How are the clan wars? Do they keep you intersted once you are done with the story?
clan wars are hardly a thing.
getting better loot and making a fun build for DLC3 is what keeps you interested when youre done with the story.
and the new difficulty modes.
PvP and coop are just icing on the cake, i think they both work better than they do in souls games but its still not enough to keep me that interested, unless i want to unlock some waifu.
Maria when?
Shit, there are 2 DLCs out already?
Do they plan some GOTY / ULTIMATE / COMPLETE edition with all of them bundled together?
the deluxe edition that is for sale is basically a GOTY edition already.
dont think you will get another complete package.
Can I fuck that?
not yet
Imagine how beautiful those babies are going to be. Die he not kill her? Can I transform as Maria?
he didnt kill her she escaped into the 2nd DLC
i havent played DLC 2 yet.
she might become a transform, possibly after the unreleased DLC 3.
Post more Maria. Damn, she's the prettiest.
>get to wotw
>expect to farm muneshige right away since he's a pushover on the other difficulties
Should I do dual kat/kusa or dual kat/spear?
>thinking muneshiggy was a pushover
Boy we're you wrong
spears are really fun.
but try whatever, respeccing is dirt cheap after all.
whichever you have more fun with. There are no bad weapon choices except using tonfas on WotW
i really wish they had balanced the guardian spirits differently.
that the ones requiring high Spirit actually work well together with Onmyo builds or Ninjutsu builds.
and that the more simpler ones didnt require as much spirit to get all the effects.
when its currently just more or less (the later you get this spirit in the game the higher the requirements are)
wich is why i assume so many people stick with Kato, the base fire dog.
I wish they would have included commas for the amrita number values. Shit's hard to read when there's like a billion zeroes.
How do you properly do the sheathed attacks? It seems like it's a 50/50 chance that I do them or just pull my swords out again.
>have to fight ice bitch and samurai guy together
>dropped game
No thanks
It was literally the only fight in the vanilla game where you had to get good.
but that fight is super optional.
i didnt do any of the dual bossfights that unlock post game but instead just did DLC and New Game +
You're literally a literal faggot xD
>being this assblasted
how embarrassing. Imagine being this bad at videogames. Sad!
There is a coop mission where you have to fight Yuki, Nobu and Yasuke together.
You guys think Willians rub one of those kodamas in his dick when he was in those hotsprings?haha just asking for a friend hahaha
>haha just asking for a friend hahaha
I love those posts.
i cant believe that the women transforms dont undress in hot springs.
its fucking Team Ninja after all.
reminder she is just a shoddy ripoff of lady maria of the astral clocktower whos' beauty was so great men made sex dolls in her likeness. this one is señorita maria of the back garden shed.
Did the Vilebloods give you access to the internet again, Lady Maria?
>haven't even touched yokai realm with a companion and don't know mechanics
>decide to give return of the gourd a shot wiht a coop buddy
>mfw big nig, yuki and oda all spawn at once
Because she's called Maria?
I know I'm not the only one who has to sometimes stand up to get a better look at the screen like a blind old man.
>señorita maria of the back garden shed
>people defending the mexican immigrant causing a ruckus and generally being a parasite on the pure blooded ruling class
unfortunately ginchiyo doesnt get naked either if you take her to the hot spring in the mission where she's with you
she does have special dialogue for it though
thanks but i'm gonna take the one that runs in 60 fps.
don't touch the left analogue, any movement can cancel them, press and hold R1 slightly before you press O. Do all of the very deliberately every time you do it and you'll never fail.
if you can't afford ~30 spirit you are too low level to bitch. The whole game seems to be balanced around endgame and > level 300 characters.
As much as I really like nioh they went for an odd gameplay balance that I think hurt the game in the long run. no level cap for multiplayer, the potential for crazy OP endgame builds, no pvp outside of duelling and a pretty intense grind for the endgame I think turned a lot of players away from the game. Right now you just grind through the game to get better gear to grind through the game to get the best gear so you can one shot the game.
I'm looking forward to dlc3 and i wouldn't mind if it again introduced another difficulty since I've been playing intermittently from the start. But as a fresh player if I came in to dlc3 and you told me I'd have to clear the game 5 times to get to the real endgame I wouldn't bother.