How do you feel about games that have lots of interconnectedness and backtracking?
How do you feel about games that have lots of interconnectedness and backtracking?
They're good if done right.
depends on the map
MediEvil did it right
The internet has ruined any chance of me seeing a simple happy family photo here...
mommy thread?
>not instantly recognizing that
Get out Juan.
Good if done right and a better design than open world
Makes locations more memorable
Is that a good thing maybe? That i don't know?
Momitoring this thread
>Final Fantasy XV
>go to specific monster hunter
>get quest to go to end of a dungeon and defeat the boss monster
>beat the monster
>have to go all the way back to that monster hunter
>now go back to that same dungeon and kill the boss monster at the end of the dungeon again, then come back here and tell me about it
It was the most annoying part of the game for me.
>it's a pink-noise does ANOTHER fucking bestiality doujin
Fucking faggot nip
He needs to do more mother-daughter futanari
Great taste
that's my name
you just got lucky
As in the degenerate doujin artist user.
nigga you better sauce up
i liked it in games like Dark Souls, where an area that seems small becomes large and sprawling when you come back to it from another side.
fuck mazes though, i can't stand mazes you have to backtrack through.
>he doesnt enjoy the bestiality doujins
Backtracking can be done right but usually it's irritating and feels like the devs are trying to pad time.
If you're constantly run all the way back to bumfuck egypt and back to incrementally get more collectibles and shit as you get more powers it's a chore.
>Hates bestiality doujins
Leave and never come back.