this is the greatest fighting game ever made, admit it.
This is the greatest fighting game ever made, admit it
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That's not Street Fighter 2 Turbo.
>meme fighter
>not tekken tag
>here is an entirely subjective opinion, now pretend it is a fact
i think you mean the greatest party game ever made
Smash Bros has never had a good game. Sorry.
But Project M is a better party game
project m has literally never ever been played at a party
Agreed. BUT, you can do a million and a half fun things with the new 20xx version. Like mushroom stacking.
Even Smash fags don't think it's the best smash game
Fighting games must have single player content in order to be considered a fighting game.
A fighting game with no single player content is a party game, and this game is that.
>smash community
Fuck this post is old.
Not even the most fun or greatest Smash game. Any game that goes out of its way to limit player creativity is worse than the games that don't. Besides sheer content, the first two games in the series outdo the second two in the gameplay department. I think items are a perfect example of this. First two games has some neat stuff you can do with items and while there are a few powerful items, nothing just instantly clears the screen (the closest you get are a legendary pokemon). Brawl and Smash 4's items nearly all KO at really low %s and after the initial "WOAH," the items leave the player with boredom. It's sad when the best new item from the later games is a crate with wheels.
they should make gamecube controllers only activate when its sensors detect that the player has a neutral smell
>Smash Bros
>no Singleplayer content
Smash Bros has more Singleplayer content than any fighting game on the market today.
Hell, Brawl had feature length movies worth of story cutscenes to augment a largely Singleplayer mode.
Not while Bayo is still in the game.
Tr4sh has no single player content.
Sure it does. Especially on the 3DS version.
Smash Run on 3DS
>People are still so assblasted about Bayo that they'll cry and put her in S tier despite not being that good
Semi-Regular reminder that Bayonetta's S tier ranking isn't remotely reflected by her performance in tournaments and that the Smash Community are a bunch of salty rosterfags.
This is an 18+ website, please leave
Ok this is hilarious.
It has the best Event mode, best All Star, and Crazy Orders is literally the best single player addition Smash Bros has ever seen.
What? Have you played it or not
We just wanna press buttons and not get punished for it okay?
Why are Bayo players the first ones to cry out that their character is op when people call them out?
let's be honest, a mediocre Bayonetta can have a skilled player on the ropes
Sma5h when?
switch port with a story mode when
>Why are Bayo players the first to-
>When the post you responded to was literally responding to somebody who had already whined about Bayonetta
>When people """call them out""
>Not while Bayo is still in the game.
Yeah definitely not just whining.
PM>Melee>64>Brawl>Smash 4
Absolute facts. Literally cannot be proven wrong.
>higher than smash 4
how can one user be so wrong?
are you ready for the Hugh neutron redpill?
>Not at the bottom
trying to get some (you)s?
I gotta be honest, Bayo and the other DLC legit made me quit the game. Those fuckers aren't necessarily broken, but they don't abide by fundamental balance rules that restrict 90% of the roster. Why can't the Vanilla game have fun and interesting combos that don't belong to Sheik?
Smash 4 is literally just gimped and easier Brawl.
Are you fucking retarded? How is it gimped and not better than brawl in every way except lack of subspace?
At leats it's better than this
mods =/= games
I didn't like this game, in fact I would say I actively disliked it, but I got more enjoyment out of it than sm4sh
>Frame Data and damage output nerfed across the board in Smash 4
>Actual ledge play since it doesn't have babby ledges and not every character has broken recovery
>Each character feels unique, far cry from Smash 4's extremely samey "Downthrow-upair" cast.
>Brawl actually has a skill gap, Smash 4 doesn't.(This is why the line between pro player and mid-level player is blurred and you see so many upsets. This is why you see Nintendude almost taking a stock off of the best Smash 4 player on the planet even though he doesn't play the game. Compare that to Smash 64 where it's the same dynamic yet Nintendude almost JV5's ZeRo twice)
>slow movement
brawl is the easiest version of smash, prove Me wrong, literally only good for subspace and project M
>>Brawl actually has a skill gap, Smash 4 doesn't.(This is why the line between pro player and mid-level player is blurred and you see so many upsets. This is why you see Nintendude almost taking a stock off of the best Smash 4 player on the planet even though he doesn't play the game. Compare that to Smash 64 where it's the same dynamic yet Nintendude almost JV5's ZeRo twice)
This guys gets it
Sm4sh is when Samurai realized RNG did jack shit to prevent skilled players from winning consistently, so he did everything he could to lower the skill ceiling.
>skill gap
>When MetaKnight is a thing
Meta Knight has nothing to do with the game having skill gap. Brawl Meta Knight is about 100x more fun to play than any Smash 4 character, however.
Brawl saw about the same amount of upsets between top and mid level players as all of the other Smash games did, it's only when Smash 4 came out when there's no line between being #10 in Oregon and being #10 on the worldwide rankings.
>but brawl is a babby version of melee and meant to be more casual. also don't defend nintendude, all this guy dies is wobble which requires little effort.
also zero is phenomenal but he is no longer the best
Everyone is just fucking retarded on how to handle Diddy Kong
honestly from my personal experience, Bayonetta and Rosalind are much harder to deal with
Brawl is meant to be more casual compared to Melee. Smash 4 is when you take Brawl and make it even MORE casual and completely remove any sort of skill gap.
>also zero is phenomenal but he is no longer the best
He's still the best, and that don't matter anyways, homie. Nintendude doesn't play Smash 4 and yet he almost fulfilled the requirement he needed to to block the "Big Victory" for Smash 4 at Smash Masters. He comparatively didn't get close to doing so in Brawl and ZeRo didn't get close to doing so in Smash 64.
It's because you actually have to play those games to be decent at them, you don't have to do that for Smash 4.
Rosa I can see
Bayo not so much
It sucks very hard that Sm4sh doesn't have an Adventure Mode. And Smash Run, which was more or less fun in 3DS gets replaced on Wii U by Smash Tour, which is undiluted shit.
It's not even a fighting game but it is the best in the series
Snake is a better addition and there are no Ice Climbers.
rip snake
>STILL have no idea who the fuck i like to play in this game
i give up
Just play them all m8. There's too many fun ones to decide.
Play Mac and anti air niggas
Too bad the core gameplay is absolute shit.
at this point it's what i do: i tiptoe around 10 characters or less. when one starts becoming irritating to play, i switch
i played a lot of mac during the 3ds days when no one had any idea how to counter him. now it's a different story
>fighting game
Friendly reminder btw.
so much This