Today is Umineko's 10th anniversary. Say something nice about it

Today is Umineko's 10th anniversary. Say something nice about it.

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a friend of mine has been pestering me with this shit for the past 5 years, every time I see screenshots of it it looks pretty bad
can someone explain why the fuck I should or shouldn't read this?

this shit fell off so hard in the second half, part 7 literally had me snoozing.

bern is still best girl tho

It's a wild as fuck ride.


Never I have seen a series fuck itself so badly that it had to release a supplemental book as an apology.

It's a "mystery" VN about a tranny with multiple personality disorder and one very rich and fucked up family with meta-meta-meta-battles and discussions

its a visual novel, you aren't going to be able to extract anything from a screenshot. go read part one and keep reading if you like it

It was fun to reread once I understood the answers.

EP5 ???? was too kino and the rest simply could not match up with it.



This thread needs more DESIRE.

>All those little subtle as fuck hints about everything everywhere
Fun as fuck to read.
WTC5 news soon.
For real this time.
Within the year at least.

lambdadelta and ange are gods greatest gift

ange is 2 fat to be best hamburger

>ep2, kanon gets ressurrected, kills nanjo and kumasawa, and Genji, Shannon and Gohda can't explain if it was really him
>Rosa asks "couldn't you even tell if it was a boy or a girl?"
it really is cheeky sometimes

Alright can someone explain that scene to me?
Genji is an accomplice.
Shannon is obviously Shannon.
But Gohda, why the fuck would Gohda say all that stuff to Rosa and the others? He clearly knew that a fake Kanon did not kill everybody for real, he must have seen that it was Gohda that killed Kumasawa and Nanjo. So why did he lie to Rosa if he is not an accomplice? And if he was threatened by the culprits, why would he ever follow Shannon and George into a room of certain death?

that it was Genji, silly me.

The best couple in all fiction comes from it
Also it inspired me to create OPs pic which is the only OC I have made that keeps getting reposted even after years

Why was Higurashi milked so damn hard by 07 Expansion yet Umineko barely got anything? Was it because the anime bombed?

Japs had an autistic meltdown over Yasu's gender and the part where the dumb goats get insulted
They hated it so much that R07's new works now get publicity with "By the writer of Higurashi and Rose Gun Days"

Godha thought it was all a ruse, it obviously wasn't but he was such a coward he deluded himself into believing it was all fake
EP 4 was written almost exclusively to explain this point.

Umineko is just the best. I'm re-reading it with a friend and it's great hearing his speculations.

Did Battler actually attempt to send a letter to Shannon? Or did he just not send one.

The author was very vague about this. In Asnwer to the Golden Witch I think he said something like "it depends if you want to see Battler as the bad guy or George", so Battler might have sent Shannon letters, but George stole them all. That was probably his intent but left it vague.
Like everything else.

>Golden Fantasia Steam release never

So in short fuck George


When they release WTC5 news

>Rosa oba-san
>this disgusting
pls no

>ywn experience the mystery of episode 1 for the first time again

I seem to remember that he did send a couple of letters, but George made sure they never got to Shannon. Can't remember exactly how though.

Sauce on full pic if there's one?

so, what other VNs are there that make me feel like Umineko? Uplifting and then suddenly lots and lots of suffering, good mystery and great OST?
I know about the obvious Uchi stuff, Higurashi, etc...but maybe you anons got some other recommendations?

The House in Fata Morgana

G-senjou no maou and Sharin no Kuni come kinda close.
No supernatural stuff tho

I think I have that one in my fap folder. In the meantime, take this user, it might take me a while to find it.

You're a good man.

nice build up, terrible closure
the "challenge" from Ryukishi07 to his readers and subsequent mockery fucked up his career so hard it's not even funny


>a fucking goat

Pick one.


Where did you get these? Chink shit general?


Belphegor>Satan>the rest

daily reminder that umineko is the greatest pleb filter, since you cannot truly understand it if you haven't experienced true love before


It was a fun ride. Fea is best tho.

I couldn't even name more than three of them.
Obviously I know their names, but I don't know which is which, most of them are very forgettable.

I want to bully Leviathan.

>he still think he was mocking his readers
I like how quickly everyone jumped on the ryukishi bandwagon while his own self-insert talks at length in the story itself about the woes of the writer. The choice was between giving out the single truth and by that destroying every blue truth in existance and hiding it and only vaguely talk about it, leaving room for the cat to breathe.

Besides, the hints must've been quite good since many people knew exactly what the manga would later reveal. Besides Rosatrice fags of course, but we don't talk about them.

Battler a shit
Will is BESTEST detective
Yasu = Battler = Shannon = Kanon = Beatrice = Clair
EP 8's ending completely fucked up everything with it's "Battler was dead and alive because he became another person" bullshit which means that all of those assholes could be alive if they just changed a name or got amnesia
Genji is the most retarded person alive

It's posts like these that let everyone see that you need to lurk more.

It was clear since the beginning someone was bypassing the red through a fake name or identity, first big red sign being from EP3, then Beatrice and Erika's duel made it clear as the day.

>"Battler was dead and alive because he became another person" bullshit
Which is never relevant in the actual gameboards. Yasu himself tries to abuse the acting role trick as little as possible and the only time it's truly forced is either in the six chained closed rooms or in Battler's royal fuckup in episode 6.

But it makes trying to figure out what really happened on the island in not-meta land practically useless.

>But it makes trying to figure out what really happened on the island in not-meta land practically useless.
Because that's what people keep misunderstanding. Discussing what happened on the Real rokkenjima is completely pointless because Yasu had no idea how to know of it while writing the bottled messages and Tohya only writes as a way to both follow his memories and atone for his sin, doing what Yasu did before him. The gameboard only exists as a collection of hints that are there to make us understand who Beatrice is and what her being rappresents.

