How come Nintenbros are against pirating Nintendo games but they're fine with pirating amiibos?

How come Nintenbros are against pirating Nintendo games but they're fine with pirating amiibos?

I don't have space for toys. My nintendo toys take up enough space.

1) Some amiibo are out of production and thus very expensive/hard to find.
2) They don't want a ton of plastic figurines gunking up their shelves and walls.

If Nintendo had any sense they'd be making card versions of all their figurine amiibo too.

I collect the figurines.

I get that but you're still taking away profits from Nintendo so if you're fine with pirating amiibo it makes no sense for you to be against pirating games.

Amiibos are pretty infuriating.

>And it's DLC you have to pay a shitload for because we produce it in the form of toys....but at least you get toys of characters that would never get toys otherwise, right?
>Whoops we made 5 of each, good luck finding one faggots lol
Like, any one of those things alone (dlc or dlc that is a toy or a toy of a niche character that is difficult to acquire) would be fine but when you put it together it becomes very annoying. There's content you can never acquire because you couldn't even find it and have to spend way too much if you do, which is often superfluous shit but in the case of BotW some of the best costumes and even Epona were locked behind it.

Who says I'm against it?
For the price of 1 amiibo I can pirate and use 50 of them.

Wow it's almost as if all Nintendo players are not one person.

>at least you get toys of characters that would never get toys otherwise, right?
This excuse annoys me. Amiibos are very low quality and have sloppy paint jobs. Its not like they're nice figures that you can display.

I haven't pirated a single amiibo. I have like 100 of the figurines and a fuckton of thew animal crossing cards. I am a sad little man.

I was just giving reasons why people might pirate the amiibos. Didn't say they were logically sound or anything.

The non-Smash ones actually look alright.

The Amiibo system is a shit pratice for anyone who doesn't want to collect figures, that's enough reason for me.

It depends on what message they want to send Nintendo. If you buy Amiibo, Nintendo will focus more on them in the future, with more and more games getting shitty DLC locked behind a one-off figure. Smash Bros was the only game that actually made good use of them, and even that could have been done digitally.

Not really, I have the old Splatoon ones, plus Callie and Marie, 8-bit Mario, some BOTW ones and I wouldn't say any of them look good.

I have the original inkling girl and she looks fine to me.

Not him, but who says I'm against pirating games when they are expensive due to rarity?

In most cases, you can find Nintendo games for purchase at retail price.
In most cases, can't can't find the Amiibo you want for purchase at retail price

Only one I have is Yarn Yoshi. Got it for the wife, who likes "baby dino" looking things. Thing's pretty cute.

Mine has a weird paint splotch on her forehead.

Sucks to be you.

Just saying defects aren't as uncommon as you seem to believe

Stop cumming on your Amiibos, user.

I'm pretty sure my cum isn't orange

Why not?

If I had blood in my semen that would probably mean I have some sort of condition

You own a Splatoon Amiibo. Pretty safe to say you have some sort of condition.

I don't remember making any such claims.

If you have orange blood, that is most certainly some sort of condition.

They probably are against amiibo piracy but they probably can't do anything about it legally.

>my amiibo has a defect
>therefore they aren't uncommon

Flawless logic friend.

Honestly I love and hate them.
Its great to have a little figure thats decent quality (dependent on the character) and it unlocks cosmetic shit across a multitude of games but the you have the problem of blocking actual content behind them and only being able to save one games data to an amiibos.
Smash had the best use of amiibos that gave you a ton you could do with them but you could experience the entire game without them.

Its common knowledge that amiibos have very sloppy paint jobs, you can go to gamestop and look at the amiibo rack if you don't believe me.

>The case for Ammibo's are transparent
>You can look at them before picking one and buying it
>You buy ones with defects anyway
I've got Marth, Wolf Link (AKA Midna) and R.O.B. and none of them have any such because I'm not an idiot. If you don't live in like Chicago, New York, or San Fran., you really don't have a fucking excuse ether.

It was an online order I didn't get to see the actual figure beforehand

This shit is way too expensive for what it is. It's $20 cheaper than the Gateway when it was released and that shit played games when nothing else would. Someone needs to release a $10 clone of this piece of crap.

I gotta admit I was kind of interested in this, but
Holy crap, I don't think I'd ever spend that much on amiibos in the first place.


But just a bit more of a hassle to use amiibos.

What's the point of this? Can't most android phones write nfc these days? and ntag215 stickers are like, $10~ for half a dozen of so?

We buy Amiibo for the figure itself. The digital content is just a bonus.


But you can make amiibos at home for like 25 cents a piece. Why would you buy this?