Is this a good gameplay element?

Is this a good gameplay element?

I think it stacks the odds in your favor

Does it matter?
You can one shot everything with your starter anyway.

no it is the difficulty setting although most retards will keep it on switch and still complain that it they are "too easy"
also using items mid fight
If none of that is allowed in battles between people then they are deemed unfair and are only allowed to let kids and retards have a chance

I bet you choose grass types in gen 1, casual

not anymore since BW2 and SM changed the exp formula although I think you wouldn't even recognize these names
grass has been hard mode just as much as every other type, BW and DP had the toughest time instead

If only you could turn it off.

>no these games suck they are so dumb and easy!!!!!!!!!

NPCs use items too, you know.

>complaining that a literal children's game is easy

Just play romhacks you dumb cunts.

Well it's easy regardless, since it's a kid's game first. I don't understand people who complain about pokemon being easy. You have dozens of shitty fangames to scratch that itch.

since gen5 they use a couple of potions/full restores and only when they would actually be useful
instead players can be invincible by abusing revives
pokemon fangames are all garbage
SM was hard enough if you don't abuse the exp share

You can turn it off. I do it since it's closer to how the multiplayer works

yes in multiplayer you play on set, can't use items and your levels will be equal to your opponent
if you want to have fun playing single player pokemon that is the way and I have tried it on all of them and had fun on most, some are still shit like DPP, XY and RSE sadly

If you don't overlevel, don't use items mid-match, KO=death clause, and have set battle style on; even the newer regular games can be decently challenging.

Nuzlocking fangames is for true masochists though.

Pokemon prism was alright

KO=death clause is retarded rule that also inflates the 3rd problem which is level difference
you have to grind to play like it and if you grind the fun is over
no it was a ripoff of the GSC, incredibly boring without the things that made GSC good

It is not a good element. Turn that shit off in settings bro!
Also play an emulator and decrease all of your party's levels by about 3 to 5 every time you enter a new town.

I always turn it off

You know you can turn it off if you think it's an unfair advantage, right?

Is it too fucking hard to go under options and put "Set" instead of "Switch" or whatever the fack it was? It's literally optional.

in most older pokemon games you will be underleved for all the important fights if you have more than 4 pokemon in your team

You can still solo with your starter in those games.

It satisfies my "rekt enemy by knowing their type weakness so I can advance with full health" autism

This is true.

ok bro whatever you say
I totally haven't tried that myself and know better