Is this the best action adventure game ever?

Is this the best action adventure game ever?

If it was Drake and Sully instead of Nadine and Chloe it could have been.

No one wants to play as a bunch of dykes.


How can anyone make a game starring this gorilla.

>Not a game set in the past where the player is young Sully
It's garbage.

If it follows U4 with more action, than sure.

Best game because of this
Can someone upload full size?

it's out?

so apart from being played by claudia black and her ass what exactly is chloe's appeal?

Is she holding on to a benis?

why is chloe so ugly now?

Poos don't age well.

Quirky Australian character who gets shafted for worst girl.

I'm amazed how many Australians don't even think she's Australian. Even I found her accent difficult to pinpoint. It's very posh as far as Australian accents go.

is this not set in the past of the previous games?

No, just embargo lifted.
She's pretty charismatic and isn't just an annoying damsel. Though we would have to see how her character is with a wet towel nigress.

>more marketing threads from sony's hollywood game division

No, it's let like a few years after U4.

I really did want to enjoy the Uncharted games but they're so fucking boring. Just subpar third person shooters with shit writing and decent voice work. They really should have toned down the shooting elements and accentuated the hand to hand stuff I think. Could have been really great then, but no one obviously gives a shit what I think considering its sales. That being said Uncharted 4 goes on sale a fair bit and I might pick it up, if I hated the shooting of the first 3 will I hate this one?

>what is fans

The ass was fat

so this was the reason of the terrible ending of UC4?
this series gets more and more disappointing.

Literally anyone else would have been fine.
What's wrong with having cutter as her partner? Fuck that cocksucker Druckmann

Since U4 has less shooting sections & more focus on exploration than the rest, I think you would enjoy it more. I liked the shooting since it actually felt like a fun game to keep you engaged, now it kinda copied more from tlou, which I hated.

I only saw a brief snippet of it in the Previously Recorded video but I'm amazed just how poorly programmed Crash Bandicoot is in Uncharted 4 itself. I saw Crash clipping through shit and everything. Fuck me, everyone talented at Naughty Dog really is gone.

Being this buttblasted by talking about video games on a video games discussion board.

Disgusting, it's like they took Mario Van Peebles and put a giant brillo pad on his head.

Cuckmann thankfully isn't working on the game. He's too busy making tlou girl into a hyper dyke.

>a few years after U4.
I assume Chloe knows what went down in UC4 then?

>Nadine locks Nate and Sam in a burning ship to die
>Chloe is fine with this

I got bored in The Last of Us before Ellie even appeared. Cheers for the assessment though, I had a feeling that was all the case.

Not sure how chloe's absence and U4's ending have in common. This was originally going to be dlc for season pass holders, but than turned into a fully fledged game, albeit smaller than U4.

It's not as bad as what Sucker Punch did to her in Infamous Second Wife's Son where she looks like Benicio del Toro.

>not charlie or sully

Neil Druckmann is the reason of terrible writing of UC4

Seriously the most epic game of the generation!

>chloe's absence and U4's ending have in common
nothing to do with chloe and everything to do with nadine being the main antagonist and then just disappearing right before the main conclusion of the game and never being addressed for what was supposed to be final conclusion of the series.
it was in every way a terrible way to wrap up the game.

>type in Infamous Fetch
>hit is the second result
Do people just have no standards anymore?

I hope that jew hack up tlou2 beyond repair and his careers dies with him. I fucking hate him for making nadine and taking away doughnut drake.

I hope the new directors for lost legacy redeem nadine's shitty arc and U4's story in general by killing her. Fucking waste of a character slot.

I'm more annoyed that there was no pirate ghosts or curse

>greed is the real curse

Fuck I meant hot

Is this the new lara croft game? She looks like shit

The ironic thing is his entire SJW ideology is completely torn apart by casting a white woman as Nadine with his justification being B-BUT SHE WAS THE BEST ONE FOR THE PART. Might as well have not even bothered. I refuse to believe he couldn't find a black South African to play her. Naughty Dog has enough money at this point.

What bothered me the most about UC4 was the removal of the supernatural elements. Anyone else or just me?

What exactly is this game? A DLC to UC4 or what?

Originally dlc, but turned into a 10 hour standalone game.

