mercy all that much but I do play a lot of the other healers, it's nice when someone thanks you for healing him, but it's definitely not what I'm expecting.
As a healer, it's my fucking job. It's like thanking a D.Va for absorbing ultis or pushing the payload. You can do it if you want, but it's not really required and they're just doing what they're supposed to be doing.
>play DPS
>healer doesn't thank me every single time I kill someone
>play tank
>healer doesn't thank me for every point of damage blocked
Why are you special, Mr. Snowflake?
>playing soldier
>kill enemy
>no one thanks me
>spend rest of the game not attacking
>team screams at me, saying I am ''throwing''
Playing a carry is suffering
>those characters are the most difficult enemies to hit for me as DPS
That's why I hate playing DPS, I just can't stand the pressure of having to protect my teammates against enemies I most likely couldn't win against in a 1v1.
Why should you be thanked for doing your role in the team?
>It's qp
>Not thanking your healers for playing the shittiest and least fun role in the game
If the next 5 heroes aren't healers then Overwatch is poopoopeepee
>Kill 3 fuckers in a row
>Nobody thanks me
sign of a weak character. you do shit because you expect stuff back, instead of doing it because it's right. even worse, you get whiny about it on chinese sewing boards online.
>teammate asks for enemy to be killed
>shoot them down with ease
>fucker doesn't thank me, pretends I don't exist
>spend the rest of the match "pretending he doesn't exist" too
Are DPS the most thankless role in gaming?
Thats pretty hot
I want sombra to push me down and rub her big fat latina ass on my dick.
When I get harrassed while playing healer or a flanker gets behind me while I tank I'll thank the dps for killing them.
Just bring her some weed and hotcheetos with nacho cheese and youre in
Huh, suddenly pic related seems a lot more likely than I thought. It's certainly hot when two girls do it.