It is time to answer the age old question Sup Forums

It is time to answer the age old question Sup Forums


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str on the fighter, dex on the rogue, int on the mage

It's funny how in BBS Aqua holds true to the DnD standard of "Weaker than tissue paper early game, broken bullshit late game"

Final Fantasy literally started as a DnD ripoff.

>not dex on the fighter, int on the rogue, and str on the mage

Enjoy not having a muscle wizard, you raging fucking faggot

Not sure why women in video-games are always INT leaning when they should be DEX

>Enjoy not having a muscle wizard, you raging fucking faggot
Pillars of Eternity uses Str stat for Magic, while Int determines the radius of your AoE spells.
Basically Pillars has the textbook definition of Muscle Wizards.

She's broken right from the start though, as well as Ven because of their infinite i-frame dodges

Terra has infinite i-frame Surge abilities so it evens out.

Osaka team KH is just a broken mess in general.

Hello XV-kun, fuck off already since nobody cares about your speedrunner autism.
The only thing better than BBS FM is KH2 FM and only because of the new content and rebalancing, since before that it was more fucked than vanilla BBS let alone FM.

XV-kun shitposts about Osaka team? Genuinely didn't know.

It's still true.

Yeah, he recently makes almost daily threads shitting on KH3, all with the same arguments, the reddit spacing and citing the same speedrunner video as some objective truth.

No it isn't, you just never played BBS FM.

Hey kids, wanna try some DARKNESS?

If you ever see the phrase "inconsistent hitstun," it's XV-kun.

Y'know, if you can't already recognize him from a mile away.

For a HD release, they barely improved it over PSP original, if at all.

Some of the models were updated, and all Keyblades got 3D models.

BbS already looked really good for a PSP game so it didn't need much help.

All the main character models are the same, they just gave them higher resolution textures from what I can see when I compared against emulator.
Keyblades were always 3D in cutscenes, they simply made gameplay sections use the cutscene models of keyblades.
I'm fucking pissed they didn't add capes though.

No, there were no separate models for Keyblades.
You can check the PSP scenes, even Earthshaker is paper-thin.

Here's a comparison of the TAV models.
Most noticeable are Aqua's improved textures and hair, Terra's buffer forearm.
You can't see it here but Ventus's chin was reduced.

Ehhh, the improvements are there but mostly texture related like I said. Models are barely improved.

Check out Ven's sleeve too

Honestly, the KH collections do a lot more work than most HD remasters. Even though it seems like only a little, they had no obligation to do anything at all.

I'm not saying they didn't do anything, I'm saying the changes are more "under the hood" that they aren't immediately noticeable.
And level geometry and texturework isn't improved AT ALL other than the keyblade sprites in Keyblade Graveyard (since they looked inexcusably low res even on PSP).
I'm just pissed they didn't fix the one thing that explicitly needed fixing, aka the fucking capes.
What's even more insuling is how the cape magically just grows out of Lingering Will's ASS, LITERALLY, in the final cutscene, just so it's consistent with the KH2FM boss.
Pissed me off hard.

>adding cloth physics for an HD remaster
That's a big fat never gonna happen friend

Also, given how close-up the camera is, capes would probably wind up obscuring the screen and being mostly in the way.

They should've made it a hard canonical fact that women couldn't wield keyblades, they're like female jedi, or super saiyans, theyr'e the ultimate in cringe

What is wrong with you dude. Nothing wrong with a female keyblade wielder or jedi. Neither of those weapons require any sort of raw strength, so a woman could easily be one.

Aqua's just INT by process of elimination
>STR is shit late game, CON does nothing and low AGI
>DEX is decent throughout but could be better
>INT grows to be broken throughout as a powerhouse, being the backbone of the party

>Nothing wrong with a female keyblade wielder or jed
There is literally everything wrong with it, female martials in general are revisionist and defying basic acceptance of the facts in life. Women need to BE pushed OUT of speculative media, not pushed IN

tales gets trolled: the game

What's wrong with you dude?

redpill-kun is that you?

Fucking brainwashed ball-less numale jackass.
The sheer refusal of ever letting a prestigious title, rank, or position be solely male is what driving this society down the gutter

So this is what being an ideologue looks like

You know what pushes for shit like that?
Freaks, and feminists
SO which one are you? A freak who gets his jollies crossplaying like a faggot, or a sex traitor feminist?


but i like girls who can fight well.




