What went so right?
What went so right?
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Shilling thread?
Not much, it's pretty average all around, but it fails to inovate.
The shilling
No other Metroidvania is as content rich as Hollow Knight, the game is brimming with massive amounts of collectibles like Charms that offer unique styles of gameplay, it has a ton of characters arcs that you can follow throughout the game and the players actions have consequences on them, the map is absolutely massive and filled with multiple routes for the player to take and the gorgeous hand drawn art style sets a new bar for hand drawn games in the future.
It absolutely did not innovate, the only problem is I think it set the bar too high.
Personally my favorite aspect of it is that the world is really good. The secrets are meaningful, you get to get one of some rare, unique charms or see some huge big scene like heart of the fungal cavern or etc, or a big boss fight, or an upgrade for your abilities or etc.
Most other metroidvanias just have +1 damage or a tiny bit of lore as your secrets, who cares
Shills pls fuck off.
At least try to conceal the shilling a little bit
Did you just copy and paste the Steam description?
It's good, but I liked pharaoh rebirth more. It's a bit more like sotn, and that's what I wanted.
The astroturfing.
Salt and Sanctuary did everything you said except unlike charms the different equipment and stats mean you actually do have different builds. Oh, but it is uglier.
>Most other metroidvanias just have +1 damage or a tiny bit of lore as your secrets
Whether you like it or not that's a majority of HK's secrets.
I summon thee, Marrowfag!
Super Metroid is way better lmao.
Not really. I will never understand why Super Metroid is held so high. It's a good game, but compared to the metroidvanias that have come, it's not even close to one of the best.
you couldn't be more obvious with your marketing
>inb4 freeware
One fo the best 2D tansaku games out there.
SotN is garbage though.
>Horrible balancing
>Level design is mostly long corridors filled with enemies
>Platforming is trivialized with upgrades
>Inverted Castle is terrible padding
>Absolutely zero challenge whatsoever
It's the epitome of style over substance, anyone who thinks it even holds a candle to Super Metroid is a retard.
Also metroidvania is a better term, weeb.
Here's your (You), friend. Use it wisely.
it does not cost more than it is worth, contrary to almost all AAA games.
>Also metroidvania is a better term, weeb.
The Japanese have better terminology for games than Americans.
>One day I'll go to Japan and become a manga artist! Then I'll be reunited with the superior race!
Their game terminology is all English words and are mostly the same. Their term is just a list of descriptions, with the short version being "exploration action games".
Fucking this.
Metroidvania is probably the most retarded term out there.
And now they are trying to push the "souls-like" genre.
fuck off weeb.
>Whether you like it or not that's a majority of HK's secrets.
How is +1 damage comparable to an optional item that allows you to move while healing or transforms one of your spells to home in on enemies or regenerate health passively over time?
>hear that it's a several hour long slog fest
>it's 4 short platforming segments with several spots in between to heal
Did you use the Hiveblood Charm? Took me about 30 minutes with it but without it I would've had to restart a lot.
Don't know, asked for a refund.
>the gorgeous hand drawn art style sets a new bar for hand drawn games in the future.
The animation was decent but the characters we very low detail
The first time, no. Every other time? Absolutely. I was aware of being able to harvest soul with the dream nail though and used that when ever available. Wasn't that difficult with healing constantly available.
lol umad
This is why i prefer being weeb
I can't fucking wait for for Switch version I've been holding off for a long ass time.
The music and the artstyle are just beautiful.
>Zero challenge
Stop farming Crissaegrims you dumbshit cunt
I'd just stand here to listen to the music sometimes, GOAT track.
>what is majority
They don't change gameplay in a meaningful way.
The same vapid shilling thread every day, right on schedule.
It's actually fucken hard and not for normies.
White Palace was both extremely stressful and extremely satisfying to beat--also, the better you get at the game, the more you feel good about your abilities.
You get so used to the controls that your reflexes become very fast, as if you are literally the little hollow knight yourself.
I don't think you know what secrets means. Secrets are optional content, but not all option content are secrets.
>It's actually fucken hard
White Palace was hard as fuck, you'd know if you played the game.
>Crystal Defender 2
>Hornet 2
>Watcher Knight
>Soul Tyrant
Most of it isn't anything overly hard but there is definitely challenge to be had in the game, far more than Super Metroid.
It's good looking and controls well
>No other Metroidvania is as content rich as Hollow Knight
nigga has obviously never played la-mulana, which is also quite a bit more difficult
got the true ending for hollow knight.
