Invisibility obviously. Think of all the women you can fuck
Invisibility obviously. Think of all the women you can fuck
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But user, nobody knows you exist already.
I'd rather be able to float around. Don't need to worry about stairs and no traffic.
>le invisible feels epic wojak
>user goes invisible
>user approaches female
>user proceeds to pull his pants off
>user attempts to put his dick against female's foot
>Female feels it and runs off
>user still a virgin
>look at me I'm picking based in character
I wonder if you DNA would be invisible if you cum inside her. Would they be able to find evidence it was you?
>implying you'd get that far
Either that, or OP is implying his dick is small enough that he'd go unnoticed. Either way, I'm pretty sure invisible DNA would still be traceable
>picking women over flight
>not experiencing
Shitposting aside, we'd have to talk about how the powers function. Are there any body additions like having permanent wings? Can you turn either off, or are you permanently invisible?
I could impress people with my flying super powers and then fuck them, instead of invisible rape.
If you're in that world it would be better to fly because you could just cover all the map and no one could touch you.
They are both fucking garbage though. Telekinesis or Speed force please.
you're looking for Time Stop
just cause you're invisible doesn't mean your limp noodle arms can still over power girls
>they find out your dna
>can't do shit because you are invisible and they can't find you
think of all the straight guys you could fuck in the ass against their will
>bring countless children into the world that have the same power as you.
>Spend the rest of your life being hunted by hundreds of invisible people trying to find their dad
Then again, if they're invisible too, they'll probably just starve.
imagine a woman giving birth to an invisible baby,
>they survive living like invisible urban feral animals.
>once they reach puberty they start actively hunting you by your body odor.
imagine the invisible woman giving birth to a non invisible baby
Invisibility. I already love creeping around my town at night and watching/following people, and I fantasize about breaking into buildings to be able to sneak around them unnoticed. If I was invisible I could be the most prolific burglar in history and have a great time doing it.
you can't just invent fetishes, man
Invisibility chads report in
So basically
>have an incredible power that man has dreamed about since the beginning of time, providing you endless fun and the admiration of many
>get away with stealing shit and raping people
Think about flying at high speed in the air, I can imagine that won't feel great but instead you'll be frozen.
Now if you were invincible, extreme heat and cold won't bother you. I'll just catapult my way across town if I feel like flying.
Invisible, not invincible you idiot.
>implying you wouldn't get all kinds of ass if you could fly
invisible, not invincible
I guess logically it would remain invisible until its umbilical cord was detached. Otherwise it would just be growing inside her, fully visible, through the entire period of its gestation.
This rabbit hole keeps getting deeper and deeper.
>Woman starts to gain weight
>Period stops
>Go for ultrasound, so nothing in her womb
>Woman panics, thinking she's rapidly gaining weight for no reason.
>Cuts off food, tries to eat as little as possible
>Wake up one night to broken water, thinking she just wet the bed
>Screaming and pain for a random amount of time
>Hear crying baby from between her legs
>Woman hangs herself to escape her feverdream of a life
They would need to know what you smell like to do that.
haha woops.
I still want to be launched off a catapult one day.
I remember that scene in the Invisible Man when he tries to eat food, but ends up throwing it up and you could see the food that's supposed to be inside him. So yeah, I imagine you could see the full development of a baby just floating in the air.
If I take an object and stuff it up my ass, will it be invisible too?
Invisibility would only be good for certain fetishes, luckily I have all of them.
I say no. Only your own cells are invisible.
So if I eat something, it'll be visible as I digest it?
yeah, I think so. You could see a poop form in mid air.
In that case, wouldn't you also see the shit piled up in your colon? Wouldn't that mean you couldn't eat?
What kind of retard would choose time stop over super speed?
you could eat, but it would ruin your stealth.
invisibility is convenient for a lot of things. Flight is fun, but also very risky.
>man running at you at super speed with a knife
>stop time
>disarm him
>also disleg him
So any surgery be it screw in the bone, enhanced tits, hell even a cavity filling would still he visible?
so is invisibility. Have you seen that X-Files episode about a monkey paw genie woman granting wishes and one dude wishes for invisibility? He got ran over by a track within minutes of becoming invisible.
>implying you would be able to react and activate your time stop before the speedster slits your throat
I guess
Assuming best case scenario for both powers I find flight without some of the other Superman powers to be pretty weak.
>not looking both ways
>not waiting red light to cross the street
Fucking morons can't do shit right, visible or not
>OP is implying his dick is small enough that he'd go unnoticed.
I'm like 99% sure that fetish exists
>see something coming at you at incredibly hihg speed
>stop time
>it's a man with a knife
what stand would have the most practical use?
