I can buy Wolfenstein: The New Order for $5. Is the game worth it...

I can buy Wolfenstein: The New Order for $5. Is the game worth it? Does it really have a tight single player with good story?

Yes and yes.

Yes, my only complaint was the archaic 'press x to pick up' for ammo and armor, but otherwise it's a model FPS for the generation.

Do you like nazis & science fiction?

don't buy it if you have an AMD card though it crash all the time in chapter 2 when you go free wyatt or fergus
i had a rx 480 for the record

Yes but it's a one and done type of game...like you will never replay it. Also the standalone DLC was pretty damn good too.

Never crashed for me same card too

R9 290 here, no problems at all

No, and no.
Don't let Xbots tell you otherwise.

really ? weird
what card did you have exactly ?
and what option did you run the game at ?
i was talking about the last gen the older card on't have this issue from what i read on forums

I wish I was at home eating sauerkraut
that hitler guy is shouting too loud
standing is making my legs hurt
I'm bored

Singleplayer is good and a decent length
Story is good and doesn't take itself very seriously (at least from a meta perspective)

Console has a forced snap aim, I don't mean aim assist either, I mean snap aim, like an aimbot which becomes a problem, especially on harder difficulties where you actually need to prioritise target.

Fucking bethesda, retards never even give you an ingame option to turn it off.

Solid shooter though, varied levels and enemies.
idgaf about the story but it was good

Honestly thought the game was weak.
The stealth was very dull and the guards are blind and it reminds me of your average FPS console campaign from the PS3/360 times. You are railroaded through a bunch of 'experiences' and then you get the chance to kill a couple baddies before you get back on the tracks.

For $5 it's worth it though because it's a fun scenario, the combat is serviceable and the presentation is well above the average but felt they did a ton better with Old Blood

It depends: If you are a numale, buy it. If you are not, put the 5$ towards playing an actual video game.

I am getting mixed messages here anons.

I played Wolfenstein 3D and Return to Castle Wolfenstein back in the day and enjoyed them (I disliked the lack of story) and also like documentaries about secret nazi weapons. I want a good single player story where I am going to kill nazis in alternate reality.

Story mode is really good. Levels are well designed with lots of collectibles hidden around, lots of newspaper clipping and books you can stop and read if you're into the lore stuff.

All the levels are pretty unique and well designed. Not too many bullshit enemy sequences to memorize if you're playing hard mode. As well all the levels look amazing and theirs lots of different areas like trenches, laboratories, prisons, Nazi moon base, etc.

Guns are tight and the health system is pretty cool. If you dont take damage for a few seconds you regenerate up to nearest multiple of 20 so you don't have to reset your game if you're pinned in a room or save a checkpoint at 5 hp.

Go play it.

>. I want a good single player story where I am going to kill nazis in alternate reality.
that is exactly what you will get. Shit you even kill nazis on the moon

+you can fuck pollacks
+max hass!

-no mecha-hitler
-AMD issues (gameplay was fine but cutscenes played out around .5fps

it's more than worth it for 5 bucks. go for it OP

>Shit you even kill nazis on the moon

This. Any doubts about if the game is fun instantly evaporate at "you can kill Space Nazi's on the moon"