Third world gaming thread

How are you holding up bros?

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Can't complain. I have a job, so that helps.

I just wish I could get a decent Skullgirls match.


Other than wanting immigrants out of my country, it's pretty sweet.

Argentinian here
Its nit bad at all when you have a nice PC and a nice job.
Console users are fucked tho, Nintendo fans are the ones who suffer more

Neet, been playing horizon but its pretty dull, I enjoy more playing overwatch or rainbow six siege

I want to move to america. Canada sucks.

isn't chile basically first world?
t. gallego

living in Detroit is not that bad

I'm about to sink nearly 6 grand into a pc upgrade. A new case, an asus hero A mobo, an i7 6700k and some ram cards. Shit's hard

Moved to first world country, life's pretty good guys. $50 games made more sense when you make $5000.

If you don't, don't let dumb westerner tell you what to do. $50 IS expensive if you make $500. Just pirate whatever the shit you want and don'T be a dick about it.

It's getting enriched just as well, too!

How did you move? Where did you move?

Have a steady job. Salary is not so bad. Saving up money right now so i can buy a decent battlestation. Still virgin. JUST

>tfw cucked from buying a switch locally and fucked by taxes for importing it
a-at least I have my PC

Sadly, but surprisingly enough the blacks are civic as fuck. It's the colombians the ones that ruin everything for everyone wherever they make their nests.

literally me except the virgin part

Any gaymers in PR who want foot rubs and their dick sucked while they play and then someone to sit behind them legs wrapped around them stroking their chest and hair?


Where's Canada?

behind chilel

>live in Equatorial Guinea
>only game systems are hacked PS1 and NES

>Googles equatorial guinea
>it's in Africa

Sheeet bro, it must suck to be a nigger.

Just letting you know man. In 30 or so years you're gonna have nothing but shit games. Enjoy living in the past while you still can

I'm unemployed so no new games for a while. Plus my country is on the road to collapse, I'm fucking terrified.
I just wish I could leave this place forever, but I can't leave my friends and family behind.

Brazil, by the way, not Venezuela.

informes chih

el norte de méxico es el mejor méxico

>tfw BR but family is high class and don't care that i'm a NEET
>can afford most vidya now that video game prices went down here (doom was R$200, is now just R$70)

Siempre que veo las noticias en merca y yurop me doy con una piedra en el pecho. Los haitianos que vienen son 10/10 la gran mayoria. Colombianos son puros narcos.
t. narco

Have a decently paying job, and a good pc, so ok. My next investment will most likely be decent monitor and after that, a ps4 or switch.
Still pirating most of the time except for special ocasions. Good humble budles (these are rarer each day), good indies (I payed full price for Hollow Knight and before that I bought Super Meat Boy) or if I want to "vote with my wallet" (I bought Bayo full price when it came out)

I live in Venezuela and everything fucking sucks, can't buy anything at all because shitty 1000% inflation, the internet is the same as 2004, my shitty laptop is exploding, and i can only rely on a ps4 plus indie games on a pc to play anything

time to become a illegal immigrant user

>has a ps4
gtfo richfag

Very well actually.
I just get Bomberman R.

Time to a Va-11-halla

Does Serbia count as third world?
Internet is pretty great compared to some other countries, I just wish a decent gaming PC didn't cost a kidney and a leg.


Mexican here

It's awesome to have Amazon Prime here, i get free shippings and most games are same price as USA

Also Steam has mostly cheap games as well

Enjoying Sonic Mania on Switch right now

do you consider ukraine third world?
if yes, then yes, serbia is third world.

Chilean here
About to start my last internship.
Playing Overwatch right now
I might start playing STALKER or Starcraft again because everytime I try to touch top500 again on BRland, I end up wanting to shove a remote control up my ass.

>Nintendo fans are the ones who suffer more
Really? I get all the games I want from mercadolibre.

We dont want you scum here. Why dont you all try not being third world human pjeces of shit and do something to make your shithole better instead of playing games and ruining first world servers

I did pirate that one already, pretty good. I still hate my life but at least indie games run somewhat smoothly

Ok putos, when you play an online game, how do you behave? do you behave like those spics people from Sup Forums always complain about? or are you a special snowflake?

>Road to collapse
Really? I mean, Venezuela is on the road to collapse, but Brazil can actually hold on for some more time, and elections are coming next year, so Temer is going away soon anyway. And one of the risk agencies just said our country is less doomed than before.

Fuck, I'd be more worried if I was on the US with Trump with threats of nuclear war and a rising alt-right.

Argie here, in this last month i only played a brazilian Bella who wasnt very good

i play the game quietly like a normal human being instead of sperging out like an ape

are you the faggot making the same shitthreads about golden age of video games? if so please stop

im stuck in 1k mmr because SEA shitters are always

>"mid or feed"
>"hurr im retarded"
>"gib tango or i throw"
>"gg mid"
>"no supp, i throw"
>"hai gaiz, im 12 and im going solo hunting coz im retarded like dondo"

i wanna get out!!!

You mean white supremacy? Yeah we are starting to take out country back, stay home. You are not welcome here anymore

Like shit, those fucking feminist are shitting really hard on us people (white and mestizo).

this country it's reaching a new level of garbage

Not to offend, but having heard all I did about Ukraine, I'm pretty content with living here.

