So, how was it for you Sup Forums fags?

So, how was it for you Sup Forums fags?

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Uninstalled after the wall puzzle early in the game

cinematic garbage

I honestly felt like cutting my dick off.

bad gameplay, bad plot

someone played it?

Bretty gud. Toptier waifu and good story/atmosphere.

Ignore the "its a nongame wahwah" tards.


They should try a lot harder at the actual gameplay loop.

It was a nice movie. I enjoyed all 4 hours of it. I liked the dynamic music and the sound effects were great. I didn't like how fucking slow she ran though.
I feel like they decreased her run speed on purpose just to make the game last longer.

Did they really model a monster dick

i liked it

They had a good solid concept behind the puzzles but instead of developing and exploring the concept throughout the game they just threw the same shit at you over and over. Similar sort of thing with the combat; they got some decent enough basic mechanics together then couldn't be bothered to develop a full combat system. So it's a shit game. I imagine some idiots might enjoy watching a playthrough for the 'atmosphere' though.

Daddy issues the game


Will never be good as DaS2.


I liked it and so did most people. Sup Forums is too far up its own asshole to like anything.

The complete lack of a final boss was total bullshit. In fact, not only is there no final boss, but you are supposed to purposely die in the final encounter. What a fucking ripoff Tameem. Worst decision made in the game imo. They probably ran out of money at that point and couldn't make a nother boss.

sfm porn of this will be next level

I would've liked a plot twist where Senua isn't crazy

i need this

If I wanted to sit there and listen to someone tell me about Norse mythology, I'd listen to a fucking audiobook. It's just a boring walking simulator broken up by equally boring combat sections.

You play as a downy or what?

no, you play as someone who suffers from psychosis

Name a mental illness. Any one at all. She has it.

Whispering pissed me off so I uninstalled

This was the best part of the game

umm sounds like a shit game



There is literally a volume slider just for the whispering

Played a couple hours, gonna wait for my 1080 and 4K display to arrive before continuing desu.

Too qt

>I liked it and so did most people

F-fuck that level

Do you not read reviews? Or do you just think everyone's been paid off? The overwhelming majority has given Hellblade favorable reviews.

>those noises she makes when she's afraid
>the way she begs for her beloved to save her

I thought those whisperers were hot as fuck and Zynbel's voice made me rock hard

Even if you're b8ing or being a contrarian faggot you need to go back to rebbit, this game is unredeemable garbage that is the culmination of the garbage the industry has been putting out for at least the last decade.

Heck, i guess even a 100% ending, where it turns out she isn't really crazy.

OST is comfy as fuck

Did anyone rip the Surt boss music? Shit was cash

>stop being contrarian
>nothing but garbage for the past 10 years

It's good but combat is boring.

Here you go, my man

Dude nice. One thing this game got on point was its music.

I thought the combat was good in a I fucking hate myself for this cinematic way, even though it wasn't that hard it felt satisfying to blast away at viking dudes mixing up jump attacks and dodges and bullet time shit while viking music was thumping in the background.

I love the atmosphere in this game. Like the environment assets and stuff aren't the best I've seen but the lighting and coloration on things just completely make up for it.

Also Senua's character model is one of the best looking models I've ever seen. Both in terms of her visual art style and the actual rendering tech.

wait, people on Sup Forums actually nonironically bought this game?

It's a ninja theory game made by Tameem

Not in a million sales.


This game has many rage quitters and people wanting a refund and all I can say they are missing out on a phenomenal game.

DMCfags are a niche. Most people don't care

DMC3 on pc has shit reviews because it is an awful port that doesn't even run on a lot of pcs

I didn't buy it
but I played through the whole thing.
solve that riddle

>bought because i expected Heavenly Sword
>It's a complete fucking trash with no actual gameply and shitty looking textures straight outta PS3
>refund it and never look back
Not even going to pirate it

10/10 sound/music
8.5/ graphics/art direction
7.5/10 combat
6/10 plot
0/10 puzzles

10/10 waifu