never considered suicide before now
I always thought Navi sounded cute.
Never really annoyed me.
I made this one.
I hope you like it bros, sorry for the shit art.
Same. Even fi didnt annoy me that much
gave me a good little kek
It's pretty good overall.
I implore you to reconsider.
I really, really like this image. Mind if I save it?
>Both dated the same man
>Both turn gay
Mako is terrible at sex ain't he.
breddy gud
>Anonymous 0
This is the first time I've seen the original. That's pretty good.
keep drawing user, this is good shit
I only watched the first season of Korra and didn't like it enough to try the second when it came out. I know the ending is shit, but is anything in between worth watching?
>years ago, kids watched disney movies about talking animals, which inspired them to make fanfiction and drawings, which slowly turned them into furries
>years from now, they'll be doing the same thing for fidget spinners
What would you even call that?
>keep drawing
I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not because it's horrible
This "Navy is annoying and she's he worst thing to have come out of Zelda until Fi" is such a fucking shitty meme
I played through Ocarina of Time and got 100% multiple times and not even once did I think Navy was obnoxious
I think the people that spread this shit are legitimately autistic
Not bad/10
The third season is decent, almost AtLA tier but it still is missing a lot of what made the original series so great.
I'd really compare Korra to the Star Wars prequels in terms of how badly it just seemed to minuderstand the things people loved about the franchise.
I don't get it but it's cute
Very good user
love u
I don't get it
This is the exact reaction I assumed her parents would make.
I want to fuck Erin.
There are at least 5 layers of satire in this 'comic.'
>Blaming furries on Disney movies
That degeneracy's been around forever, it's just that the internet makes it easier for them to come together into a proper community.
Same. In general, I've always found "THIS CHARACTER'S SO ANNOYING GRR I WANNA KILL THEM LOL" jokes aggressively unfunny.
I know a girl that looks like brown Erin in my class. She's has a sixpack though
Fidgies. I look forward to seeing that porn.
Show her these pictures.
What pictures
>Brown Erin
Nigger, you literally mean Korra.
it was nice having someone desire my attention so frequently
>we're not San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary
Sometimes simplicity is the best kek
Who ever made this doesn't appreciated their Felyne.
Even better
i'm pretty sure i remember you from another lol thread
You had to put loss in the filename because no one got it because it doesn't even work as a loss.jpg
you mean brown white korra?
Post the original.
This ;_;
What was the original, because this one is too right.
This. I always dreamed how hot she is under all that blue light.
Whoever edited this did a bad job. Does anyone have the original?
Ehhh, I mean yeah, there have been animal fuckers since the dawn of man, and yeah, a few weirdos have tried to draw disturbing anthropomorphic animal porn here and there, but I'd argue that at least 75% of modern "furries", and the furry lifestyle itself, wouldn't exist without disney and other cartoons from the last few decades.
>why is she a fish
Fi gets a lot of hate because of the massive tutorial shit, if only she would have asked at start "Gee whizz sexy master Link how much tutorial do you need":
1) The way Nintendo intended (I'm also a moron)
2) None you hovering sex doll!
3) Even more tutorials! But you must be nude from now on.
>You're a gay?
ughhh fucking BASED
It's true but it's missing a certain something.
I see the problem. The closest thing to a joke or punchline is a scrunched up face.
Why not, it's already been posted on Sup Forums at least 4 times.
Kek. Thanks Sup Forums
An autistic piece of work.
Yeah, culture only really develops about when a society is formed, and all furry "societies" pre-internet were probably incredibly secretive, so knowing exactly what they were like is hard. But I have no doubt they existed, same mental disability, different flavor.
it's subtle, I like comics like this
Now I want to think that Link was accompanied by battleships, instead of navigation fairy. Thanks user.
Whose mommy are you?
"le annoying navi" is as much of a shitty meme as "dae le water temple is hard XD wow this blew up".
On the topic of Korra, why aren't there any good AtlA games?
It's ugly shit.
But good ugly shit.
Nice work.
This doesn't belong here, it's actually funny
Specially large or small monsters are represented by those little crown icons in monster hunter games.
> brown white korra
Erin and LOL threads go hand in hand.
I want plushies of every single one of MH monsters
Hearty kek, also decent drawing