Pretty fine, playing Planet Robobot, Dark Souls and Future Tone while I wait for my Sonic Mania collector's edition and Horror Bishoujo statues to come in the mail.
Goddamn I love not being poor.

Those who can afford vidya in 3rd world are either grown ass young adults that work already, with those you'll most likely never talk to, or spoiled brats from middle class families, from those you'll most definitely be called a puto.

Philippine slumfag here.
Gaming's pretty alright here, some stuff is a bit expensive, but nothing like a job and a few weeks of saving can't fix. People here have shit taste in what they play tho (mostly playing MOBAs)

Well sucks to be a venezuelan user, good luck in your life.

>be a kid in argentina
>go to an official store where they sell video games just to buy sims 1
>it's a fucking cracked game
this is why we need piracy

See? Ignore people like this.

This guy can clean toilet in his country and still make more than an engineer in your shithole. He can say whatever he wants.

Pirate all you want, but don't get down the other kind of shithole and argue with him.


weeb lmao

Russian here
About to buy a used vita and a 3.60 mobo
Politics-wise shit sucks, we're like 5 years away from having a national firewall not unlike china's. Good thing I'm moving for a first-world country next fall. No way I'll let the government take away my futa porn.

it's difficult when you have a country like the US destabilizing the shit out of every country they can.

It's fine, at least we are not getting any muslims in, but it seems that won't last long because of the chancha culia making last minute changes

Venezuela already collapsed my man. 80%+ poverty rate is a failed state.
In 5 years or so there will be another international crisis due to the actions of Central Banks around the world, and it'll coincide almost perfectly with our national debt reaching "unpayable" levels. With that happening, pretty much everything state owned will collapse, including SUS, and a lot of people depend on that shit. You can see where this is going, people dying in the streets, violent protests, etc. In 10 years this country will be a shade of its former self, which is not a pretty self to begin with.

Yeah yeah, go Back to playing with your tiki torches while people actually try to make things better without venerating a complete buffoon. At least our corrupt piece of shit tries to deceive us instead of just spewing shit from its mouth all the time for people to eat.

But anyway, video games. Doing ok here in Brazil, just got my hands on FFXII zodiac age to give it another chance. I liked it back then but my brother ended up taking it to college with him at the time.

u mad ameribro?

Well enough. (brazilian here)
I own an Xbone and a notebook that is good enough to run things like: Lightning Returns, Dishonored, Kingdoms of Amalur and Dragon's Dogma. I tried to play Nier Automata, everything on low and small resolution, it still didn't worked. What a shame. I'm thinking about getting Dishonored 2 on my console and can't wait for Vampyr!

Everything is really expensive, but, if you got a decent job and i have a lot of patience you survive.

Amen por eso.

cagan la madre tus putos threads culeros.

I doubt Venezuela in its current state will exist for another 5 years

Serb here.
Gaming is alright, but for some reason physical PC games are so much cheaper than ps4/x1. I bought Just Cause 3 yesteryear for about 30euro while on the ps4 its 65euro. Same with gta 5.

Since the crisis, piratebay is my game store.

Jesus, I hate leftists so much. First world anons, get rid of yours as quickly as you can. The guy in the car that ran over the antifa is actually a hero.

Thanks user, someday i will eat some of the good old plomo

Nope, that's just a lie poor colombians and all haitians believe.

lel, It wasn't a meme BRs only play on toasters

>can't wait for vampyr

thank fuck i don't have this much shit taste

Feeling good thq, bought this new PS3 humble bundle deal, should keep me occupied for a long time.

You need a Pinochet.

Good to know, by the way how awfull is the state that you make a game to get out of there?

>be 24
>have steady 6 hours job
>have gf
>still make time to play my huge backlog
>2 weeks ago started studing for Despachante de Aduana
>tfw I need to sleep less than 5hs daily if I want to keep playing at all and not sure how longer my body will take this

Lose the bitch.

>reading news
>foreigner attempted to bribe police
>50% of time is a colombian

It'll become a shut in state just like NK. People that manage to get out of there until are golden, anyone who stays are fucked for life.

>I eat pigeons
>U M A D E L I C I A
>I'm hungry
>I've killed 300 men for the glory of "El Patron"
South America truly was a mistake. No wonder why Mexico is the only LATAM country that's not a shithole. Well, only half of it. Also fuck Spain while you're at it.

I only like Chile because they have cute girls. Illiterate but cute.

until then*

Russian, playing GW2.

30 hours a week

mfw 50+ hours
guess my country
pro tip: it is not third world

American God here
Making $12.25/hour as a temp at my first job and thats going to get bumped to upped to $15.25 If they keep me

in january it will be 5 years since we are dating

2 l8 4 me I guess

Isn't the southern part of Mexico almost entirely dominated by cartels?

It always cracks me up that the colombian dude is all drugged up

>bragging about making barely above minimum wage

Do you people just live in shitholes to afford video games?

nice false flag. but yeah fuckin north Mexico

No, The cartel are farther up north next to the border

you need to take into acount the 5hs studying now, plus the girlfriend time

Your country? I think Spain

TFW no job and seriously thinking about going into male prostitution.

Help there's no hope.

How do I get a Mexican gf?

go to the zoo

Fuck off. The first world is full and we're tired of you leaching off our systems. Fix your shithole country or die trying. Preferably the latter.

yeah like I don't have stuff to do outside of work like shitposting on the chan
it is germany by the way

54 hours here
30 shitposting
20 working
4 toilet and stuff