Favorite character is also low tier

>favorite character is also low tier

What do you do in this situation?

Be loyal.

stick with him/her/it but at the same time don't compain about people picking better chars

Get so good with the character to the point that people think he's over powered

Playa with it until mastering some retarded combo that is useful

Play my favorite character and have an excuse when I lose.

Play with it until i become proficient with it, i should be able to male something useful with it after that

pick a top tier

Complaining about people picking better characters is the best part.

Play the character anyway.

Unless you're in the top percent of players and go to big tournaments, tiers don't actually matter that much

I'm the 12th best t.hawk in usf4 but I always drown in pools to people playing shotos.

>favourite characters are always low tier
Tell me about it. I hate it but I can't help it...

Keep playing, git gud. There is nothing else.


>12th best t. hawk
>out of the 12 people who actually play t. hawk

>This kills the t.hawk main

play a game without low tier characters

Unless your playing competitively using a "low tier" character shouldn't even be an issue.

Chances are what most user think of "competitive" fucking isn't, so play who you like because you are probably still hit garbage anyway.

i mean characters specialists exist for a reason

Believe in my boy.

> Get good with a low tier character
> Bask in the praise or the salt for gitting gud with it

Stick it out because it's a fighting game and 99% of players will never get to a point where they can reasonably blame character gap as the primary factor over their loss over skill gap.

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Whats going on in this image then?

>pick Dan
>shit all over my opponent if I win
>lose and I just say "I was just fucking around it's only dan kid" and lmao he's bottom of the barrel tier u tink ur good or sumthin?

She's basking in praise and salt, user, maybe some Capri Sun too. She seems pretty happy about it.

Play them the best you can, but also consider having a top tier as a secondary just in case you want to play in a tournament or any case where winning matters more than character loyalty

Get good and shake up the meta. I wrecked a tourney at my university with link in SSB4 although I don't think he's quite low tier

The Beach Boys - Be true to your school.mp3

>"i'm not gonna jump in"
>jumps in

Im not sure what you just said but you said "she" so this is a good start at least.

continue to wreck, people should think your OP.

Why do I think of Twitch watching faggots when I see someone going on about tiers?

Circle jerk on the discord along with everyone else my char sucks while refusing to switch

Remind yourself that you're not playing at a level where tiers matter anyway.


For real though, is he at least "competent" at fighting games, or do we all just know who he is because of his salt? Is he sometimes reasonable? Do you think he knows (or cares) that he is a meme? He must care.

Play in a way so people can change their opinions about that character.

Play him anyways.

Just because a character is low tier doesn't mean you can't find a way to make them work.

fuck off mike

keep playing them and complain to anyone who will listen when you fight a bad matchup that goes poorly like a real man

dude's totally competent. even if he's mainly known for his reactions, he has some pretty decent placings in tournaments under his belt, as far as, i know but don't quote me on this
also i'm 90% positive he's self-aware nowdays

>mfw playing a low tier character
don't give a fuck my dude

Jubei isn't even out yet. How you know if he's low tier?

He's certainly cute-tier. Here's another nya-face.

He's out in arcades and the general impression is that his scant pros don't outweigh his downsides.

Never play competitively, I hate the meta anyway.

Do you think they'll address his balance when he comes to consoles?

and without players

Probably not. I think the developers think Jubei is stronger than he really is just because he's a little bit smaller than other characters.

It'd be pretty great if they got rid of his extra hit-stun at the least though. I dont know why they felt the need to give him that flaw.

Play him when you know you're going to clown someone's ass. If you can comfortably win with just about any character, you can safely pick them.

Not that this is necessarily the same situation, but I'm terrible with Bison. I love the guy, but for fuck's sake I cannot win a match to save my soul against an experienced player. I need to know my opponent is trash before I choose him.

I deal with it and just have fun with the game.
none of my mains are in tekken 7 :(

>tfw favourite character is top tier but you have no way near the skill level to utilize them properly

How can you be 12th if there are only 10 T. Hawk mains?

Call myself




wavedashing isn't that hard
learn EWGF and KBD and you're good

>Call myself a nigger who beats his girlfriend up and can't find gainful employment


at least he has a gf

EWGF is near impossible to execute consistently without a stick

Wavedashing IS hard to time and judge space with. not hard to execute.

>screaming to your girlfriend is the same as beating her
Alright buddy, back to Tumblr.

play a game with much better roster balance

Yeah, the third one right? I think he put his previous 2 in a coma.



Change if they're too bad. fuck fighting the character and not your opponent.

top fucking kek

What a salty OS

the roster sucks

If you enjoy playing the character then continue playing him. Maining low tier characters has it's advantages as not many people know the match.

Play it until I get pissed off with losing to degenerate shit, then look to greener pastures or stop playing altogether if better characters aren't as fun.

