Super Mario Odyssey

10 (TEN) weeks until Odyssey, ya see!

Other urls found in this thread:

>muh hat gimmicks

why are the graphics so realistic

cringe, looks like they're trying to appeal to the lolsorandom crowd. pass.

Why is Nintendo still not bankrupt?

I refuse to believe that there are adults who are excited for this shit.

Nintendo Switch is already the best out of the 3 current consoles and it hasn't even been out for half a year

looks awful

>my garbage is better than your garbage

stupid *bing bing* wahoo shit play a real game
i hate mario games *1-up* and shit why do people play this shit

>6 worlds

The fuck is up with this shitposting? It reads like children and third-worlders.

Mario rehash #420. I could care less.

Theres 8 so far

europe time

>waaahhhh my safe spaaaaaace

Maybe try making this thread again in 3 weeks or something

>Pretending anything being said in this thread is valuable, or even honest criticism
Shitposting is shitposting.

What's in 3 weeks?

I want 64 back. Loved sunshine, but 64 had the formula right. More smaller levels with the secret levels scattered throughout. Shit was to the point and some of the levels were legit cool as fuck

Not all of them. Pic related was a pretty shit tier level. Its just platforms on lava. Thats it.




Aren't we getting a direct for Odyssey at Gamescom?


Game looks sweet af. Though they should tone down the shine on the dinosaur, it looks like a fucking plastic toy.

I hope we've just barely scratched the surface regarding the transformations.

There is such a huge amount of potential in that idea. I really hope they go all out with it, not just that we see the same 10 enemies that we can interact with in each kingdom.

Also, more dinosaurs please. I want to posses a a velociraptor or some other, faster-moving, dino.

what would your reaction be if peach and mario got married at the end

But Mario is Bowser's lover.

Anyone else already pre-ordered?

No, still waiting.

A shame they don't make Switch consoles anymore, would love to play this game

Can't fucking wait

Is this game going to be contender for GOTY 2017?

still have no switch, i'm hoping for a bundle like what they did for splatoon 2

no way, PUBG has that in the bag whether you like it or not