I waited the whole game for pirate zombie/ghosts and all I got is MUH SAM

Eh, I wasn't as bothered with it has most people. I'd imagine if they included it in it would have been shit on by people saying "yup, this is uncharted alright. yawn". But the twist was kinda interesting. The way they started building the story behind the pirates and their downfall was cool enough.

Though a supernatural element would have been a nice break between the usual goons.

I hated supernatural elements in 2 and 3, but I hated the forced drama in 4 even more. the game was at its best when it was a light hearted adventure quest, not a wannabe heart string tugging family outing re-enactment.

If there's one appealing thing about the Uncharted games it's the supernatural shit. I hate when any form of media teases a supernatural element and it just goes nope it was all bullshit. We go to fiction to escape from reality, not be continuously reminded of it.
Was originally supposed to be a shortish single player episode for season pass holders but got expanded into a fully fledged retail title with a Platinum trophy and everything. Still fairly sure season pass holders get it for no extra cost.

I'm personally just waiting for the PS4 release of Jak and Daxter alongside it..

The only way I would have been fine with supernatural elements is if the ghosts/zombies/whatevers were actual character whether than shitty damage sponge enemies that are thrown in at the end.

I was fine either way. I was bracing for something spoopy on the island, but whatever.

well they never really did have supernatural elements, the first game had an airborne disease that turned people into scrawny weirdos, 2 had sap that made you purple, 3 had brass poisoned water

I beat it in 6.5

>saying shit like
>why haven't you bought this Sup Forums hmmmmmmm?

It's not out yet.

This wtf even on multy there is a ghost pirate

>shitpost says it's the best game ever
>somehow same as "why haven't you bought chloe's new game XDDD"

"Can I play it on my 6000 dollar PC that I only use to use browse Sup Forums? Then no." - every Sup Forumseddit faggot who thinks he's too cool for consoles because he hates his mom who never let him have one and so he grew up hating them irrationally and decided as an act of rebellion to waste money on a dead platform infestated with children and poorfags who also grew up with the same mentality

this is uncomfortably specific, is everything ok at home user?

>ruin best girl
>shove one of the worst girls in all video games in your face
I'm not sure which is more offensive, Nadine or the goblin from Dragon Age 3.

fuck you

You probably won't like it won't be to the same effect at all, but you could watch the game like a movie.

>Less shooting and an actual open world this time
Fuck, I hate the other games but am actually sort of interested in this one. Weakest part of the Uncharted games is the gunplay.

>affirmative action: the game

As if Uncharted wasn't tiresome enough before, now it's vexatious as well.


Chloe is a gorgeous hetereo woman with a fine ass

I like my girls Grungey, m8. Come to Seattle and score you one. Don't hate until knock.

At least she was fucking awesome at that dinner table scene at the end of Sicario.

>pew, pew, pew...(stands up) pew

Seattle is gross. Hipster hobos shitting on the sidewalks and shit

Glad I'm not the only one.

>mutant parasite infected people in U1
>supermen dressed as yeti in U2
>spirit beings hallucinations in U3
> leto and his bodyguard mr. t?

I was disappointed as fuck. SJW cuck politics aside, I want that Scooby Doo moment where the spooky ghost thing turns out to be an explainable physical phenomenon.

Not sure about the shitting on street thing, but there is definitely too much hippies and libtards here.

Anyone wants to see some gameplay of Lost legacy?

No, i'd rather experience it myself.

Unless it features Chloe's butt, then yes plox

No, the first 4 are. Nadine is pure cancer, worst character ever.

consider this

I'm tired of Naughty Dog's duo meme. Can't wait for the momentum to be killed by a scripted Nadine animation or segment where I have to give her a boost, or vice versa.

Exactly, they each had something that separated the regular goons from them to mix things up towards the end.
To be honest I was so disappointed in the story near the end I didn't even realize there wasn't any crazy shit.

The supernatural enemies in all games were horrible

>Making a thread about a movie on a video game board

>making a thread

I forgot about this not interested in it though. After four games I'm kind of tired of Uncharted. Not to mention for some reason they decided to make Nadine a protagonist. I'll spend my money on something else.

>40 fucking bucks for a DLC for the worst game in the series
Are you fucking kidding me? How are people okay with this shit?

It's not dlc, it's a full fledged game.

are they literally scaling a gigantic penis?

Not just any penis; Ganesh's penis.

No they weren't.