>not picking shapeshifting
invisibility would only be good for creeping on people, and even then you can't get everywhere that easily.
Flight would be far better
All of them in some odd way, it's not often the characters use them in their everyday lives since everything is so focused on plot events. Take Johnny, he uses Tusk like a fork to eat spaghetti.
unless you're an absolutely shit tier speedster you'd never see them coming
Include me in the screencap!
Holy shit I've never seen a FPBP get BTFO so badly!
Invisibility doesn't stop heat or touch. You'll have government agents tracking you anyway for committing rape.
If you fly, a drone or satelite will spot it and you'll be kidnapped by the government for research.
At least if you're invisible, you can get away with doing small-scale stuff.
As much of a pervert as I am, I think flight would just be a lot better in the long run. Plenty of legal applications and overall better quality of life. With invisibility you'd just become more and more degenerate until your conscience or the law catches up to you.
Hermit purple
>can swing around like spiderman
This is why superheroes dress up
I'm picking Marina's choice because that goblin thing is shit
but how do we know if it's permanent or not
Crazy Diamond. It's basically a redo button in real life.
>can't heal yourself
it's shit, gold experience is way better
probably heavens gate
Have you seen user's dick? Do you really think anyone will feel that?
>Flight is comfy af, tons of fun flying as far up into the sky as you can and falling just to catch yourself before you hit the ground
>Basically useless if you want to be a superhero without some sort of enhanced durability or strength as well
But what if someone is afraid of heights? Like me. So I'm voting Invisibility.
Have fun walking around without proper eye lids to block brightness. Or never really being able to close your eyes when you're trying to sleep.
What could a speedster do against this meme?
Also dio had no problem reacting to kakoyin's 20 METER EMERALDU SPLASHH
>that unshakeable fear that your power might short out at any moment and have you fall to your death
kek you thought this was clever huh?
That's not how ultrasounds work
Would a cross breed between an invisible and a non-invisible person make a 50% transparent baby?
>free money
>free stuff
>can beat the shit out of most people
>can spy on anyone
>can go anywhere
>can also sneak into flights so you can pretty much fly
Yeah, ok, sure.
I'll just join Flight to get more matches.
dio is a fucking superhuman with a stand that mirrors one of the fastest stands in the series, he's basically a speedster himself
Pearl Jam so i could have the tastiest food and live to be 159
>take villain
>fly into sky
>become a vigilante called "Falling Angel" due to ruthless killing method
Pucci killed Jotaro easily even with Diver Down protecting him, speedsters always win
Well that and just being afraid in general. I don't take airplanes to trips.
Not even that since you can't make shit you pick up invisible, and people can still FEEL you touching them.
Invisibility has no benefit whatsoever
Just buy a parachute and wear it when you fly
Made In Heaven had super strength, too, though. Also, Jotaro could only stop time for half a second because he never practiced it like a retard.
What if we turned other objects invisible instead of ourselves? Except the earth for obvious reasons.
Theres a short film on youtube called the flyinggame man with that as the premise
parachutes require a pretty long distance to the ground to work properly
Even if super speed also meant super fast reflexes to enable you to control your speed, you'd still need ultra tough, friction resistant shoes to run in, otherwise they'd literally catch fire. They'd need to be made out of car tires.
You aren't nintendo, you can't tell us the rules.
You can't prove he's not Nintendo
and time stop would be even more retarded with light stopping and rendering you blind, not to mention being trapped by frozen molecules around you
Invisibility is picked by people that wants to be Supervillians while Flight is picked by people that wants to be Superheroes.
I just want to live a quiet life
Flight would be fun but I wouldn't want the government on my ass and without super durability, it's a pretty risky ability to have.
With invisibility, I'd at least be able to have lots of money without people noticing.
I might not be Nintendo, but my uncle works for them. He gave me their new futuristic 64 bit console to try out before it reaches stores. I'm playing Pokemon Magenta on it right now.
Because you have a reason to hide if you're a villain and a reason to show yourself if you're a hero.
Are you saying Marina is a villain? Delet this.
>mfw we will be shitposting about invisibility vs flight for the next 2 weeks
>mfw i missed splatfest because unlike MOST things it's just random shitposting and not console war trash
Still waiting for Superman vs Goku.
>put on cloud disguise
>fly into sky
>use sniper rifle to headshot villains
>become a vigilante called "Lakitu"
Superman would beat Goku easily though
Thermal sensors
Locked doors
And that's not counting how easy it is to notice someone open a door, leave finger prints, objects disappearing, noise being made by moving around, especially if you are wearing invisible clothes.
Invisibility would only be useful in the per-industrial era before cameras were a thing.
>implying a hero couldn't use invisibility to sneak into the evil empire