Be me

>be me
>high as fuck
>want to play csgo
>go on smurfaccount
>join game
>lose pistol round
>dmg-noobs yell at my for buying second round
>go on to next round
>dmg-idiots still cant buy of course
>try to explain cs-economics calmly
>tell me to stfu
>go t-spawn while everyone is dying on a
>drop my usp-s
>jump into suicide facing t-spawn
>bunnyhop down mid backwards
>WTF MAN??!!??.gif
>next round
>drop usp-s
>buy flash/flash/smoke
>flash guys going long
>flash guys going b
>rebuy flashs
>smoke a site since ts are pushing short
>also flash ramp and long for them
>do this for the rest of the game
>faggots in my team couldnt get a single round in the whole match
>so much lulz had
>so much faggot-tears
This was unironically the most fun i had in months in csgo. Why are dmgs so delusional and think they can call other people shit at the game, while there is not a single good player in their whole skillgroup? Any dmgs mind to explain what is happening in their peanut brains? How can you guys play 2k hours and not know how to buy? And how can you than think you are anything but complete shit?

Also anybody is else griefing idiots on csgo? Any tactics or suggestions? I want to do it again later.

I don't understand what you just posted

Are you dmg?

Are you retarded?

>not just playing on a 24/7 PUB server for Dust and having it be 16000 start cash

Is that what dmgs do besides matchmaking? Would explain a lot.

Weed has fried your brain.

Nice blog, faggot

okay nice blog I guess, glad you had fun. Don't know what the fuck you said, though.

This is legit the shittiest thread so far today. Fuck off, faggot.

No, why?


I don't even know what that is. Only matchmaking I know of is when some clan faggots come to my server and think they're tough shit, and if they got their 5, we'll have a scrim.

My team from yesterday. 4 salty dmgs who dont understand how to buy in a game that's out since the late 90s.


Game eco is a meme

It's the shitty build-in valve-pug system where everyone below smfc is just retarded. Also servers are shit. Still ppl somehow think their rank in that circeljerk determines how good they are and even the people with mediocore ranks have an attitude.

If you cant play, true.
But if you cant play at least stfu and listen to people who can.

What is a dmg? I haven't played CS since Source and only then pretty casually. I know how to buy, though...

Is round 1 TMP still a thing?

DMG stands for dicking middle-school girls

You can play on valveservers for matchmakingranks. Dmg is a rank. It's the 5th best out of 18 ranks.

>muh eco
>muh shiny shitter badge
>muh ooga booga
>muh epic trolling

valve matchmaking is shit because it's full of imbeciles like if you want to play real counter strike, you play on ESEA or you don't play at all

TMP is $1250 I think, you must be thinking about something else.

>real cs
Now you are being retarded, not me. How is Rws-hunting with 2-4 randoms real cs?
It's the same shit as mm on better servers. Real cs is played 5man team vs 5man team.

i thought the 5man team part was obvious

Eco is a shitty meme only used by tryhard faggots like yourself.

You dont get points in esea if you q with 5 man premade.... do you even play on there?

Found the dmg

Just original game, I never played GO.

>make a sweet ass thread with a cool story
>upset dmg faggots come in and act like ass blasted jelly shitters
I should've known I was better than all of /v at csgo.


You pretending to be me? But you post is ok.I'm better than these Sup Forums faggots in any game that isnt a japanorpg.
Good post negroe. Very creative.

What's a dmgs?
Dark Magician Girls?


>this thread
how many layers of irony are we on?

Distinguished master guardians.

Op here not sure if 1337 or 420 layers.

how dare you reply to me


I like your butthole, so i figured i'd give it a try. Wanna netflix and chill?

Actual negroes on the internet? How does it feel being the only kid in the hood that knows how to use a keyboard?

sorry, I have a girlfriend and I'm not into redditors

Ok i accept that i cant have your butthole, cause i'm not a rapist, but why wouldnt i reply?

cause you're some redditor who plays csgo, how dare you talk to me

I tried playing cs:go when high om hash once.i got kicked pretty quickly.

I have never in my life had a reddit account... why do you think i'm redditor? Also why dont you want csgo-players to talk to you? If you got pwned by silvers i can help you in exchange for sexual favors. Do we have a deal?

Yes that's why i played on smurf. On dmg i can still easily carry while high.