Do not buy this game. I barely enjoyed it the whole way through. I am a long time player of castlevania and metroid games. This shit is so uninspired, so dull that the actual gameplay is a complete slog to play through. The game is piss easy and I never lost geo and even the last boss Radiance is easy as fuck.
The story is a straight up rip from dark souls.
>lol the king held the void at bay by using a hollow knight to absorb the light
>lol you are the chosen und-er hollow knight and for the true ending must seal the light away and break the cycle
What else can I say really? The art style is awful.
Do you like Symphony of the Night? Well this is that game instead of the awesome sprite artwork you are alucard if he was made by a tumblr artist. The entire game I was wondering why everyone was shilling this game and this is my theory.
It's the undertale retards who never played a vania game before so this is their first step in the genre so it's SOOOO unique because its "underrated", except the actual combat is floaty garbage and you never feel satisfied killing enemies.
This game is cancer and if you like this game. Kill yourself. You are a worthless mongoloid who enjoys half baked indie games with recycled ideas from Miyazaki. It's boring. Fuck you.
>Hear everyone complain about how hard it is
>Did it in 30 minutes
Unless you weren't getting proficient with chaining together wall jumps with air dashes then there's not particularly tricky about it, although some of the timing on the spike sections is really unforgiving. I spent more tim on Hornet 2 than I did White Palace.
Autistic much :]
Strong art direction is the biggest thing. Visual style and presentation, animation, sound including BGMs, a strong sense of tone throughout the game. I can't think of anything that seems or feels misplaced. It's also deliberately exotic and weird in a throw back to the 90s in best possible way. If Doug Ten Napel did melancholy instead of absurd and made a Metroidvania instead of a platformer, Hollow Knight is pretty close to how it would have turned out.
>likes undertale knight
That's the only logical explanation. It's absurd to think someone might be better than you at a video game.
To each their own I suppose. Hornet 2 was the only boss that killed me more than once, a whopping two times. The healing mechanic was broken and should, at most, charge at half the rate it currently does.
You got Radiance on your first try?
I can't stand the artsy graphics all these new platforming games have, same shit with Ori and the Blind Forest.
I couldn't finish it. I was so bored at some point, walking around in a map that would have gained at being far smaller, fighting against kinda mediocre enemies and bosses.
At some point i stopped giving a shit and just smashed the attack key while taking damage because it's so easy to regen your life you might aswell not care.
I can tell the game is good/decent but it bored me. The best part of the game is the visuals, i really liked it and it's not often you can play as a bug.
It's because people are too lazy to actually do sprite work like in the 90s. So you have this shitty tumblr art direction, or you have over pixelated garbage. Lol nostalgic yet?
Fucking retards and their indie games.
How is Hollow Knight 'tumblr art direction'? It's one of the most visually breath taking games to come out in recent memory.
Stop pretending not to be lamulanafag, lamulanafag
I haven't played HK too much (didn't click with me and I lost interest) but I loved the fuck out of Rabi Ribi. How do the two compare?
No, I died once.
hollow knight really surprised me
i think its one of the best games ive played
I call bullshit--most people on Sup Forums are terrible at vidya.
It's more probable that you guys are just trollzorzing like all the newfags do.
No Sony involved.
Not him but I only died twice, each time was the dream boss fight of the wizard guy and the other knight dude. Killed radiance in one try with the damage charms. In like 30 seconds.
Nope, I literally beat the White Palace in 30 minutes. Using Hiveblood gives you infinite health which means I never once had to restart. White Palace was one of the most fun areas for me because I love the movement in the game.
>recycled ideas from miyazaki
Why does everyone think that fucking gook made video games? Is Sonic a stolen idea from him because you can get your money after you die?
>It's because people are too lazy to actually do sprite work like in the 90s.
They are not lazy. It's because these days rather than making games for one system with set resolution, stuff is being released on variety of setups, and many people don't like resolution forced on them.
Drawn graphics scale much better to different resolutions than sprite graphics do. That is the main motivation for the different style.
Jesus Christ just chill out
Why does every thread about any Dark Souls-esque game end with a bunch of autistic mongoloids who just have to let everyone know how easy the game was and how they killed every boss on their first try while being under leveled with no upgrades?
Actually fucking kill yourselves nobody cares.
The entire story is a straight up rip from dark souls faggot. Even the death mechanic is legitimately ripped from those games.
