Haha isn't new Vegas le best fallout game? xD

Haha isn't new Vegas le best fallout game? xD

It is

it was a different time when everyone wasnt so jaded.

Toaster was actually funny. Stop being a killjoy.

Without its meme dialogue this game would be nothing.

FO2 > FO1 > FNV > FOT > POWERGAP > FO3 > POWERGAP > shit > FO4

At least it has one of the most useful quote of all time which applies especially well to you.

but nu vegas can do no wrong!


I don't get it

Literally just reddit tier meme dialogue

You do realize this game came out before Skyrim right? That's just a literal statement of fact in what happened.

>arrow to the knee joke
>before Skyrim was even released and the meme was even a thing

There are many faults to find with New Vegas. Silly dialogue from a DLC is not one of those faults.

People still play Nu Vegas?

>if I say it's reddit, people will agree with me!

Lol nobody's going to read all that since nobody cares for your opinion, you fucking nerd cuck

is this satire?

He played it as a child, so for him Skyrim always existed and all phrases "I used to be X before I Y" came from it.

but it's true

although playing through Saint's Row 3 and 4 recently, it could be much much worse

So we've basically confirmed that New Vegas haters are children.

why aren't i attached to some underlying continious plot
i don't want freedom!
i want to be forced through exposition!!!

nOOOOO my karma that means literally nothing and is extremely easy to raise or lower regardlesssssss