FAI you say?

Str always

Can't handle the facts? Typical numale, always trying to weasel out of obligation and responsibilty, I'm sure your grandparents and those before them are real fucking proud at what sad sick piece of shit you turned out to be
Women. DO NOT. Fight. Period. Fighting is a man's domain, the most women do is be annoying catty bitches before getting smacked .

No user, it doesn't require physics, simple pre-made animations would work just fine.
That's how Dissidia worked on PSP with fully animated capes, they weren't using physics of any kind, just simple pre-made animations.
Heck they could've easily recycled the cape animations from that.

>>STR is shit late game
Not in DnD.
Weapon Masters are absolutely fucking broken in NWN games.

Ventus is MUCH better endgame than Terra.
Terra starts strong but gets worse as the game progresses due to his lack of mobility and speed.
Ven is always quick but picks up damage capability the farther he gets ingame, he's basically the most well rounded.
Aqua starts UTTER SHIT but is extremely broken overpowered endgame, like typical mage.

but its game so even if what you're saying is true it doesn't matter. plus i like girls that fight whether or not it's a man's domain. if it is a mans domain that just makes more desirable to have girls that can fight in games just like it's desirable to have unrealistic mechanics, stories and themes in games.

>but its game so even if what you're saying is true it doesn't matter.
Even fiction has to have limits.

Yeah and that isn't one of them so fuck off

>Men can have magic superpowers and save the world with the power of heart or whatever shit KH is about.
>But it's unrealistic when a woman does it

Even autism has to have limits, user.

Why are you so insecure that something as inane as fiction makes you get so upset? Does your whole life revolve around media?

>People keep saying that Terra is shit and bad

>Guy wrecks Mysterious Figure in the shortest amount of time

Maybe yall just need to git gud


>not Final Mix

>>Men can have magic superpowers and save the world with the power of heart or whatever shit KH is about.
>>But it's unrealistic when a woman does it
It has been proven time and time again men can archive greatness beyond one's wildest dreams, because they have the guts, the gumption, and the determination to make it so.
Women have nothing, they're half retarded, all emotion, with zero depth to them, they're a literal black hole of talent and ability, and they were rightly marginalized because of how fucking useless they were. To say they can archive these things in speculative story is inadvertently encouraging the simple minded women and their even stupider orbiters who can barely be called men that they can archive such things, even though they cannot. Media creates implications, and these are the wrong implications

Sure is /r9k/ in here

Piss off back to tumblr.

Chutzpah is best stat!

>The damaged psyche of an undesired man, so pathetic and unremarkable that his only source of self worth is being the same gender as other, better people, which somehow makes him better than the other gender which also contains countless more intelligent, successful, and attractive people than he.

No wonder you aren't associated with any worthwhile women, there is absolutely no reason one of them would want you in their life

Truly pathetic.

You keep talking but all I see is a bad excuse of a man who worships a pathetic penis envy bitch.

they should have negatives in all stats and just be naked

>thigh highs
>short blue hair
what perfection

If a woman has negative strength, would it really be considered rape if she tried to resist?
"Oh no! My hips are moving on their own."

>Ree'ing at more successful strangers on the internet, using strawman arguments you picked up online that make you feel better about being completely valueless

Until women are completely removed and marginalized there can be no peace. Women HATE the success of others regardless of the successful person's merit and abilities, they control those who are better than them and if not, they destroy their reputations in psychopathic temper tantrums, like Bill Cosby suffered

>My entire life experience is from media/the absolute dregs of society because I'm nothing and too autistic/unpleasant for anyone real/worthwhile to want to be with me

I'm sorry no kind supportive woman will ever want to propagate your genes, user. It must be really hard to be so repellent that you end the entire line of better more successful human beings that lead to you.

Have fun screaming into the void until you die alone, a genetic broken branch.

So which character was the strongest in terms of gameplay?

Like I want to even be around those disgusting, worthless harpies.

i'm confused, how would we survive as species without women

Strongest as in hits the hardest?
Strongest as in does the most damage overall but not physically based?

