Revive one (1) CAPCOM series/potential series. Your choice
Dragons Dogma
No DDO doesnt count
Just play Nioh, it's pretty much the same shit
Viewtiful Joe.
Dino Crisis
Demon's Crest
The third one
Clock Tower
I wanna play as Samanosuke. Kill yourself.
Found the ancientfag. How's retirement?
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
This please.
I loved Onimusha, but the story wrapped up nicely so it doesn't need a sequel. Perhaps a reboot would be nice though.
What desperately needs a revival and a return to glory though is Devil May Cry.
Devil May Cry's beyond redemption. Only good one's the original.
i want another Crimson Tears, not that the original was really that good, but in theory it has potential and i would love to see capcom give it another shot
it peaked with Onimusha 3 and it was my favourite, i dont need another.
Ok one question though and it's an important one. Is it revived by another company or is it revived by MODERN capcom?
Assume it'll be as good as the original/where the series peaked.
Devil May Cry has the potential to return to glory. Itsuno has been wanting to make a proper sequel for a while now.
> (You)
>Only good one's the original.
I beg your pardon? 1 is a classic, but 3 & 4 are objectively better. 3 in particular is literally perfect.
Mega Man Legends
Wrong. The sequels are garbage. Kill yourself.
Your taste in vidya is garbage. You first asshole.
Nice argument loser!
Breath of Fire
CAPtain COMmando
Stop posting your shitty opinion
Chaos Legion.
Just give me Lost Planet 4 Capcom
Make a new dungeon and dragins beatemup
This could be the most contrarian opinion ever posted on Sup Forums.
Stop shitposting.
Prople calling you out for having a shitty snowflake opinion isn't shitposting.