Really, the only time Beatrice actualy used the "and then this character became another character" trick was during a fuckup Battler did by being a terrible writer.

>what her being rappresents.

A fucked up tranny that came about due to the manipulations of the world's stupidest man?

If you want to reduce it to a single sentence that ignores all of Yasu's character and motivations spanning hundreds of pages, sure.

I've just looked through 30k images. I really need to sort them sometime soon...anyway, haven't found it, but I'm sure I had it. I'll look for it again on my sites, if the thread is still alive by the time I find it (if I do), I'll post it.

>was during a fuckup Battler did by being a terrible writer.
More like falling for crying girl trick and getting caught up in retcons that began because of that.

Ep7 was only redeemed with that tea party. The entire thing was amazing

Didn't just two or three of them get any real "development"?

That incestuous uncle tranny was fucking disgusting.

Thank god it's dead

>"Whelp my side chick turned baby mama wants me to kill off my family, including my own son if he doesn't join our side, guess I better go along with it

What the fuck was Rudolph the Dumbass Reindeer's problem?

10 years, eh? I think I started reading the VN 8 years ago. What a fucking ride it was.
All the theories, all those discussions, all that waiting for The Witch Hunt to finish translating the next Episode.

I don't think we'll ever get a ride like Umineko again in our lifetime. Unless WTC5 somehow surpasses it but I don't think it has much of a chance, especially with Ryukishi hinting that he'll do something very different than Higurashi or Umineko.

Umineko is a literary masterpiece. It is one of my favorite works of fiction. I'm actually planning to visit the real location in Japan next month.


Magic exists!

The pussy game ridiculous.


Kyrie was near uncharacteristically retarded for the sake of being edgy enough to come off as a remorseless killer. I always figured if they were to be the killers, it would be Rudolf's fault first and foremost, and Kyrie would be playing cleanup as best as possible AKA their entire relationship. That he actively is a horrid scumbag at nearly every moment his entire life and very short sighted consistently, it really rubbed me the wrong way that he actually could be argued as "less evil" or rather less culpable than Kyrie in that case.

Did this place get a ton of foreign tourists visiting because of Uminkeo, like the Higurashi village did?

No idea, but I'm visiting both.

>go read part one and keep reading if you like it
this is misleading because part one is very different from the rest. actually they're all pretty weird and different in tone from eachother so just because you like one part there is no guarantee you'll like any other part. part 8 especially is fucking garbage. higurashi was much more consistent.


Just because someone seems kind and caring and loving doesn't mean that's the truth.

>literary masterpiece
You're funny

>so just because you like one part there is no guarantee you'll like any other part
The opening part of 2 was a real snooze fest

i love you tfw no steam bf beato poster

Thighs too thick
Breasts too big

wasn't he outright insulting his fans with the goats? can't blame them, that's a cunt thing to do. the ending in general was a giant shitfest.

You seem to be suffering from homosexuality.

Kyrie is VERY loving.... to Rudolf. She's also not retarded and she's quick to consider multiple options and try for the best or least destructive/dangerous to HER possible, that's not even arguable, so the B.S. with the cash card is something she should have seen coming a mile away. It's why I could swallow Rudolf sparking the murders and her going along with it or making them into a bigger problem with her efficiency because he is the most important thing in her entire life, period. Hell, I wouldn't have minded an essential reversal of their entire relationship if the circumstances flowed a little better. But her rushing to kill over a piece of plastic that's essentially as verifiable or even less than literal gold bars in front of her is almost OOC. At least she was shown that she had the possible option to convert the physical gold, as risky as that was.

Not him, but I think Umineko can be counted as literature. Not really a masterpiece, but it deserves to be counted as a work of literature, definitely. It's a post-modern deconstruction of an entire literary genre.
I'm sure most Oxford professors would sniff at the shounen magic fights, but they would be able to see beyond that and recognise it for what it is.


Read the manga while hearing the game's voices and music.

Best way to experience it.

I really like it, but I also kind of hate it. I feel like if it didn't take so long to read, I'd be more ambivalent about it, but because it was such a time investment, my feelings about it are intensified, and I loved it more than I hated it, so in the end, I still consider it as one of my favorites. But looking back, there were a lot of parts in each episode that I absolutely hated sitting through, and only some of those were redeemed by the end.

where would i go to read this VN? i googled it and only shady websites popped up for me

I'd play that

I seem to remember that Umineko didn't go down so well with the Japanese audience, compared to Higurashi. I'm not sure why the Japs didn't like it, but it was extremely popular overseas.

A shitty rip off of the Divine Comedy mixed with And Then There Were None? Yes, sure.

It's less OOC if you take into consideration that Kyrie might have hated the Ushiromiya family and took Eva's retardation as an opening to get rid of the whole family. At the very least her leaving Ange behind (because really what kind of mother would leave their sick child behind?) shows that she had something up her sleeve because after all that time finally Battler had came back with them as well which means all the family would have been there.

Don't you mean a shitty rip-off of Sleep Away Camp mixed with And Then There Were None?

How....!!! Can anyone... Stand... Reading like this....!!!

Dlanor is the best GIRL.

>mfw no one remembers umineko anymore so the fan base moved from Sup Forums and /jp/ to Sup Forums with hopes of a more lively thread

You can buy chapters 1-4 on Steam (or pirate it from erogedownload) and then patch it with to get best sprites and voices with highest resolution.
Or you can get old version of episodes 1-8 off with PS3 sprites and voices.

/jp/ still does threads, someone dumped the trianthology OST and posted screenshots + very vague summaries there
umineko was literally banned from Sup Forums, don't you remember the RP shitstorm?