

>announce game
>everyone says the art style looks like shit
>keep art style

trying to put all their cards on becoming a flavor of the week youtube sensation

Shit visuals, won't be getting it.

I don't have any friends so it's worthless to me

>make game that you wanna make
>people shit talk
>ignore them and continue

Sounds pretty based if you ask me. Anything's better than pixel shit.

>from nidhogg to nignogg

This. Are there even any gameplay changes?

but it's still pixelshit. Just higher resolution and wackier.

Yeah there are, they made it worse in every way.

I don't see why people are bitching about it. Nidhogg 1 is dead a fuck

>announce game
>everyone says the art style looks like shit
>double down and disable comments/ratings on your videos
Do they think people will buy this?

>that H being off center in the logo
Literally proof the artist for this game doesn't know shit.

This and this.

What the fuck were they thinking? I played the shit out of Niddhog with friends but I'm not touching this dogshit.

The letter I doesn't take as much horizontal space as other letters you fool.


>Sup Forums pretends Nidhogg wasn't a silly party game with programmer graphics
>Sup Forums pretends they knew about it before it was released

>that artstyle

>ignore them and continue
>game flops

>Graphics matter huhuh

I really liked the ridiculous faces. It's the customization of clothing that's the shit part.

fUck the haterz am I rigt guys?! XDXD

I know they added bows and different swords

>pixel undulation

is not graphics, is art style...

It's literally the same game with awful looking characters. The new weapons are all garbage, except maybe the great sword which beats everything easily which is dumb. Maps don't really add any interesting depth to the combat other than the lava map conveyor belts making the game worse.

The first game is already a master piece so just play that.

Nignog? Did they just name their game nignog?

Epic attempt at a funny, you inbred mouthbreather.

Nidhogg is from norse mythology.

>what is artistic integrity

If there were anything "artistic" about anyone that worked on this game they would have realized the visuals are an ugly clusterfuck, and would have changed them.

Too few weapons and stages. Becomes very repetitive fast because of it.

>If the artist was actually talented they would pander to me instead of making the game they want to make
Unironcially a pathetic way to think