Kill yourself.
No matter what it always looks like shit. You can do hand drawn sprites with varied resolutions. It's simply people don't have the talent anymore to draw at that level for games. Instead we get the le indie game with pixelated bullshit like it's the same thing.
For me it's either Hollow Knight or Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice for GOTY.
This game has more in common with Super Metroid than Dark Souls, calling it 'Dark Souls-esque' is missing the point of the game entirely.
Reminder that the following were not started by Dark Souls:
-Environmental story telling
-Real time healing
-Specific areas to fully heal yourself
-Challenging bosses
They can completely dictate how you approach bosses. Especially since several of them synergize with others.
>I don't think you know what secrets means
I think you're just drawing an arbitrary line at what is sufficient to be considered a secret and what is not. Several charms are in areas that are blatantly out of the way either behind breakable walls or in areas you never travel through to access parts of the story.
>Secrets are optional content, but not all option content are secrets.
I never claimed otherwise. You simply have a different idea of what is 'secret' enough and what is not. If you think I should be aware and conform to your arbitrary requirement, that's just silly.
Even when I tried to kill myself I never died once.
What the fuck? LOL
? What's the issue?
Not an argument, the art direction of Hollow Knight create a surreal atmosphere that perfectly captures the bleakness of Hollownest.
>hollow knight
>Sup Forums tier reaction gif
I'm assuming yours is BotW or Nier?
i get seriously fucking triggered by the retards who call these threads shill threads.
what is so special about this game that any praise is instantly shilling?
its a great game, nothing more nothing less. fuck off.
You can find videos of faggot letsplayers with facecams beating it in 30-45 minutes. Get over your self. It's a few short platforming segments with npcs to dream nail all over the place
What's wrong with either of that?
Yes yes I know you autistic weebs play only Dark Souls and think everything is a ripoff of it but a large plethora of everything is actually ripped off from other video games. Getting money back from your death point isn't something new you retarded aspie.
Redpill me on Rabi-Ribi, the demo's in nip, the screenshots look terrible and it's never on sale but I like the idea enough to want to give it a shot anyway.
The death mechanic is like that because of the popularity of souls games.
And if you have played Dark Souls or Demon Souls the entire story is literally the chosen undead and his quest to link the flame or usurp it or break the cycle.
The void and the way radiance was locked away and the infections plays the exact same way as Dark souls. Except instead of becoming undead you become an infected bug. Fuck off.
How is Hollow Knight not a GOTY contender? It's the best Metroidvania to come out in the past ten years.
got the true ending for Aria of Sorrow
Do not buy this game. I barely enjoyed it the whole way through. I am a long time player of castlevania and metroid games. This shit is so uninspired, so dull that the actual gameplay is a complete slog to play through. The game is piss easy and I never lost and even the last boss Chaos is easy as fuck.
The story is a straight up rip from dark souls.
>lol the Belmonts sealed Dracula away with his castle inside the moon
>lol you are the chosen one and for the true ending must seal away Dracula's chaotic powers and break the cycle
About to finish Owl Boy. This game is next on my list. Tell me why I should buy it
Why do you think classic games could have such good art? Because they had one good artist working for the team? Fuck no, they had shitton of them, which is why they could do something on level of Seiken Densetsu 3 or Super Metroid.
And since the big companies want to sell games to as many people as possible, of course they have switched to drawn art or 3D, because that is what normalfags want to see, and it is relatively easier to produce.
There are still indie devs making sprite based games like Konjak, but doing that shit takes fuckton of time. Not every game can spend ten years in developement like Iconoclasts or Owlboy.
>hollow knight
>best metroidvania in 10 years.
It's like being a normal human being in a see of retards and winning a race against them. There hasn't been metroidvanias truly in a long time. La Mulana is the better game anyway.
Except there is no cycle, no curse to become undead. It was a recent thing that Julius found out how to seal him away. Soma is literally dracula and will probably eventually become him and make his own castle.
Holy shit.
So basically their fucking lazy is what you are saying and don't have the talent?
Thanks for proving my point.
>la mulana fag
Why am I not surprised that it's (You)
The game is a solid 9.5/10 for me but the fact that Xinput controllers don't work with it and I have to use the shitty Steam Big Picture to make it work is a damn pity.
Not even him or whoever you are talking about. But La Mulana is the better game. It's just not heralded as a classic like this piece of shit because it's not easy with brain dead combat.