As of today I have spent 2000 hours roleplaying in this game. What are some other games you can roleplay in...

As of today I have spent 2000 hours roleplaying in this game. What are some other games you can roleplay in? Should I get Morrowind and Oblivion? Do they have as much roleplaying potential as Skyrim?


you mean you wasted 2000 hours pretending

>implying there's a difference

Was it worth it?

your mom wasted 9 months pretending her baby wouldn't turn out retarded

how do you think she fucking feels now

Morrowind has actual roleplaying but looks like shit even modded.

Don't touch Oblivion

Yeah, I've had fun. If it wasn't Skyrim I would just be playing something else anyway.

Explain how you've roleplayed/racked up 2000 hours. I wanna try to get into this game

no fast travelling ought to help a lot

>don't touch oblivion
>telling someone to avoid the best sidequests in the entire series

I'll agree with you about Morrowind though. It's aged, but I thought it looked just fine with a few mods.

This. Im at 1400 hours right now. frostfall, camping, notice board and ineeds can really pad the game.

>I have spent 2000 hours

>not the same thing as pretending
Sure Skyrim does very little to encourage roleplaying, but that doesn't mean you can't impose it upon yourself.

>think of something you'd like to do
>find mods that help you do it
>do it for 25-50 hours

Play fanmade quest mod. If you did that too then just wait a bit. They're creating Oblivion and Morrowind on Skyrim engine. There's also the Daggerfall remake using Unity.

>They're creating Oblivion and Morrowind on Skyrim engine.
Those require the original games.

user you didn't have to buy Skyrim to roleplay as a mongoloid.

There's some interesting side quests I'll grant you that, but overall with the exception the Shivering Isles the setting feels like kind of a dull and generic fantasy setting compared to Morrowind. Also the character models are fucking atrocious

The combat in Skyrim feels considerably more satisfying than Oblivion too. With Oblivion all the weapons feel kind of floaty and samey, especially comparing two handed and one handed weapons.

The combat in Skyrim feels a lot more meaty and the difference between two handed and one handed weapons feels more pronounced with one handed weapons having quick swipes and lunging power attacks and two handed weapons having more cumbersome and lumbering power attacks.

Biggest problem I have with Skyrim is the same I have with Fallout 4. While they're improving the combat aspects they're also dumbing down the RPG mechanics and character interaction. I don't know if it's because they're rushing to meet deadlines or trying to cater to a more casual audience but if they could give us just one Elder Scrolls game with Skyrim's combat along with Morrowind or shit, maybe even Daggerfall's level of character interaction and RPG mechanics it'd be fucking perfect.

>character interaction

Get both Oblivion and Morrowind. They're both great in their own way.
I would say Morrowind is the deepest RPG of them and it has amazing world building and back story.
Oblivion is the middleground of Skyrim and Oblivion and has the best side- and guild-quests of all the games. Oblivion is in my opinion the best out of all the TES games (As long as you play with mods of course.)
Vanilla was shit.

Funny way to spell Daggerfall

>Be a dunmer.
>Play as assassin.
>Visit Windhelm
>Talk to Rolff
>Throws some insults over me
>Kill him
>Get arrested
>Can pay to be released
>Don't. Fuck him.
>Decide to spend time in prison

Yeah, you can roleplay. You're just being a cunt that's all.

>Oblivion is the middleground of Skyrim and Oblivion

Sorry for the typo, i meant to say that Oblivion is the middleground of Skyrim and Morrowind of course.

Eh, in retrospect I guess I should have said Daggerfall with better character interaction. I guess greeting someone and politely asking them for directions only for them to tell you to fuck off before asking them in a threatening manner resulting in them cheerfully and happily not only giving you directions but also marking it on your map for you isn't exactly great character interaction

>combat in skyrim is better
What? In either skyrim or oblivion the melee is fucking atrocious. You're supposed to go mage or archer to have fun.

Maybe it's better because it subjects you to less of it thanks to executions?

Combat in Oblivion was unironically better than in Skyrim especially the magic system.

Are we sharing our roleplaying stories then?
>playing as a seductive female vampire
>walking alongside a river
>drug dealer stops me
>asks me if I want to buy anything
>tell him to give me everything for free if he wants to live
>he attacks me
>strike him down until he's barely breathing
>proceed to rape him repeatedly and drag him around in a sack to rape in other places
>eventually execute him with a dagger
>cut his body so much that it's barely recognisable, blood everywhere even on my face and chest
>rape his dead body and dump it in the river
10/10 would roleplay again

w-what mods?

sexlab defeat


> "Good day my good my lady, might I inquire where the nearest black smith is?"
switch to streetwise
> "Aye yo bitch where da sword shop at? I'ma need muh blade fixed up so I can stab me a nigga"
> "Oh I'd gladly help you with that! Here, I'll even mark it on your map for you! Such a nice young man"

> Play as redguard
> Be standard nigger
> Marry a white woman
> Live in a shitty house
> Beat my wife daily
> Chop wood and do shit jobs for cash to blow at the bar
> Constantly steal shit
> Constantly start fist fights with anyone who looks at me funny, especially kids
> Constantly get arrested
> Eventually go over the line and stab the jarl's son to death right in front of him for being a little shit
> Go down in a blaze of glory


I never played skyrim, and was looking at a bunch of combat and animation mods. It looks all awful, the animations most of all.
They are so wonky and unnatural. How can anyone enjoy these things? Vanilla is even worse.

Nah, save ur money

>be redguard
>go into whiterun
>skyrim crashes again

World of Warcraft because you can actually roleplay with other people.

You spent 2000 hours roleplaying with NPC's? What the fuck man.

I roleplay with npc's because im too socially inept to do it with other people

roleplaying with actual people is autistic

I was gonna buy it, but noticed that there's a 10 hour trial. Gonna try that instead.

t. social outcasts

What mods you recommend?


Defeat is so much fun, if only for going around and knocking fuckers out. I think on this next run, I'm going to knock out the entirety of whiterun and put them in my breezehome basement. I think there is a mod where I can string them up too, so I'll have to find that.

Do people actually roleplay in World of Warcraft? I've never seen it happen.

Yes, but it's the most tedious and long-winded thing imaginable.
People just saying "hello" to each other in character takes about forty fucking minutes, while they type out every little imagined mannerism and detail of their epic cool characters.

>he hasn't erp'd in goldshire