Why does Sup Forums hate this game now?
Why does Sup Forums hate this game now?
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I keep forgetting it exists.
I will 100% buy it at $20 or less. Paying anything more than that is insane though.
>60 dollars for fucking Saints Row scraps
>It is inferior to SR in every aspect
Volition fucked up.
i forgot about this game and I was shitposting about it just a couple days ago. it's somehow more generic and bland than overwatch. i'm actually surprised this is from the people who made saints row games
Is it cracked yet
I honestly don't think anyone cares about it enough to get cracked.
There needs to be demand for something to get cracked, nobody wants this game.
I bet most of the people who worked on SR2 are gone by now.
Saints Row was heading downhill with 3, but I never expected it to fall so far.
From one of the games with the best customization to one with none at all.
Fuck this game, fuck the devs, and fuck the people who like the newer games.
Its a spinoff. Doesn't excuse the no customization but its not a mainline game.
It looks alright but i am not paying 60 dollars for it. The combat was also beyond awful in the saints row games so i am a bit worried that they have focused on this time. The lack of customization is also mind boggling considering how fun it would be to be able to switch between different characters you had customized. They could even have limited it to haircuts and clothes.
Just the fact that they spent time and resources to make this is a waste.
It's not a spinoff, it's a reboot. The end of Gat Outta Hell explains it.
They'll make the money back and then some with the next mainline game. I'm sure they just wanted to experiment but now that its failed this is the last we'll see of them trying to spinoff the franchise.
Alright, I'm gonna say it. Clothing and hair customisation in Saint's Row games was never good enough for me. It always felt lacking to me.
>It's not a spinoff, it's a reboot.
Pretty clear they wanted to distance the mainline games from this after taking Saints Row off of the title intentionally.
I dont hate it I just have no interest at all like everyone else
No Co-Op
No buy
Face it, saints row was only good for making sexy bimbos to shoot at stuff. The bimbo part was great so since this game lacks the proper customization it's sucks.
>tfw hyped to play this because theres a colombian character
>tfw thats not enough to justify dropping $60 on it
Game looks really fun desu but not $60 fun
>open-world hero-based action rpg
because it seems like a misguided amalgamation of cancerous gaming trends
Whats wrong with hero based games?
Kinda this.
Might consider picking it up for 10 bucks if Daisy has some slutty alt costumes.
I wouldn't buy it at 10€ but I'd consider it for 5
>The gypsy is Colombian
Oh, I thought she was Brazilian due to one of her skins
i miss saints row
>Pretty clear they wanted to distance the mainline games
then why add Gat?
Yes she's Brazilian
Saints row 3 and 4 were fun
>buying single player only games
just buy it now you normalfag retard cuck and then kys
Why not?
Don't forget Pierce and Oleg
>they added Gat
Fucking why? I was waiting for SR5, not this shit.
I didn't even know it existed until after it came out
because its totally not saints row DLC. ALSO ITS BADASS
Indeed they were.
Some people seem to not understand that because GTA became more and more serious business, SR had to go the exact opposite direction to stand out, be different, less of a GTA clone.
It worked. Most people love those games and wanted SR 5, not whatever this is.
>17,000 or so people own this
Steamspy being inaccurate and needing at least a week aside
How bad is that for an AAA game, 2~3 days since it was released
I liked saints row, but I didn't even know this existed. Not something I want to drop 60 burgerbucks on.
Considering Saints Row 3 had sold around 6 million, that's an absolute bomb.
>ditch SR to do something more wacky
>make gameplay slow and environments more static
>drop multiplayer
>write the game for kids but make characters swear every now and then to ruin the age rating
>Why does Sup Forums hate this game now?
did anyone even like this game before?
it just looks kinda generic
the strength of games like saints row, and just cause were their serviceable open world gameplay when most of the industry was doing more linear games, now that the entire industry is doing open world games, games like this and just cause don't really have a leg to stand on
It's at "bombed" level. How can you launch a AAA game that's not in the top 10?
Fuck, it's so boring it's not even memed. It added nothing to this planet.
I put a few hours with it.
Nice things:
>RPG elements in the shooting mechanics, but game never becomes too bogged down in levels and numbers to become a grindy slugfest like Borderlands, Destiny, etc.
>GI Joe parody feels genuine and not half-assed like Overwatch et al., with characters having weird "and knowing is half the battle"-esque clips during some loading screens
>more even tone, nothing quite as raunchy as the SR3 Dildo bat or other indulgences, and some of the characters have more serious storylines(or as serious as you can get for a military superhero setting)
>there's some actual decent banter between teammates, not just "let's say movie lines" or "let's say words that sound like we're telling a joke but there's no joke" or "let's take a simple statement and stretch it out over a long-ass period with lots of 'uuuhhh' and 'you know, the thing that we could just say a word for but let's describe it in moronic detail'" (i.e. we watched a bunch of Joss Whedon shows 15, 20 years ago)
Bad things:
>driving is weird, no real shooting abilities in car, so anything that requires you to destroy a car in another car can get taxing if you don't line up the ramming perfectly
>world isn't enormous, but characters aren't spectacularly fast on foot even with limitless sprinting, triple jumps, air dashing, etc., but at least you can summon your car anytime you're on the surface
>kind of short, going by how fast the completed percentage is risign
>open world activities aren't as diverse as SR
>lot of non-open world "dungeons" have that Bioware issue where they're obviously just the same set of rooms strung together with different furniture and layouts
There's some neat stuff in play with the heroes, which makes me wonder why there isn't even a co-op feature for all the upgrading and customizing you can give your heroes. Given that the "ultimates" aren't so devastating, there's an actually pretty decent basis for a multiplayer shooter.
Doesn't this game's story take place in Seoul, Korea or some shit?
Maybe they only care about sales in Asia this time?
Nope, SR3 is better than previous games in almost every ways. The combat, physics and driving were horrible and boring in SR1~2.
You're just a salty nostalgiafag.
>South Koreans
>buying games
lmao no.
I gotta say, I liked sr3 and 4. I thought they were fun and looked forward to seeing the series flesh out it's mechanics to go with all the WACKY FUNTIMES.
This is just boring though.
I'm not picking it up, just like I didn't pick up gat out of hell.
it looks fun but not something that's worth 60 bucks. I'll probably pick it up when it goes on some kind of big ass holiday or spring sale down the road. $15-20 is something I'd be willing to pay
I dont understand what this game even is? Is it supposed to be an even shittier borderlands?
This is true
I was suprised when I saw this was 60 bucks. It looks and feels as if it should be 40 instead.
Especially with all these other big games coming out at less than 60 dollars.
Saints Row IV was very good though? Sup Forums doesn't hate anything.
Is this Volition's Battleborn? Sure developers should make more games than just their main cash cows but these games just don't seem very attractive.
>GI Joe parody
The superhero gameplay in IV was enjoyable, and people enjoyed the nods to previous games in the series, but at the end of the day the sandbox map was just a tweaked version of SR3's which really brings you down. Also, fights with the 'police' just became chores after a while, even with the cool powers.