its not that funny
Its not that funny
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not the millionth time you see it, no
It is
DUDEBRO, nobody even knows that it was from call of duty anymore MY DUHBROEDUEHKEKC
>nobody even knows the origin of kek.
It's funny how tone deaf it is. In the next scene you rescue a fake president.
I legitimately didn't know till you said.
I thought it was from Metal Gear Solid
Nah, I'm just fucking with you. I honestly don't know which one it's from because I don't play that shit
It was the death of the videogame narrative.
If anyone ever asked "Hey, where EXACTLY did videogames lost their last shred of soul"? You can point riiiiiight here.
It was never funny, it became a meme because it's absurd how tone-deaf this moment is. It's supposed to be a serious military funeral and they're having you do a pointless button prompt that disrespects the sacrifice the real men make by saying you can "Pay Respects" by doing something as simple as pressing F.
It's from Advanced Warfare.
It became a meme because it's the stupidest thing ever. The game had a million "press key to do x" events.
From Sup Forums xD upvote my fellow magapedes
Good to know. I vaguely could defend it because if I recall correctly, when you press the button, it reveals you are missing a hand. So I thought it was supposed to be a twist. Without the prompt, you would possibly just glaze over it.
Though knowing there was a hundred such events, it IS pretty funny/stupid.
wasn't that a WoW thing?
It is though, the absurdity of American veneration for their war "heroes" in video game form
it was kik because mistyping "lol"
then people just starting using e instead of i
It's from World of Warcraft, but Sup Forums made it popular.
this is the most fedora post i've read in the last 5 years
this is the correct origin of kek.
All newfags gtfo, and good riddance .
The minor Sup Forums meme it spawned is fun tho
Some polynesian way of saying Lol I thought, apparently some people debate the origins.
Eh, what's the origin within WoW?
Does anyone else unironically hear the word "keck" in their head when they read it? I mean like? Rather than imagining an user laughing on the other side you literally hear him saying the word kek.
WoW has 2 sides depending on your race Alliance and Horde.
They speak different common languages that look like gibberish when spoken to one another.
"L O L" becomes "K E K" when spoken to the other side
Alliance would see horde saying 'lol' as 'kek'.
It's possible that lol turning into kek was an intentional from blizzard's part, considering koreans in starcraft used to say "kekekeke" to laugh.
I thought it was like that for everybody.
neither is saying "is this loss?"
but that's not gonna stop people.
this, WOW nerds will forever try to claim they invented it
It was funny at the start. Now it's funny because of how much people use it, it's a common thing to say F in pretty much all online communities.
I don't get why Sup Forums started obsessing over loss all of a sudden some years ago after nobody had been caring about B^Uckely's shit for ages
>playing Town of Salem
>good role gets lynched
Ah, motherfucker. I even heard that a few times. Thanks.
Well, glad im not alone at least. "Kek"
Why are the mouse and keyboard connected to the monitor?
The CoD series tries way too hard to be a dramatic war movie/game and just fails because of tone deaf shit like this. The dudebros who play CoD don't care about "emotional" moments like this. They just want to shoot more Chinese/Russians/Muslims.
"lol" user,
Now it is.
>why did Sup Forums obsess about loss only a few years ago, right when I got here
Sup Forums never stopped obsessing over loss. Before Loss, we had to resort to other ways to make fun of Buckley.
>Sup Forums never stopped obsessing over loss
Sure, it was posted in LOL threads, but it was nowhere nearly as spammed everywhere as it is now, nor there were so many memers asking "is this loss" to post the reactions on r/Sup Forums
I would say only infnity ward really fails at making a serious game. Treyarch has created many great campaigns and stories. Some moments in Call of Duty 3 were good along with the end of the Russian campaign in World at War. The Black ops series also has a great campaigns
It's always been abused.
The same thing that happened to "I wanna fuck that ___", reddit got a hold of it.
You're wrong. While orcs do say kek in WoW, it was barely a meme. No one actually said kek instead of lol. The actual meme is from [s4s]. It really is pathetic watching people go with the WoW thing, because it's so obvious they're trying to fit in without knowing shit.
>bloodstripes on a pfc
its still funny
It was lol to lel to top lel to top kek to top wew.
>The actual meme is from [s4s]
no fucking way /s4s/ is older than "kek"
It was used in wow circles, but not outside them. I'm sorry you weren't there.
you're a fucking retard if you think kek is that fucking new
I actually liked it here. You stay as long as you want, not forced, there's a good amount of sorrow in Batman.
WoW or just constant corruption of lol to lel to kek.
We should bring lulz back.
>remember trying to type lel but came out as kek and feeling really embarassed in steam group chat
What a turn of events.
>not using the far superior "jej"
Hola Pedro
>pay respects F
>press F to pay respects
>lol to lel to kek.
This was it, i don't doubt lonley MMO fags had the word before, but it hasn't been used on Sup Forums since 2012/13ish, thats why people don't have a clue.
It's not about where it's from, it's when the flower of kek started to blossom in our retarded post ironic minds.
It is pretty funny with how it's worded that the act of pressing F itself is how you pay respects. If they had written it like "F: Pay Respects" or "Pay Respects (F)" it would've been much better.
I wonder, how long would those bodies need to be exposed to start decaying like that.
also wasn't this right outside of a shanty town or something
>not realizing esfores was the true originator with topkek
This was ok though, its a signifcant part of batman as a whole and to the story while being completely optional and basically an easter egg. Because Hugo Strange knows who batman is he leaves a tape there taunting the player, and at the end of the game in the final confrontation the Movie theater you find joker in is the one Bruce left as a child before the whole dead parents thing
This is the correct answer. Nobody said it outside of WoW before [s4s].
If that's true why do I know what kekbur means?
its not that funny
The resemblance to WoW's kek is entirely coincidental.
Topkek was posted by namefig called prime minister face in 2013 and was a corruption of Top Lel. From there, s4s just kept spouting "top kek" until it naturally shorted to "kek" and spread to other boards.
it's an apple "computer"
>martha died while giving a blowjob
>muslim and faggot censored
wew lad
I heard someone walking around Chicago yelling "Jason" repeatedly about a year ago.
I don't think most normies even play COD anymore. They all moved on to other shit like Overwatch and Seige
My monitor has extra USB ports in it but I wouldn't use it for the keyboard and mouse
What happened to LOL threads anyway? I haven't seen them in a while
This. Who why they think this was ok.
The mods finally banned them. Now they only need to ban the other hundreds of offtopic threads and rangeban phones and maybe Sup Forums could be decent
Wow, does anyone make the threads on Sup Forums or somewhere or did they just give up now
Sup Forums will never be decent, the mods themselves are a part of the problem too, deleting on-topic vidya threads fucking often
Did Advanced Warfare deserve the hate it got?
Sup Forums will be decent when Sup Forums will don't exist anymore, because every group is triggered by another like this user who care if a LOL thread exist, hide it and move on.
>who care if a LOL thread exist, hide it and move on.
Because it's a slippery slope, if a nonvidya thread is allowed, why shouldn't any other nonvidya thread be allowed too? The average Sup Forumsedditor is incapable of any form of self-moderation, so the board would just become another Sup Forums in a matter of months, like it has already happened in the past
kek originated from WoW, without a doubt. People just thought it was clever to take it out of context, especially considering it's similarity to words like lel.
The Sup Forums kek did not. WoW kek is a different story.
>koreans in starcraft used to say "kekekeke" to laugh.
I think this is the true origin
it looks like hes spanking her head