Who else is hyped as fuck for this game?

who else is hyped as fuck for this game?

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>playing not-Silent Hill

top kek

Every promotional material they put out is just killing my hype to be honest.
Only hope the action is crazier than last time.

What do you mean? I saw one of the trailers but I try to not see much in order to not spoil myself.

still going crazy over not being able to name who voices Stefano even though I know I should

Evil Within is one of my favorite horror games, for the same reasons I like Deadly Premonition. The only thing I don't like is that every boogeyman in the game so far is just "thing with object as its head."

I really enjoyed Evil Within, i'll be preordering the sequel soon.

I still need to play the first one, is the DLC worth getting?

The DLC where you play as the chick sucks, because there's no combat. But the Safehead one is pretty fun.

>is the DLC worth getting?

fuck yes, best part of the game

>because there's no combat

you didn't play it very far then, there's combat in the later parts

yeah, though both put together is a little on the short side, maybe 1/4 of the main game in size

The Kidman dlcs are more stealth focused. So if you sort of liked the stealth in the base game but like the idea of being unable to kill foes unless you have the weapon item, it's for you. The 2nd dlc with the chick has some action by the 2nd half. Final boss is disappointing. You fight yourself and some G-man
The safehead one is a decent first person brawler. Extremely short. Ending is like a rip off of Bioshock 2's good ending

Shame that Mikami is taking a back seat.

I think it sucked because I can't into full stealth.

I really hope the storyline is slightly more coherent this time around.

People who never played horror games before.

No. The first one was forgettable, generic shit.

>Play the first game
>Starts out in a very promising way: focus on atmosphere and sneaking, very little ammo
>As you progress further in the game the balance shifts more and more towards actions
>Once you reach the halfway point you're already playing a shitty third person "horror" shooter where ammo is given to you like candy
Fuck this shit. This is one of the two things that I hate about modern horror games. Either they're "lel it's the scariest game ever if you just can't defend yourself xD" (see: Amnesia, SOMA, Outlast) or they're shooter games pretending to be horror, often cockteasing you in the beginning before turning to shit in order to appeal more to the American casual audience who just want to shoot as much as possible. I'm pretty sure I dropped the first Evil Within in some massive room where a bunch of enemies just appeared one after another out of nowhere, immediately aggroed at you and you just had to blast them all with your shotgun. Really fucking cool horror you got there m8.

Conclusion: no, I'm not hyped for that game. It's probably just another mediocre third person shooter.

Are there any modern horror games that are comparable to old Silent Hill and Fatal Frame games, i.e. games that focus on terrifying atmosphere and music, puzzle solving, exploring and great monster design instead of shooting or avoiding cheap jumpscares and instakills?

No, there aren't games like that anymore because they wouldn't sell, or at least that's what game companies and their shareholders think.

I'm stoked. I thought the DLC was 10/10 so I hope it goes in a similar direction.

>No, there aren't games like that anymore because they wouldn't sell
Yet REmake HD sold like hot cakes on all major prev- and current-gen machines, to the point that Capcom had to quickly make a RE0 HD as well, and finally start the REmake 2 project to boot.

Me, kinda. I liked first game but very sceptical about this one. Seems like they absolutely don't give a fuck about what happened previously, Ruvik is nowhere to be seen.

Haunting Ground to answer your hidden question.

>made by the guy responsible for the DLC

I lost all interest when I heard that. The DLC was fucking terrible by using Beth's forced Stealth for an entire DLC.

DLCs were better than the main game


Do you like Resident Evil 6?

Do you like Splinter Cell?

I don't. But I do like Metal Gear

It's actually the only thing I'm looking forward to, besides the Not A Hero DLC for RE7.

Important: Do you like MGSV?


how much do they pay you?

Is shinji Mikami involved in this?

I'm hyped, first one was great fun.


Try darkwood

He's involved but it's the guy who made the DLC that's doing everything. Basically just skip TEW2.



>nobody liked Mikami's return to horror
>instead of making an action game, something people wanted, double downs on horror instead

>early access

Here's your (you) idiot.

Sounds promising. I'm glad Mikami finally found someone who could take the director's chair for this. I know grooming new talent was his entire motivation for forming Tango.

>was hoping for Haunting Ground/Clock Tower or at least Amnesia gameplay
>turned out to be RE4

not my genre, so no not interested

>expecting subtlety out of Shinji "God Hand, Resident Evil 4, that pseudo rail shooter with a firm ass for gamecube" Mikami


Never could finish the first one. Think I dropped it at the city. I'll play it if they iron out all the kinks and try to move beyond RE4.

Loved the first one, didn't enjoy either DLC though, one left me in FPS which is my most hated view, and the other played mostly like a true horror, with the whole NO gun thing which killed it for me. So i just read the wiki's. Either way so ready for #2

>I'll play it if they iron out all the kinks and try to move beyond RE4.
They will never move beyond RE4.

Then your opinion doesn't matter. Thanks for playing.


Yathzee, your reasons for disliking Nier Automata was garbage.
I guess you need an IQ above 100 to understand it.

>british video game critics possessing IQ
More likelier to see Kim Jeong-un actually hitting Guam.

For recent horror games try RE7.

Logarius, you fucking shitlord, I hate you

It's coming out this month. You could always pirate it