>try to replay game
>remember THAT level
Try to replay game
>floating continent in ff6
>haruka chapter in yakuza 5
>The Space Harrier level that takes way too long
At least the bike level is quick.
>The deep roads
the entirety of primm up to boulder city is the biggest chore ever. thank god you can skip the repconn rocket base at least.
>Fade at least has some free stat increases thrown at you constantly along with a moderately interesting magical gimmick
>Deep Roads are just map after map with multitudes of copy/paste enemies; the spider level is even the cherry on top
>north crater
>The hospital in MGSV
The fucking escape sections nearly ruined that game for me
>vanilla Echo Isles
>The entire game is THAT LEVEL
>Entirety of Blightown.
I just want to hold my dinner mang.
>Doing the hospital AGAIN
>twinblades camp
They were the only challenging part of the game
>bodyfat dropping
>starting to look more and more like geralt
it's an abstract kind of feel
Blighttown is not that shitty.
Morrowind up until your weapons actually start hitting things
>just lost 32 pounds
>tfw I look like pic related
>THAT level
>don't save the game, since it has never crashed before
>suddenly, crash
>lose 2 hours of progress
>have to replay THAT level
Fucking DROPPED.
That Part: The Game
water temple desu
All the unskippable cutscenes after every 2 minutes of gameplay
>want to play The Witcher 3
>remember the shitty witcher senses that every quest uses
>Forget that you can turn them off
Shell 2, mgs2. Talk about an abrupt stop to the fun.
Everything before you get the bow
I like the floating continent. The Terra/Edgar/Sabin scenarios near the beginning are kind of a slog to replay though.
>the best parts of the game ruined the game for me
i guess you really dont have to do it but its still awful.
>tfw the only person in the entire history of existence who unironically liked the fade and didn't really mind the deep roads
It is not that bad, I replayed this, dreading that part and even if it was tedious, it was actually shorter than I remembered.
Dishonored's Flooded District
>longest level in the game
>completely fucking linear with almost no rewards for going off the beaten path
>filled with assassins that teleport and harass you from range
>filled with river krusts that are the most infuriatingly annoying enemies in the game that take ages to kill without getting your face melted
>also tallboys because fuck you
>none of the environments are interesting
>it's a 'get your gear back' level
>incredibly easy to kill an enemy by accident and not realize it until you've finished the level, meaning you have to redo the entire fucking thing
>bullshit puzzles that make an already long and annoying level even longer and more frustrating
it's longer on hard difficulty
>a lot of zombies, which count as civilians.
>level up a bit before going
>all the scamps become clannfears
I replayed on Hard after Normal, still felt shorter, maybe because I knew what to do and wasn't scared of Croc's jumpscares.
>Persona 5
>Okumura's palace
oblivion's levelling system is such garbage, who thought that having enemies level up alongside you would be a good idea?
>looks exactly the same as the first area
I've never even finished Borderlands 1 and I hear it's the only good one too.
it's only good story-wise.
BL2 is great in every way BUT story and UVHM mode
I'm convinced that this was pure filler.
What level please?
Loc Muinne?
yes, and the swamp level in TW1
if i had to choose between oblivons level system or miss miss miss miss miss miss miss hit.
i'd choose oblivion.
Fuck off it was great.
The swap level was atrocious i give you that
Is this a joke? You need to use the witcher sense to actually trigger the location of quest objectives and have it be visible.
Then you are lost
I can't think of any "that part" moment in this game other then the bullshit racing.
>gee why can't i hit things with this weapon i have 20points in and with my 30 agility?
miss miss is only an early game problem 2bh
>he stilll doesn't know
stop listening to Sup Forums memes and actually enjoy videogames
The swamp level is really not bad after you played it once
You get through these two really quickly, though
I get a headache every time I play this level.
>Summoner's Rift
Ah, the chore of Bhaal has awoken.
I don't really hate it as much as others do, but it really gets boring after the first time around, where there was an actual aura of mystery about it.
the fucking jet ski lpart with elana in uncharted
I literally just finished dishonered. Can't say I didn't like the flooded district. Those fucking plant things that could spot you 200% of the time were a chore tho.
Am gonna start up the knife of dunwall right now.
Although I am playing the game right now, for me it's Darksiders. Goddamn do I hate that fucking beam puzzle. And not to mention that awful fetch quest at the end of the game to retrieve all the blade shards.
