
How is luck a "talent"?

That's the funny part, it is not

in the same way hope / despair is a talent

Because he got randomly picked to join the school in a draw.

He was "lucky" enough to get in.

he was born with it. you do know what a talent is?

watch anime where komaeda unleashes his luck. it's talent above all talents

Then again, being an Otaku/Fortuneteller/Gambler isn't highschool prodigy material, either.

I love Junko!

>Ultimate Clairvoyant
>Ultimate Otaku
>Ultimate Yakuza
>Ultimate Princess
>Ultimate Mechanic
>Ultimate Gambler
>Ultimate Team Manager

I mean there's some like Musician and Swimming Pro that makes sense, but not a lot.

>he doesn't have godtier luck
Where are my godtier luck bros @?

His talent was being the mc.

I guess its being good at calculating probability?

I love her stinky sister!

At least that is the explenation for the luck inplant in fallout new vegas.

The same way you can be an Ultimate Astronaut without ever going into space.

Not on Sup Forums that's for fucking sure. It's like walking into a cancer ward and asking the same question.

Reminder that Chiaki is a disgusting pig.

>ultimate anime maker
>literally some fag nobody knows about
how the fuck is he an ultimate if he never released anything?

But aren't none of the Ultimates in V3 actually Ultimates?

you don't need to be famous to be good

Touko-chan is a beautiful person.

I didn't really notice the difference until I did a side by side comparison but Junko's twin has slightly smaller tits

That's one of the reasons why Junko is the best

>not wanting to slap that belly and ride the wave home

That's what they were researching.

uhh Im pretty sure you do. Especially with a subjective field like art. You have to be acknowledged by everyone in order to be the best

That's what I thought at the beginning, this little shit FUCK showed me wrong. LUCK is the most absolute OP shit in the Danganronpa series, completely unbeatable unless you have a higher order of luck.

So any artist who became famous posthumous was actually a talentless hack?

> "Aww I love you t- blrgrk!"

I hope you're kidding, because if fame = good, then PUBG, League and CSGO are the best games ever

That wasn't very nice

Makoto and Nagito seem to have different luck, if that makes sense. Nagito's luck seems to alter the world itself to make things go his way, Makoto's luck is more...passive.

Man Naegi is lucky, I mean he doesn't die in chapter 1 like Kaede but Naegi and Hajime appear in final trial but everything is fake.

>not ignoring gay Miyazaki's existence
That guy was one of the worst Deus Ex machinas I've ever seen, you should all forget about him and the whole animation mess.

its not about fame. You can only be the best in something in comparison to others. If you are not know you cant be compared.


Nagito's luck and be predicted and triggered, Makoto is just lucky

The bullshit power

>boozeman somehow discovered someone who's talent was vacuuming and folding clothes

If Junko was using multiple personality traits during that section, where did she got the angsty one from?

You can create more luck. Imagine you're in college looking for a part time job with no prior job experience. The simple act of applying to many positions creates the right circumstances for luck.


His parents were literally killed by a falling meteor while they were on a plane, how do you predict that? That man cannot be predicted, he only lost to Junko because she had marysueman as an ally at the time.

I'd say they're the same. Random shit happens, then in the end things end up in favor of lucky guy. I mean, you could argue that naegi was unlucky because he got scouted into shslschool, but he would never end up in hope fixing corp without that. wouldn't have bacon hands within reach of his dick either. Komaeda was the same, his parents died so he could gain freedom, shit like that.

For passiveness, it's mostly because naegi truly fears for his life while komaeda just loads five rounds into revolver and fires in his head. Naegi's luck would probably guard him as well, but it doesn't have to since he's sane person.

>defeats worst girl
>attains best girl

Talent or not, Naegi is on fire.

IIRC the Ultimates are picked from different schools or some shit so they're top voted or w/e.

Well, that's what the mastermind says. Then again, they also said that everyone signed up for the show willingly, but if you replay the game there's a few extra scenes which suggest Kaede was abducted and forced into the game, so a lot of what they said could just straight up be fiction.

iirc by the time of DR3 he knows the signs when bad luck and good luck is going to happen
Hence he knows that the revolver won't kill him, and that his plan works - despite it fucking up Hinata's waifu

Didn't he also win the lottery or something after his rents died


>DR1 cast stays dead
>DR2 cast stays alive
This isn't fair, guys

Luck can turn a seemingly ordinary man into a horrific monstrosity

Good. That means they'll never be tainted by garbage like DR3.

No seriously, how was there enough of Junko to graft anything onto Nagito afer that? At least Terminator made it obvious that there were some parts of the robot that survived which the sequel went back to.

She has nice thighs.

Probs just used Mukuro's body.
Could say the same thing with Mikan having Junko's womb implanted in her as she wanted Junko's baby

>someone actually had sex with the puddle of brain matter, blood, broken bones and mushy organs that was Junko at that moment


I don't want to know if this is real or not because if it is I'm gonna kill myself

Play DR2 and then you'll understand

All of DR3 cast but whiny animator who wanted "muh hope" and Yu Narukami lived.

Not even best boy Juzo got free from the clutches of gay, sad story

Didn't they blow up her body? Sure, it's more likely that there's some of Mukuro left than Junko but still.

> Mondo gets executed

> H-h-ha h-ha t-his is gonna be like Zero Escape right? E-everyone dies throughout the story but in the end t-t-t-hey all live?

One of my favorite characters and fucking Chunsoft not only killed him but made his punishment fucking retarded.

Nigga it's Tsumigi cosplaying them because "muh ultimate cosplayer" and "muh ultimate mastermind plan for tv"
No they only blew up her face to make her unrecognisable in Trial 5.
The rest of the body had spear punctures but they were probably fixed.
Remember the Fenrir tattoo on her hand?

