seriously, what went so terribly wrong?
Seriously, what went so terribly wrong?
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pic unrelated
Not on PC.
the game is shit and you know it
chalice dungeons took too long and bell system was dumb
don't know waiting for the emulation on pc.
then we can judge the game.
reminder never trust sony bros
You already know what's under the spoiler.
Has some flaws but it's a game of the decade contender
They haven't made a sequel yet
Sad b8 u bitch boi
>muh let's add guns to pump out yet another souls game
>and tweak it a bit, so that you get health back when you attack fast after getting attacked
>5 minute change to the code? ok, fine we are done
>wait, we shouldn't call this one blood souls
>because people will see that we are basically pulling an AssCreed and shitting these out
>I saw a terrible burger movie, was called borne or some shit like that
>so call it like that
>and no, Sony can't afford that much
>so we can't have actual lip sync in our "AAA" title
>wait, I got it. Just have tons of characters talk from behind a door
>that way we don't even need a model
>and the moron Sony-lovers will eat it up anyway
>and the missing lip sync will also not be that obvious
>we can just use someone from our burger office to record a few lines and be done with it
it was so good that it shined a spotlight on how awful DS3 was, basically setting it up for failure to anyone who played BB
its a tad short and chalice dungeons are lackluster
Chalice Dungeons
Chalice Dungeons are the worst thing From ever put into any of their games. Worse than World Tendency.
It was too hard.
The fact that you were ever born.
This reeks of pasta.
Nothing. Easily in my top 10.
>getting mad about no lipsync
go back to neogaf and play cinematic Naughty Dog games where a strong poc womyn steps on your balls.
This sounds like more work than fromsoft actually puts into games.
Your dad didn't pull out
Bloodborne was difficult they said, prepare to die they said.
>Chalice Dungeons are the worst thing From ever put into any of their games
That's completely wrong, so let me tell you the several ways your opinion is sh-
>Worse than World Tendency
Oh, never mind. You're just an idiot.
bet you can't even explain what's happening there :^)
They made a faction of beta orbiters.
overhyped garbage. I gave up after a few hours
This. Only real complaints I have.
>bell system
Interesting idea. Should have had a respawing Bell Maiden in every area that still has a living boss so that you can be invaded any time, not just two locations and as soon as you kill her she's gone forever.
>Chalice Dungeons
An easy fix would be for CD progress to apply to all characters on an account, so if one character completes them and kills Yharnam, then other characters can skip all that if they want.
Maybe make it a separate mode rather than part of the main game. Instead of starting the main game we could start Chalice Dungeons right from the menu as any character, and they'd all share progress. It'd make multiplayer in Chalices a lot easier to work with, too, and might make them a legitimately fun feature.
>I couldn't beat the first boss
Beast blood pellet and stake driver super-charge attack.
It's an extremely high risk, high reward strategy, and only works on very specific bosses due to the long charge time of the stake driver, and it's abysmal range.
A bloodtinge/cannon/BMA build would be stronger, and WAY safer:
Nothing, just the frame rate and terrible fast travel system
Mad you'll never get it, PCBOI?
poor platform.
They were out of bosses ideas I guess.
>lack of build variety
>game is linear
>the main story is the shortest one comparing to other souls games
>final boss is optional
>pvp/coop is retarded mess
>chalise dungeons
>no interesting npcs or quest lines
>only 6 character stats while 2 of them are completely useless
>no poise, no gear weight
>game is linear
DeS is the only one with any substantial amount of non linearity built into it, literally not an argument.
DS2's Soul Memory is probably the worst thing in these games. Chalice dungeons are ignorable at least.
What do people mean by linear anyway? Are we referring to level order, story progression, boss order, all of the above?
5 different non-connected worlds don't make DeS a non-linear game because you still go from one boss tothe next one.
DS1 is the most non-linear game in series as from the beginning you can go to many places and with master key you go almost anywhere you want.
>2 of them are completely useless
Are you one of those retards that bought the end is useless meme? And what's the other "useless" stat?
Tried too hard with the forced atmosphere.
>because you still go from one boss tothe next one.
And the amount of freedom you have to do this in is unparalleled in any of the other games, the possible routes of completion in Demon's Souls is in the millions.
not pc version
>overhyped garbage. I gave up after a few hours
I blame Lawrence. Master Willem told him to fear the old blood.
Arcane is fucking pointless as magic is a joke.
Bloodtinge is also useless as firearms aren't supposed to be an offensive weapon. And even with high bloodtinge you still need a proper gun and the lack of bullets will be an issue.
Chromatic abortion that made the entire screen blurry as fuck
Except you can get the gems early enough and make ng, and ng+ a complete joke. Platinumed it in two playthroughs.
>bloodtinge and arcane
Let me guess, you're a babby whose only playthrough was with LHB?
You need three playthroughs for the platinum though. One for sunrise, one for wheelchair, and one for squid.
t. retard
When you get to the end just upload your save to the Cloud and then once you get one ending just download and reload the save.
I forgot cloud saves were a thing. You win this round technology.
Pandering to edgy 14 year olds with it's DUDE LOVECRAFT LMAO writing
Derp. Was wondering if you hit your head or not.