There is literally no reason to get into PC gaming anymore...

There is literally no reason to get into PC gaming anymore, save building a cheap PC with Craigslist and playing some of the more optimized games or indie shit.

>Upgraded my PC about a year ago
>Bought a gtx 1070 and an i5
>Made 50% profit selling my USED gpu and ram on eBay

Admit it, fellow pcfags. The hype train is over.

>You should wait to get into PC gaming until the latest cryptocurrency frenzy dies down again

Wait a year for the coin miners to fuck off and buy used from them.

Blame the miners and lagged market.

>hype train is over
>modern, quality CPUS are cheaper than ever
>SATA and M.2 SSDs continually dropping in price
>HDDs getting bigger and bigger
>real competition in the CPU space for the first time in years
>GPU prices are still better than people make them out to be
A couple months ago I would've agreed with you, but I can get a 1070 for under $400 easily right now, and I'm even upgrading my platform in a few days when my mobo comes in, its not as good as it was before mining blew up again but it's still a great time to build or upgrade a PC right now

>real competition in the CPU space for the first time in years

Shit's almost on the level with the Athalon days. Once I build up some dosh I'm gonna get a Ryzen to transplant most of my current parts into and relegate my 2500k to an Arch fuckaround box.

I don't know shit about PC gaming but a coworker helped me out with some parts, pic related.
What do you think?

What currency is that?


SEK. All in all i ended up at about 1400 dollarinos.
I know it's a bit expensive and i could get a better prize but i wanted to order the parts from the same site because of down payment.

I would personally bump the GPU from a 1060 to a 1070 and get a cheaper case. The Corsair 200r is 40 bucks (325 SEK) cheaper than the R5, and has the same aesthetics. I don't know if there is a Swedish equivalent to ebay, or if ebay is available to you, but check there for a used GPU, you'll save a bunch of cash.

You could save a little bit on the powersupply. 750W for that GPU and a Kaby Lake is overkill, even with overclocking.

We have a product just for you.

You can save some cash by going down to a cheaper psu (only if the cash really matters though). Mine's 600w and handled my 390x fine - gpu manufacturers grossly overstate how much power you need.

I kinda have shit against Samsung because I have two of their 840 EVOs... 1 literally died in a year and the other's really not all that fast. Honestly I'm sure I just got unlucky but do some research into different brands.

I personally wouldn't buy a 1060 but that's just me.

Look at r/buildapcsales (yeah I know, le rebbit xd) and you'll probably be able to save some cash.

I'll try checking for sure, thanks!

I'm aware of the overkill powersupply. I just felt like i wanted to have a little extra if i was to switch the GPU in the near future. Is this a good or bad idea?

Really? I've only ever heard good things about Samsung SSD's. Good thing is that if i buy from this site i get at least a 3 year warranty which is a nice plus to the downpayment.

Thanks, you all make good points.

>getting anything less than a 1080
buy a console at that point

Finally got a current gen console and I have to admit it's a lot more comfy. I've been "master race" for so long and it feels good to let go and just chill out with the games at the centre of the experience, rather than framerates, numbers and gigawatts.

PC is only worth it if money doesn't matter to you at all
Even before the mining craze a medium tier gpu (1070) costed more than a whole console with accessories and games with it. That's just gpu and and far from the best too, so to get optimal experience you need to spend like 5x the price of a console. With a console you get stuff to run how it's supposed to at half the price of a cheapest gaming pc.
It's just not worth it nowadays, and it will only get worse.

Consoles are already jewing you with how much you pay for what hardware's in there, so go figure how insane of an ass fucking you're getting when buying a pc. I've had a PC only since PS1 till now, enough is enough.

Components are all more expensive right now than they've ever been. It is a really bad time to upgrade or get into PC gaming.

DUDE TRUST ME, GET A 1070, you will regret if you dont.

I have a 1080 running on a 650W PSU and it's perfectly fine.

True, I'm from Leaf Land and just bought a Ryzen 5 1600, Rx 580 8gb for 420 leaf dollars and my PC cost with all a little more than 1700 fucking leaf dollars. Could have bought a Xbox one, PS4 and Switch for that price...

How so?