I had to wait until USF4 before Juri finally was good enough. Cody was ass from start to finish, a waste of time to play. Worse than Cammy in every way.

you suck

>EWGF is near impossible to execute consistently without a stick

>d-pad user and Kazuya main here. Wut?


How about no.

try playing on right side

I play for the playstyle alone. Don't give a shit how good they are but appreciate when they get buffs if they could use them.

I love big, slow characters with high damage, armor, and grabs, so 80% of the time I play low-tiers. I'm used to it.

Lol EWGF is totally doable on pad. The same logic is used for Karin's JF dash to up-palm. Just frames are not inherently more difficult on pad. What a meme.

Wavedashing is more taxing to perform over and over. EWGF just takes a little bit of tweaking wrt your timing.

>learn EWGF and KBD and you're good

As a Kazuya main, i wish people would stop believing thst this is all you need to git gud. You can always tell if a player is new even if they are going up the ranks fast, because they spent 4 days after buying the game learning KBD, then they fight you and proceed to spaz all over the stage and then suddenly (shock! What is this!) i just don't chase them. I stand there. Suddenly they have ZERO GAMEPLAN because thry were told movment would win them matches. Then they lose and get mad because:
>l-learn to play the game scrub!
All because i won't play right into their game. Which is all they have. So when they are forced to get stuck at close range in they get out pressures and tricked super easy.

You need more than that kids, you need time. You need to have matches. People who only learn the base mechanics are like robots, no actual gameplan at all.

This. I have never used anything but d-pad. I also find being able to EGWF doesn't actually save my ass either.

Oh well yeah anyone who think just learn X magic bullet and you'll win is a fucking dumb-ass. I'm just saying stick-users need to pull their heads out of their asses. Pad players win majors these days. There's nothing inherently better on stick vs pad unless you suck at charge characters and need a square gate.

I'm like this, except if the character is TOO shit.
I mained Pot in GG for two years because I loved his playstyle, but at the end of the day I just didn't want to deal with the nigh-unwinnable MUs like Sin or Zato. It's just not worth it if you have to play against those chars regularly

I don't know, man. T7 was my first tekken I really played more than an hour. Got warrior in like a week before I stopped playing just baiting whiffs with movement. Granted, I have pretty good fundamentals but still, movement is way powerful in the game.

Keep having fun with them because I'm not playing professionally and neither are you

I'm a stick user and I don't really understand the pad vs stick superiority thing. You can beat anyone with anything. Pads and sticks are just tools for you to find which you're most comfortable with.

That said I do think movement is easier on pad (hitbox + keyboard too) because there's less space to move. The only major pros to stick are face buttons and being standard legal for japanese tournaments.

Against a lot of people you will get there, but these are the same people you can trick by spamming Chloe's d,b,4,4 over and over and over again all the way to green rank and beyond.

Im just saying, next time you face a green rank or below who is having a seizure across the stage literally the moment the match starts till finish, experiment with just standing there. Watch how frustrated they fucking get. Because EVERYONE chases them. Just watch out for throws obviously, but you will be amazed how shit their actual game is despite how good their KBD is. Id say anyone at Yellow rank ahould probably be past this one trick pony phase by then so don't try that shit on them neccesarily.

Stay loyal and just accept the fact you're going to lose to good players that use good characters.
t. Lee Chaolan fag

How bad to do you have to be to lose with King?

I know he isn't the worst. But he's pretty low on the DPS tiers

I'm not sure where Yoshimitsu sits on the Tekken meta game, but he's just too damn fun to give up.

Yoshi players seem to fall into the same "im just here to mess around but hope i win too" catagory that Lei Wulong players were in. Seriously, have you ever met a Yoshi player that doesn't spend a part of the match goofing off doing sword stilt walks and spinning off the stage?

Happens a lot and just don't care.
>3rd Strike
>Every other Tekken
Slasher Jason
>Injustice 2
Swamp Thing

Me and another yoshimitsu player spend the whole match stealing each others life. The final round we both suicided into each other with the turn around back stab. Also learned interesting combos from other yoshimitsu players.

I used to just do stupid shit in T6 and TTT2 with Xiouyu like grab walk slowly across the stage or just spaz out with jumping back flips and 360 back turns and shiet. Funny thing is, you can turn a serious playing opponent into a goofball themselves just by messing around :3


>These kind of people are Vindicator rank and im stuck in low green
Someone tell me the fucking secret

play shitters. If that player honestly can't stop/evade/punish Claudio's hopkick after the 7th time then play him to bring your rank up.

the good thing about maining low tiers is that people don't know how to fight them.Try picking Q agains Ken or other popular character in fightcade.They will start panicking when you taunt

It's more fun to beat your opponent when he knows the matchup though

If you actually love the game you should be capable of enjoying a high tier. Everyone who fully intends to keep playing the game can go on to either a new character or tough out the bad match ups. Only shitters give up and cry about a character being bad.