Grab it while it's hot
Grab it while it's hot
I don't believe you?
>dolphin porn
>500 mb
Thanks i guess.
It's real senpai
Thanks for the virus friend
why does it have old sonic TV ep segments in the videos folder? It has added credits and stuff tho.
Otherwise, this thing isn't cracked yet. Not sure if it's legit, but one appeared on TPB too.
>PC version
>Dat 1,209,600,000ms lag
the one on piratebay is just Sonic CD but it also links to the Mania steam page
Yeah we need a crack but thanks OP
I sincerely doubt its real unless anons prove it otherwise. Someone boot up a virtual machine and run this lost boy.
>The fake torrent from yesterday.
Your death will be slow and painful.
nice virus m8
thanks for sonic cd i guess
It's the same fake one from Pirate Bay. The files dated from 2012 are kind of a giveaway that it's fake
This is what starts when I open the .exe, where do I go fast?
>Tfw you think all the lostboy/dolphin jokes are funny but in the back of your mind you're legit terrified someone might actually plant lostboy in a DL
exe just take you to the steam page by the way
Is this what's really in the Mega?
Because OP did us all a favor even if its not Mania
Holy shit this game got translated. Link to the patch?
Wait a minute wasn't the game delayed?
>it links to the sonic CD steam page
>even has all the endings as videos too
Can you imagine being SO desparate, you'll risk untold viruses and malware and dolphin porn just for the chance to avoid paying $20?
How pathetic do you have to be?
>red backpack version
Didn't even have to check the link to know you're full of shit.
Don't toy with my heart.
How is dolphin porn a risk? That's just a bonus.
Fuck you, I'm still mad that I missed out on that dolphin porn.
Only PC version got delayed. Also, thanks for posting that Knuckles webm. Always worth a laugh.
It's still out there.
>PC can't handle it
someone buy me sonic mania on steam please
for the record, the game is roughly 150mb. It's super duper tiny.
This is an 18+ site.
I'll buy it for you if you write mania on your forehead and post it here
where have you been?
>only 11.8 hours in Freedom Planet
i want the dolphin porn OP
sent ;)
>only 11.8 hours in Freedom Planet
I only got it because it was gifted to me as a code
I was still playing it until...
I sent you a thanks in return
>tfw its really the game but need crack
if you open the exe in a hex editor, you'll find the shitter's name who made this fake
he's russian
I'm 19
You'll need a less blurry picture than that.
And preferably with a time stamp
I prefer dolphin porn. And really, say I want to buy this shitty Sonic game, how do I do that without Steam?
It's not real.
Why would you lie, OP?
I'm just wondering if is legit
well I'm downloading it and I'm going to die. will let you know.
This is really starting to tick me off!
Thanks user, but this engrish is pretty bad. Is the english translation still working progress? If so got a link where I can follow whoever is translating it?
Come on, OP. It was too obvious.
where are you right now?