>real competition in the CPU space for the first time in years
Yeah intel really shaking in their boots lmao

you really bought during the worst time. I started looking for things in early december which was the beginning of the end. Prices never stopped going up for everything except CPUs with AMD joining the race recently. SSDs, RAM, GPUs, it's all jacked up to 50%-100% of the prices you'd see a year or two prior.

It's an exercise in patience but now I'm waiting for black friday. I'll just go for whatever decent deals I can get. I've waited almost a whole year at this point and things are looking good so far for at least better prices than this summer's.

2 fps?
why bother posting just to bait, I desire to understand your existence.

> 142 vs 144

It's fun and all, but I remember nvidia and ati pulling this shit in official commercials

I have waited for like 2-3 years, I couldn't wait anymore with my shit ass PC that I have from 2010 with the same component back then (still have a Radeon HD 5770)

And why wouldn't they? Get easy money from plebs who don't know how to read charts.

The $250 mid-high dream is over(for now)

I can't afford more than that on a single GPU.

Sure you can get a console.
But I'm in a kinda worse position when I don't want AAA shovelware but RTS, gsg and 4x games

Should I sell my RX480 before its too late and spend another 200 or so bucks to get a 1070/Vega56?

yeah i feel you. I'm on 2011 prebuilt hardware/hd 6670 and I'm getting tired too.I've grown so used to forgetting games i cant run I only play really not demanding games. I just hope I wont keep playing 2d low/poly shit once I upgrade.

>get a gtx 1070 for 300 britbongs just before all this retarded inflation
>now the same gpu costs 150 britbongs more

feelsgoodman, and a gtx 1050ti and a shitty cheap processor doesn't cost through the roof if you don't want anything too fancy from your pc, especially if you're coming from a shitty console

1070 is the most cost-effective card out there right now

>a medium tier gpu (1070) costed more than a whole console with accessories and games with it. That's just gpu and and far from the best too, so to get optimal experience you need to spend like 5x the price of a console.

You don't need anywhere near that GPU to outperform modern cnosoles.

I agree with this user
Got an RX480 for around 200€ earlier this year, kinda regret not saving more money for a future-proof card like 1070.

I miss the times where a 150$ card would completly shit and run any Ps360 port flawlessly at max settings, right now it ain't the same, you gotta aim way higher for the actual good results

>gtx 1070
>medium tier
>when majority of gamers are playing at 1080p 60hz

that tier placement in itself is retarded, a gtx 1060 6gb is already "good tier" for most people, if you're running 3 x 4k 240hz monitors then yeah sure go get dual 1080tis but otherwise the 1070 is a great card.

1070 runs anything on 1080p maxed, anything

fucking love that chart m8 I give it 9/11.

>Long list of unoptimized and poorly developed AAA games

Just get a 1060 and run every game at a settings tier behind ultra. You literally won't notice the difference

Doom is like the poster child for AMD optimization, desu.

What about adding ENB's and shit? Will it work in 1080p on a 1060 6gb? How low will my FPS sink?

Things like ark, witcher and crap that noone plays, but if you wanna play dark souls 3 in glorious 4k then this is the card

ENBs have tiny performance costs. A 6gb 1060 is all you need for 1080p

>4k gaming
Maybe for a few games, sure

Thanks man. I think i'll end up with the build i posted earlier in this post Maybe i'll switch out for a weaker power supply.

>A 6gb 1060 is all you need for 1080p
Unless you have a 144Hz monitor.

I'm poor: The Post

>$1400 for that
What the fuck. I can built Ryzen 1700 with 1080 for that money. And still have $200 left.

60hz is fine, only retarded faggots (multiplayer cucks) see benefits beyond 60hz anyway.

>because of down payment
If you don't have the money don't buy it you fagtron.

>be me
>would love to build a gaming PC instead of my laptop toaster
>literally no games that interest me on PC that aren't multiplatform and don't require anything better than said laptop

Now what?

>Buy PS4 and PC in 2013
>PC already needs upgrading despite costing twice as much
>PS4 is still going strong until 2019 at least
PC is only cheaper if you're gonna go full retard on console and pay for multiplayer + 3 extra controllers and so on OP

If it helps you feel better, sure, I won't argue.

