Own Windows

>Own Windows
>Abandon PC gaming for a decade in favor of consoles
>Competitor seizes the PC market from under them
>Forced to go back to PC on Competitor's platform
>Refuse to port games PC players actually want
>Botch launch of the next gen console
>Competitor dominates console market
>Destroy any value the console had by canceling every game shown
>Introduce sub-4K "upgraded" console to be sold at a loss

I don't understand how any company can fuck up this bad.

GFWL & Xbox play anywhere /thread.

>Competitor seizes the PC market from under them
lol wut

The consoles are "dying" slowly but surely and microsoft realised that, and don't want to btfo when they do eventually die.

Sony have probably realised it aswell due to the ps4 pro being a thing

Probably talking about steam. MS could have had control of it if they didn't abandon pc completely for xbox. In fact it was retarded that they lost that market completely on their own OS.

consoles are selling better than ever

xbone is outpacing the 360

>PC market

Lol what? Normies don't fucking play PC games nigga, its a niche group of about a million people compared to the tens of millions that buy consoles

oh okay, i thought he meant everyone moved to linux or something

serious question: wouldn't it be a good idea for MS to make their own steam with Halo, Gears and Forza as an attraction ?

>microsoft is run by retards
wow shocking news.

Isn't already the case since 2007?

They're pretty dumb for not creating a Blizzard-like launcher for their games. Instead, you have to find and download them off the Windows store while sifting through mobile games and uncurated apps only to then launch them in a separate, cluttered Xbox app. The Xbox ecosystem on PC is shit and makes you not want to even bother with it.

>Normies don't fucking play PC games nigga
then who buys all the Truck- Farm- Train- simulator games?
They sell like hotcakes internationally, especially in the US, home of consoleplebs.

>of about a million people

>its a niche group of about a million people compared to the tens of millions that buy consoles
>Niche group
Lol what you are right about normalfags though they are the biggest market on consoles which is why games like CoD, Madden, and FIFA are consistently top sellers on Xbone/PS4. Microsoft finally realized PC gamers will never play their games on console they are also very easy to port to PC because of UWP and the Xbone running a stripped down W10. Its just money on the table for them to not port.

They already do with the windows store but it was doomed from the start by being W10 exclusive.

What is GWFL? How new?

Steam has more concurrent users than PlayStation Online & Xbox LIVE combined. It also has more active users (i.e. users who log in monthly with one or more purchases) than both services separately.

That is JUST Steam. We aren't even talking about Blizzard-only fags or people who only play MMOs and Nexon titles.

The console market is growing increasingly niche. Pretty soon only small companies like Nintendo will be able to survive with dedicated hardware as profitable.

>Using Windows

No it does include F2P revenue, but it only accounts for 18.6 billion of the 35.8 billion for PC revenue. So PC gaming is still considerably larger.

Wait then who are all the people playing PUBG?

Sick bait

I like this image, but why use any other OS for gaming unless you have some sort of incompatibility fetish? There's probably good reason to not use it as your main OS, but compatibility for any other OS is an afterthought with most games.

PC made 35,8 bucks
Consoles made 6,6 BILLION.
PC cucks cant compete.

It depends what sort of gamer you are.
If you're the guy who absolutely has to buy every new title for $60 on release, then yeah you need Windows.
If you're the sort who obsesses over a few games then Linux isn't that bad.

Civilization, Kerbal Space Program, Stellaris, Dirt Rally, etc.
I've got a backlog of games just on Linux, and that's even attempting to limit myself.

19 games in my backlog. I'm using Linux Mint.
Would be easier just to uninstall all of them. Clean the table. Start anew.
>buy more games

>Oh its just a $5 indie metroidvania, I'll pick it up
>It probably won't distract me from other things

I don't understand what made Microsoft think giving up for a while was a good idea

Microsoft thought that with their total neglect of the PC and the existence of the Xbox developers would have no choice but to make the switch.
They were very successful at taking PC devs, and turning them into console-only devs after all.

I don't think they expected that there would be enthusiast PC developers and users that they couldn't buy off.
I really think when Microsoft bought Minecraft for a few billion dollars they thought they were buying the indie game movement and taking away the biggest cross platform game.
Instead nobody else seemed to want their money and Minecraft basically died around the same time.

>Minecraft basically died around the same time
Lolwat? Minecraft is bigger today than it EVER was. They have an entire autism convention for it. Microsoft has their own outreach educational program centralized around Minecraft too. More people play today than they ever have. Just demographics have switched to a younger and more casual audience.

Get out of your Sup Forums bubble once in a while.

Spoken like a true retard.