Is Zestiria a good game?

Is Zestiria a good game?

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It's a very gay game.

No and Berseria, while better, wasn't great either.
Xillia on the other hand is really good. The more I think about 2 the more impressed I am by both the story and gameplay.
Hopefully it comes to PC one day, I'd like to replay it but not on PS3.

not even worth pirating it.

Edna is a cutie

Best combat of tales games. One of the worst stories and kinda gay characters.

Berseria is literally Zestria 2.0 and it's still fairly shit (combat, gameplay, plot) but good characters manage to at least make it a decent RPG, Zestiria is the perfect storm of garbage characters, retarded plot, horrible combat, awful camera that gets stuck in door-frames and behind character models, abysmal grind for RNG loot with RNG stats and RNG traits which determine 90% of your combat potential.

I'll just straight up say it, Zestiria is a modern E.T.

>kinda gay characters
>explicitly confirmed gay by devs
>anime literally ends with gay romance

I think Edna is an Autist

It's less visible if you just play the game.

>confirmed gay

Source or gtfo

i don't know about that one but i played berseria for like 10 minutes then i got that feeling you get when you buy a game and you end up not liking it even though i pirated it

Mediocre. Also, big empty zones because Japanese devs learned nothing from western devs doing open world for years.


It's a fucking tales of game. What do you think?
Shit is mediocre as usual.

No, i played it waiting for it to get good, never did. Combat sucks, forgetable story

Zestiria combat is pretty shallow, and I didn't play much of it but there were some big blocks of time where you were just running from cutscene to cutscene with no combat in between

It seems like some folks around here disliked Berseria's combat but personally I found it fun and extremely cathartic.

No. It's very mediocre. I'd only recommend it if you've literally run out of good games to play.

Sorey and Mikleo are cute! CUTE!

Edna is cuter than them both. Prove me wrong. Oh wait, you can't

Berseria combat is just a poorly balanced mess due to Theronization making you immortal for the duration and you can infinitely chain it by just constantly attacking.

To combat this some of the later bosses just spam mythic artes every 20 seconds on higher difficulties, and the AI being retarded/broken makes it impossible to combat that effectively because even if you dodge everything perfectly, the AI won't and the mythic artes are aoe.

All of the girls in it look really qt. Is it worth just playing for them and their costumes/interactions?

The silver haired one with short hair on the right is a boy user, and its MC's main love interest.

Gameplay is horrible. I only played about 1 hour and I'll probably never play it again. The camera is broken and the combat is braindead.

I hate these fucking titles, just making up a word.
>Tales of sfaccimmia
Like it's a generic setting they can mass produce

Berseria's combat is below Zestiria. They enhanced Zestiria's weakness system which only made it more of pain in the ass to optimize combos because instead of just starting it with a weak or double weak attack you're forced to use all weakness targetting moves. Break Souls were even dumber than whole Armatization business that actually was just about giving you more HP and different moveset instead of making you plainly invincible for the entire fight in some cases. Your MA and Armatization gauge also grew naturally as you progressed with combat and only had to dodge an attack to get massive boost to it, instead of dodging the attack and then going to pick up your soul before AI does it.

_ ____ __ ____ ____ N_____

>To combat this some of the later bosses just spam mythic artes every 20 seconds on higher difficulties, and the AI being retarded/broken makes it impossible to combat that effectively because even if you dodge everything perfectly, the AI won't and the mythic artes are aoe.
Holy fuck this. Rokuro's bro wrecked my asshole first time just because he would randomly hit one of the 3 AI characters and destroy everyone else too.

>explicitly confirmed gay by devs
I'm pretty sure this one isn't true, which is sad because it's the only thing that would give the game something vaguely resembling a reason to exist.
Not a good reason, but a reason nonetheless. It's completely shit otherwise but at least making it gay shit gives it a niche.

>Is Zestiria a good game?

Yeah I wasn't counting that. I meant the 4 on the middle/left side

The taller two girls in the middle as lesbos.



I, personally, didn't find it to be THAT bad.

Though I suppose that was helped by it being my first console Tales of since Symphonia (though technically Abyss was the last one I played before that but that was the 3ds port). Even though it doesn't compare to either, I still found it enjoyable.

can you get these just by playing the game like the old tales games or do they charge you for them as microtransactions?

Nope, most costume these days are DLC. While that particular one is DLC, it's also completely free.

Better than Berseria.

>More freedom with your artes
>Combat moves at a faster pace
>60 FPS if you're a graphics whore
>Unique cast and characters

I like Zestiria, too. However,

Do all of the girls have similar free dlc costumes?

That's the only free costume I'm aware of. You also get a costume for Sorey as well as a boss fight.

Zestiria has 60FPS unofficial patch. Combat in Berseria is also slower just stop you even have to autistically pick up break souls after dodge god forbid you ever end up with 2 or 1 and try to combo, there is also less freedom because you're supposed to get as many weakness and stun/other status artes as possible.

fuck i wish. Spent 8k gems and only got Mikleo's

I found the game to be utterly dull. No aspect of the gameplay had any noticeable depth, it looked like garbage and the story was the most boring JRPG shit imaginable.

How does this series have any fans?

I got gifted Berseria about a week ago and enjoyed the fuck out of it. It was the first tales game I played, any other worth picking up?

It's a jrpg so no. It probably even has unwinnable battles.

don't listen to anti-berseria faggots
Great story, good combat and amazing soundtrack

I mean anti-zestiria faggots love to compare this to waifu bait berseria but zestiria is a lot more pure and more innocent, and the zestiria soundtrack is vastly superior
SNES/PS1 Phantasia and Tales of Hearts

Well, since your on PC (not sure if you own a console) but you have quite a few options thanks to emulation.

PS1 Phantasia (though Phantasia X on PSP is better, it's also only available in Japanese)

There's also Symphonia which you can emulate on dolphin for 60 FPS or the Steam port which is at 30 FPS but has more content.

Of course, if you can get past the language barrier:

Destiny R
Destiny 2 (there is an american verison of the same name but that one is Eternia. It was renamed Destiny 2 when it was brought to the states)

I had fun with it, but it's not the best Tales game.
It's better than Berseria, IMO.