Of course. and looking back, it seems the tattoo was on Mukuro's right hand, while the hand Nagito took was the left hand, so it's not entirely implausible.

Then again, this is Nagito we're talking about. Part of Junko's actual body could've survived merely because he wanted it to.

Well I guess it's time to stop coming to these threads until V3 gets released.
See you next month guys.

> Bomb implanted in the corpse
> Explodes and sends the students flying
> Somehow the corpse is only burned instead of being ripped to shreds by shrapnel

I get the feeling Chunsoft doesn't know shit about explosives. Pic related

If you were really lucky you'd trip and literally wall into a high paying job.

how is hope a talent?

It did give us one of the most hilarious scenes in DR3 where Naegi is guilted into killing himself by Mondo's buttery corpse

To be honest, there was this whole hoohar of which Ultimate Despair got which part but they couldn't have gotten it from Junko.
Kuzu's eye obvs from Mukuro or the damage received in the New World Program doesn't affect actual bodies.
Mikan's womb probs being from Mukuro.
IDK anyone else but Ibuki had a scar on her leg, idk if that meant Mukuro leg or if she's a clumsy but cute fuck.

Yeah it's my favourite asspull in the game.
Shame V3 is filled to the brim with them and the fucking ending. Trial one was BS and I actually wanted Kaede as a protag but w/e let's have Naegi's whiny sister who grows balls at the end of UDG.

Best scene in the anime.
Burning Celes was a fave too.

Eh, I haven't even played the second game yet so I'm trying to avoid the spoilers for the most part. It's not the zero escape route where everything just goes down in terms of quality after the first game is it?

Scars are probably just tattoos as part of her act. Though Nagito grafted Junko's arm onto himself, he can't actually move it, so if Ibuki tried the same thing it would be unlikely she'd be able to walk properly......or climb that ladder.

2's actually really good. There's a better selection of characters and the island setting makes for more interesting set-ups. Again, some of twists and logic are questionable but it stacks up well against DR1: taking a lot of cues from the first game but also putting its own spin on things.

Ultimate Despair Girls I'm torn on. It's a good story but the gameplay segments just weren't that enjoyable for me. It's almost like they were making a 3rd person shooter/puzzle game and then just decided half way through to make it a Danganronpa title.

Luck is the most broken talent

That's not luck you imbecile

I did that unironically.

Next Danganronpa Another will feature Chiaki's brother.
Screencap this post.

Luck isn't really a talent.

Naegi's talent should be the Ultimate Common Sense(I know common sense isn't a talent) because no matter what happened, he absolutely refused to go full retard and do something stupid.

Too many MCs in games, comics, anime and cartoons go full retard even if going full retard was not necessary. It was refreshing to see an MC who for the most part didn't play into the villains hands.


That pretty much was what Naegi's talent was anyway. (until DR3) He was a normal kid chosen at random who was surrounded by all these elite students whose abilities had made them eccentrics who were unable to really function outwith their specialised areas.

>(I know common sense isn't a talent)
Considering how few people have it, I would say it actually is a talent.

What's so great about her? Is she suppressing a huge rack under that coat or something?

> Apply for a loss prevention job at a resort on indeed despite having no loss prevention experience because why the fuck not
> Get hired because of my background in emergency care which was what they really needed to deal with the amount of accidents around resort
> Get started at $20 an hour

Does this mean I'm the ultimate lucky guard?

You could argue reporting LOL threads is loss prevention.

You should write a book.

The trials in DR2 are worse for sure.

I think the story takes a nosedive, particularly with how it ends, but I'm not exactly a majority in thinking so.

But uh, pretty much everyone hates DR3 and it seems like the V3 reception is rather negative as well.


That Monokuma looks creepy as fuck

>The trials in DR2 are worse for sure.
The trials are the only thing DR2 objectively does better than DR.

>have Nagito comparable luck
>bad luck hits me hard, but then it turns out to be good luck
>example, girlfriend of 8 years left me a week ago
>ghosted me and put me into a depression
>family member takes pity on me and stays at my house
>next day wake up to them being frantic telling me an appliance of mine caught fire
>had my ex not dumped me, my family member wouldn't have been here to make sure my house didn't catch fire
>and I live another day

Believe it or not, but this is my life.

>"""""""""Improved"""""""" Hangman's Gambit
>Panic Talk Action
>Rebuttal Showdown
>new Closing Argument
>Leaps of Logic Dive

Yeah, nah
Shit sucks. What was my favorite part of DR1 easily became my most dreaded part of DR2

How did V3 do in terms of sales on Japan?
That's all that matters tbqh

Oh yeah, desu Ibuki did change her look a lot to fit her theme of Rock.
From the Wikipedia page:
"Danganronpa V3 was awarded by Famitsu with a score of 37/40. Within its first week of release in Japan, the PlayStation Vita version sold 76,166 copies, whilst the PlayStation 4 version sold 40,006. By February 2017, the PlayStation Vita version had sold over 115,840 copies in Japan."

His talent isn't really "luck", it's being the protagonist.

He gets to keep trying and failing again and again until he succeeds, making it seems like he's lucky.

>common sense
>it's not very common

>common sense isn't
There cut it down as per the Sup Forums rule of being verbose is bad.

better question: why the fuck did they name two SHSL Luck? arent you supposed to be the best at something to enter? why are there two?

I can't speak all fancy like you can user


There's a draw for a spot in each class.
Makoto is Ultimate Lucky Student for 78.
Komaeda was Ultimate Lucky Student for 77.

Just cut every third word out and put Le at the start of your sentences. People assume you to be worldly.