I'm definitely not looking forward to that. But almost everything else in the game is real neat.
mother of fuck I forgot to finish uncharted 1 because of this shit
Fuck both The Sacred Icon and Quarantine Zone. I would also like to extend a special fuck you to High Charity for being scary as fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
Oh yeah, that shit parcour in the fucking cascade....So lazy, and unplayable
Skyrim - Whiterun. You don't NEED to complete bleak falls barrow but if you want the main quest, shouts, and to fight dragons you'll spend +1hours doing the same thing every playthrough. iirc you don't find dragons unless you do it which is shit for an 'open world'
Just take up fasting, should help with fat face and extra skin if you've been extra large. Could be wrong though, Joe rogan doctors are hit and miss (lol)
I wish you could skip it. It's basically just a cutscene any ways.
>game uses sixaxis motion controls for anything
>balancing on thin beams
>arcing thrown weapons
literally fuck this feature its the worst controller feature ever invented i dont buy brand name shit when i need a controller so they dont even have them.
inb4 keyboard fags.
I play controller for simple games
fuck uncharted 1
Yeah, it's pretty annoying once you've done it once or twice.
Skyrim does it too. Morrowind had it right but that game as a whole is god awful unmodded.
Who would bother with w3 (the drowner sim)
Those are the best doe...
Remember this fucking shit?
You know exactly what I'm referring to.
what the fuck were they thinking?
is that The Library? yeah it felt like a long boring labyrinth
superman 64 is THAT game user.
Yeah it is, i ded so many time in legendary, fuck this godawfull shit.
Atlantica in both Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2
Whole Roxas portion in Kingdom Hearts 2
This Also this
It would be easier to name Halo 2 stages that aren't THAT part of the game, but Uprising takes the cake for me.
What were they thinking?
>he doesn't like KH2 Atlantica
Faggot, I bet you hate the 100 Acre Wood and Disneytown aswell.
love that part actually.
you're got a gay.
I actually do
that shit's for fucking babies
I never understood the hate for the swamp, but I have a massive soft spot for swamps so maybe it's just me.
I really enjoyed how the boat controlled, so I dug this part. It also had some really comfy sections and hidden stashes. That being said it drags on for way, way too long. It and the drive on the coast should be much shorter, but I think the airboat was way longer than the highway.
just dont do it, you aren't required to.
Vanilla WoW ; the endgame
Modern WoW ; the leveling / weapon grind
the hotel or the sewers?
man, hl2 is aging like milk, the older the more you realize it's all a fancy tech demo of their source engine.
That boat mission was probably made so you could see how huge a map can be in Source. Might have felt amazing at their time, but now it's boring af. Same goes with most of the puzzle parts of the game, they're all super boring now, nothing special.
>Completely linear
U wot?
i have trouble to end the roxas portion in KH2 to be honest
The level called "I could have been your daddy" was way, way worse. It's just a bunch of copy and pasted rooms with 3 bridge sections braking them up, and each bridge section has some very minor changes to them (one has another bridge next to it with enemies, another has breakable glass and a bridge under it). The shit is so bad and samey that they literally just drop arrows on the ground so you don't get lost and run backwards. They also space out weapons and health packs super shittily so by the end of it you're left with nearly nothing but a plasma pistol and some useless gun and you have to fight off a big ass area full of vehicles and elites. I remember the last time I played it I only got through the ending part because I hijacked one of those flying things by sticking an elite before he could run to it.
Like I get that the Library is hard but that area prior to it is just genuine horrid level design.
Deepnest is awesome though, unless you manage to fall into it unprepared.
i seriously hate the philadelphia and bullring level in thps2. i hate philly because i can never get to the patio thing where you drain the fountain unless i try 1000 times. the bullring level is only annoying if your going for all the cash
You fucking plebs. Flooded District is the best level of Dishonored. Git Gud.
Next you'll be telling me you hate replaying Dishonored 2 because of the Conservatory.
>that incredibly slow start
>that large, empty overworld
>those boring as fuck wolf segments
>all that time spent outside of dungeons
TP does a lot wrong, and I swear the only reason people hold it so high is because of OoT nostalgia. The wolf doesn't have anything interesting going on, the overworld feels intentionally large and boring, a lot of the characters are forgettable as fuck, the items are fairly shit all around and a lot of them have next to no use outside of very specific situations (the spinner and the rod are like genuinley offensive items, they might as well leave your inventory post boss fight), hunting down bugs as the wolf isn't fun.
Like, shit, I really just don't see how anyone can rate this game so highly. It's not Skyward Sword bad but it is mediocre.