Duh, nicer things are usually more expensive

Friend works for nvidya and has discount for profit

I'm not sure why you people keep mentioning things like 4k or 144hz when the guy was having doubts between a 1060 and a 1070. None of those cards can offer any of those settings properly, and very few people give a fuck, so get out.

why can't they just fucking optimize games


Ah the optimize buzzword.

much cheaper ssd's out there than the samsung and the speed difference isnt noticeable at all.
you can swap that for a 500gb for close to the same price and downgrade the hdd to 500 and you have the same ammount of space for cheaper and faster.

downgrade to a 650 psu, take that leftover money and get a 1070 or 1080.

i dont know enough about the cpu and mobo but it seems the cpu is locked but the mobo is unlocked so you can probably get away with a cheaper locked version of that mobo

Is this just really old or maybe a joke image? Most of this stuff is pros to using a pc.

Are you kidding? The hype train has been going strong and there's more to look forward to on the way. Who here is buying Danganronpa V3 and Blue Reflection next month?

>retards being retarded
>meanwhile I got a user 980ti for half the price of a 1070 that shits on the 1070

Yeah whatever

You can actually change program priority in task manage though.

>price of cryptocoins dips for a month
>ebay floods with cheap cards by people who need to keep their lights on

By Christmas those will be $150. Screenshot this.

What's the best processor you can get for a win7 system? All the new ones are locked to 10 or whatever.

any pics without all the weeb shit?

i only play on pc but dont play weeb shit cause i'm not a faggot degenerate

>PC is only worth it if money doesn't matter to you at all
You're a retard. PC is an investment that pays off far better than consoles. Sure you pay $700-1200 right off the bat, but that's for nearly everything

You can just buy Ryzen or Intel, no processor will have super trouble running any OS so long as you're not a retard.

>all those multiplayer


>get rid of the weeb trash and actual trash and youre left with one or two good games

90% of that games are ports of old games

I have an R5 1600 with 1050 (not Ti). I have no complaints waiting until even higher cards are reasonable priced.

>hurr durr why didn't you get the Ti it's so much better
My 1050 benches higher (~6.5k Passmark) than Ti averages (~5.7k) and then some. So yes I might have gotten more power overall but it wasn't worth the difference in price. At most I'm more strapped to the 2GB of VRAM.

Specially made for you

This might be more accurate than people might think. Cryptocurency is experiencing a serious bubble right now as "investors" flood the market. When that ends the market will normalize and prices will crash. When that happens card prices will experience a similar normalizing.

nice thanks, how about multiplats?

>a tomato
>not weebest shit

What does cryptocurrency and miners have to do with buying PC parts for yourself? Not trolling

Nice you can buy a burnt GPU that will last days/months for only 150 bucks, how lucky

27/65 is only 41% user

>nonary games
lol no

It's a meme.

they are causing price increases for all GPUs. its gotten to the point that companies are now going to make new cards just for mining faggots.

You are so fucking retarded

Any used 250W GPU is godlike since miners need power efficiency, like you can get the perfomance of a 3gb 1060 for 70 bucks or the perfomance of a 1070 for 2xx

Poor people need to be banned from the internet.

>demand goes up
>supply goes down
guess what happens

That's a stupid chart, like most of them
Putting in every trash weeb game ports for the sake of numbers, instead of highlighting actually good games that make PC unique, like strategy games

>tfw i7 3770 and GTX 960

Since I don't play too many AAA games I have no reason to upgrade, but I'm sure I will eventually.

Should probably get an SSD first though.

>all those multiplats


Multiplat is the future dawg. Even the Xbone and PS4 are pretty dry in terms of exclusives.

>Buying a kabylake in this current month


No, only good games were put in that list. I made it a point not to include any games that have mixed or negative ratings and I also avoided games that have an extremely small number of reviews, thus indicating games that no one cares about

Should I sell my 1080 and get a Ti?
It would cost me about 150€.

>like strategy games

Shitty and dead genres doesn't count

Spoken like a true faggot

bitcoin miners are buying all of the mid range gpus so they're constantly out of stock or being resold at +$100-200 of their actual price.

>Only good games
>Shitton of weeb trash with positive reviews on steam from ironic weebs