>that guy who types in all lowercase with no punctuation
That guy who types in all lowercase with no punctuation
heck off dude
>that super smart guy who types with capital letters at the beginning of each sentence, proper punctuation and grammar, and avoids abbreviations like the plague
>that autist that gives a shit
I don't understand why people do that. It bothers me so much.
>steam friends with some rando I played online with once
>he keeps recommending this game to me
>every time I'm online he tells me to read his review
>it's one long, unbroken sentence with hardly any punctuation and reads like it was written by a 12 year old
Steam friends: not even once.
>That Faggot Who Types Like This
i used to really give a shit about proper grammar back when leetspeak and internet shorthand was more prominent but now i could give a fuck that shift key is miles away and i need to get my shitpost out asap
>That one guy who always adds an asterisk after he misspelled a word but it didn't matter because you understood what he said.
Dude, it's fine. I get it, so no need to correct yourself...
This. Why the fuck do retards do this?
>ahurrr what did he mean by "youre a faggot?" isnt it "you're" hurrr
This is good material for a virgin walk meme
every person that i've seen type like that turned out to be schizophrenic.
I did it because i was retarded and didnt know shit
Because dumb people think it looks fancy and formal
it all makes sense now
>that guy who uses capital letters and punctuation in ingame chat
there's literally no better way to make yourself look like a pretentious dickhead
>that guy who types "owned" every time he kills someone
>he cares about garmmar and puntioation in a video game chat or message board
why though ? he's just typing properly
you don't do it usually because you need to be quick
Well I'm really sorry you feel that way.
Every word is caps
this grinds my gears and rustles my jimmies
Oh my god, that's literally me. This post feels so relatable, that is why it is funny to me. If this gets any more relatable and hilarious, I think I might die. Rolling on floor laughing :D
>that guy
>like this
>that guy who does this
stop typing
yeah, schizophrenics.
What's up with people in forums signing every fucking post "by hand" instead of setting up a post signature? That's literally what it's for, not stupid banners and your e penis stats.
I'm that guy
It's more for me than for you you know?
Litterally did this as i was typing this. There was a full stop after my first sentence, but i deleted it without thinking
>that guy
I see people here constantly type without any punctuation, it drives me crazy.
It's even worse when they're asking a question.
>people who type like they're speaking and spam ellipses to simulate pauses
>those guys who get annoyed by other peoples punctuation on a sri lankan videogame forum
typing like this when you're not serious is the only way to go
Typing like this when you are serious, is also the only way to go.
>typing in all lowercase with no punctuation for the stylistic choice
its cute
and* it drives me crazy.
cat planet
cat planet
cat planet
>That guy who corrects your grammer.
unironically i think it makes me look cooler and more laid back t b h
passive-aggressive lowercase with scarce punctuation is the master race. you can simultaneously look superior and appear as if you aren't even trying.
It's me
>complete retard in the discord who always fucks up everything
>captializes shit correctly and uses periods, but doesn't use commas
I said punctuation, not grammar.
>Those idiots who never learnt the difference between your and you're
>That particular subset of those idiots who write you're instead of your
It pisses me off the ridiculously large amount of people that write your instead of you're, but I do understand why the mistake is so common. However, you have to be a particularly special type of retard to write you're when you mean your
i'll take people with the social skills of a mosquito for 500
who here is /lowercasebutproperpunctuation/?
you are on the spectrum
>that guy who corrects your spelling
grammar* :^)
>that guy who takes pleasure in correcting both spelling and grammar
you and I both user :)
You seem insecure.
he's right though, this guy's always a faggot who thinks they're better than everyone else.
I know because I was that faggot.
>that guy
>that types
>like this
>short sentences
>because he's
>autistic or
>Green texts must not be capitalized or have periods.
when did this meme start
>talk with proper capitalization and punctuation to a girl on AIM
>she says "wtf you type like a robot"
>tfw type in lowercase and only punctuate in the middle of sentences or if i need a question mark
>shift entirely during roleplay and use proper everything
wait you just did that if you dont count the meme arrow
When people started using it as a quotation arrow, instead of an implication.
you are exactly why i do it
I found the right balance of starting sentences with caps and avoid finishing with a punctuation, it's humble and you don't look like an aloof idiot