The characters are basically:
Best melee, but slow as shit and can't dodge for shit
Average melee, but fast as hell and great dodge
Worst melee, but amazing magic and solid dodge

Who needs women now that we have artificial insemination and wombs
Women are obsolete.



It sounds like you're pretty jealous of them.

You only talk about how much power and devotion they have, while you have none because you're a bitter little beta.

I bet you wish you were a cute girl that everyone liked and cared about, instead of a worthless little boy that nobody has the time for. Sorry to break it to you, its not because you're a man, women love men. It's because you're a whiny little kid that blames other people for his shortcomings.

Are you guys ready to play more summoner when KH3 comes out?

I never used summons in KH1 and KH2 and I don't intend to do it in KH3 either.

*tips intellect* I see you're busy (you) farming. Keep up the good work, bait-kun

Does Final Mix make the fight harder? If the answer is no I have no idea what's up with your pretentiousness outside of a (You)

It makes it easier because they fixed his script so it's no longer completely random.
Not that user though

The problem with this in real life is STR and DEX are more intermingled stats. Guys with high STR (who don't butcher their bodies with poor training, winding up muscle-bound) tend to be more dextrous as well. Because working out encourages the body to fine tune itself in more than just one way.

I mean, shit. A healthy lifestyle of working out and eating right keeps our hormones in balance and contributes to higher INT over time.


Watch me score a 90% critical hit/dodge ratio, faggot.

Why did SE skip the WiiU and Vita?

>Why did SE skip the WiiU and Vita?
Because they sold laughably bad and are the Dreamcasts of this period.

Only if they make the summons fucking useful. Literally only used Tinkerbell and Bambi in 1. Only used Stitch in 2.

>what should I throw points away on
CHR my boy. It's always CHR

I'm about to start Dark Souls 3 and I'm asking myself the same question. Looking at the weapon choices though, it seens like the game expects me to get all 3, or replace int with faith. The fuck's wrong with this game? Why are they so many damn weapons that have scaling with 3 or 4 stats?

So you can use any one you want.
Souls games are literally all built around replayability with fuckton of builds.

Mushu was useful in 1FM for Sniper Wilds. Outside of that though, I only ever used Bambi.

I seem to remember never using summons in 2. Playing 2FM now and haven't used any yet.

>TFW Dex Character gets HOLY, FAITH and other ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT

Kinda seems like an awful idea to choose a weapon that's spread out with 3 or 4 different types of scaling equally while only focusing on 1 stat.

Mushu was literally the best summon you could get for the Kurt Zisa fight.
He just whittles down his magic shield from afar like a fucking machinegun and you don't ever need to get close.

Yeah but the magic phase of Kurt Zisa isn't even remotely a threat compared to SPIN TO WIN.

> Not learning how to dodge and jump

Kurt Zisa was fucking easy. Phantom was also really easy if you cast stop on the clock every time you do a full cycle of damage.

Only hard boss in KH1(FM) is Unknown.

I use to think Riku was hard but playing it recently he's easy too, just learn to guard.

>Only hard boss in KH1(FM) is Unknown.
Sephiroth is objectively harder in my eyes, as is Ice Titan.
Phantom isn't hard, but it's tedious as fuck and I fucking hate him because of that.

>Critical hit!
>3 damage
Vs me over here getting natty 10s every hit no crit. Gotta invest in some STR son.

The obvious answer is STR, but you unfairly posted an image of Aqua, which obviously gives INT the advantage.

See, I used to agree on Sephiroth but I found you can just rush him quite easily as you're likely to counter him mid combo.

Ice Titan is just an end game technique test. Fun, but not particularly hard if you've been paying attention to how the game fundamentally works.

scientifically darkness is only the absence of light the same way cold is only the absence of heat

So don't?

Also near the end of the game you should be high enough level to have two damage stats softcapped anyways.

>But little 12 year old boys fighting with them to save the multiverse is 100% plausable!

>animating capes for every attack, dodge, jump, block and command
n e v e r g o n n a h a p p e n

Inbred retards like you that enable this shit is why kike publishers don't even try.

I only ever used summons to level up the gauge until I did a lvl 1 run in fm

Totally. Especially since light-fags seems to have forgotten how to make badass portals.

I like that Xehanort has visible veins on his skull.