I just picked up this after seeing it on sale for 66% off on steam

I just picked up this after seeing it on sale for 66% off on steam.

I've heard bits of talk about it previously, i've heard some souls comparisons (I enjoyed the souls games - earlier ones rather than later ones).

Anyone got any info worth having for Dragons Dogma?

How are classes?

Is magic gud?
Is ranged gud?
Str v Dex as melee?
Can I use shields legitimately?

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There, now the thread wont die

I haven't played in a while and I haven't done a mage, but magic is very good. Its a pretty passive playstyle though, a lot of the magic takes a long time to cast.
Ranged is downright fucking broken, but also extremely fun
STR as in Warrior is ridiculously fun but very limited due to 3 skill limit
DEX as in assassin and ranger are the strongest classes in the game and have tons and tons of cool skills
Shields are fine but I always found them boring

Just go in and have fun. The world can get pretty tiresome and the enemy variety isn't the best, but there is a certain charm to everything about the game

Wolves hunt in packs, Arisen

Classes are broken into the basic classes (figher, strider, mage), advanced classes (warrior, ranger and sorcerer) and hybrid classes (mystic knight, magick archer and Assassin). Each one has a unique playstyle and you aren't really locked into any particular class for the entire game. Pick what feels good to pay and rl with it.
Magic is pretty fucking neat. Mage might feel underwhelming, but if you o the way of the sorcerer, shit gets really fucking radical.
Ranged classes are good, especially since they are the most mobile. They also rock dual daggers so you can fuck shit up at high speed
STR vs DEX really boils down to whether you want to go fast as a strider/ranger/assassin, sword 'n board or if you want to smash/cleave niggas apart as a warrior. These are all good options.
Shields and Magick Shields get special skills that can allow for enhanced defensive shit. As an example, fighters get a move that allows them to withstand damn near any attack rom any side, and even get some utility by launching pawns into the air like a springboard. Mystic Knights can charge their shields with an element, thus gaining elemental shield parries.

Always remember, your pawn is always watching how you do shit, and often studies how other pawns do things as well. Oh, and shit like size and weight actually matter in character creation.

Yea I have a tip for ya- throw your pc out of a window before you start the game up for the first time. Shit fucking sucks dick.


Play a ranger-based class if you want to actually have fun.

Magic is top tier. Like you actually feel like a powerful mage and not some rinky dink douche bag who picked up a wand.

All classes are good.
Don't try to minmax, it'll take away your fun and won't really give anything in return.
Unlike in Souls games you can only use certain equipment when your class is appropriate. For example, you can't use a shield as a mage.
Yes, shields are good.
Just choose what seems fun for you. You can change your class as many times as you want.

Also, find some guide with a list of quests. You don't need to actually use it, but check what quests are available for you. Some of them are hard to find and are locked forever at certain points in the main quest line.

>i've heard some souls comparisons
Play the fucking game or go look up its wikia, stop comparing games that are entirely different to one another

>X is the Y of the Z
Drink Bleach

Don't have high expectations.

the Sorcerer's spells were amazing in visuals and scale, summoning a huge tornado to fling orcs into the horizon or calling a storm of meteors upon the hydra looked great
The gameplay of the sorcerer on the other hand was mostly garbage. The spells are huge and can wipe screens of enemies at once, but the downside is that you have to stay in place holding a button for 20 seconds for the spell to go off. Trying to get your pawn to aggro the bosses for half a minute to cast a single spell could be tedious, but the visuals feeling of magical prowess when you summoned a glacier to crush a chimera against a temple wall were nice. Sorcerer's a mixed bag, i guess.

did anyone else really enjoy the darkdiving stuff after initially thinking it was going to be aids?

I thought it was real fun finding some enemies that were entirely able to fuck your day right up.

shit, wrong thread.

Yikes - calm down you mad little thing.

I cant play the game cause im waiting for it to download you dolt.

>Unlike in Souls games you can only use certain equipment when your class is appropriate. For example, you can't use a shield as a mage.

This is the sort of shit I was curious of before going in.

Now fuck off if you have nothing of value.

Too lazy to check if it's the right video, but mage/sorcerer is my favorite, switch to Magick Archer for BBI. Warrior is fun as shit for one shooting things. Assassin is fun as shit for *teleports behind you*
Really, OP, take a class and have fun with it. Play around a little, make a big bara pawn, and go hunt some chimaeras. Griffons are assholes.

'sup loli-loving nerds.

It sounds like there is a quite a lot of variety and fun with builds and abilities.

This pleases me.

Am i able to 'respec' my character, or something to that effect if i want to change builds - or do I need to make a new characters.

Also wtf is the story with pawns - are they basically premade characters by other people with set stats / ai / skills?

you can respec when you get to the city
A few quests in you get to make yourself a pawn, basically you create another character to be an NPC buddy for you. I played a tiny sorceress so I made a hueg warrior with a shield for my pawn. Pawns get experience and tactics based on what you do so there's also "pawn training" to do alongside progressing your own character if that floats your boat, I never really bothered with it.
When you get to the city you can also hire other people's pawns to your party

awesome, thanks.

They sound like good systems desu, looking forward to trying em out.

I dont have any games which are really grabbing me atm so this seems quite promising for a week or two.

>Am i able to 'respec' my character, or something to that effect if i want to change builds - or do I need to make a new characters.
You can change classes at any time. Stat gains stay with you, so switching from a sorcerer to a warrior will have a warrior with lower attack that a pure warrior, but a damn good chunk comes from you weapon so you can still do it if you want. Battles are based on skill, stats just help.

>Also wtf is the story with pawns - are they basically premade characters by other people with set stats / ai / skills?
Short answer: Yes. You make your main pawn that stays with you through the story. You can equip them and change their appearance. Based on your orders they change their tactics and how they act. Try not to tell them to go find shit too often, they'll run off and agro a dragon or a wight if you're not careful. The other two you "hire" from other worlds. If you're talking about the LORE for pawns, then we're going down the rabbit hole.

>not knowing about BEST main theme

>that pic

That reminds me - am I imagining it or was there a tie-in with berserk or something giving DD guts and casca's armor? Is that stuff still available - if it was a thing and i remember correctly?

>Anyone got any info worth having for Dragons Dogma?
Play whatever vocation you think is fun, avoid min-maxing because it's such waste of fun and you can do no wrong with masterpiece that BBI equipments anyway.


Yeah you buy it in the shop in the mines once you complete the quest to clean them out.

you're out of luck on PC I don't think the Berserk armor sets are on Steam or the new re release
I'm gonna miss my old fashions, Guts pants are best pants

Are you certain, on PC?

I did a quick google and it was sorta indicating it was console only, or just the base version and not Dark Arisen.

Its not the end of the world, but it would be really fucking cool if i could get berserk armor sets.

Well fuck, they took it out for PC? Disregard, I was too busy trying to set the world record for most dicks sucked to verify.


I looked it up a bit more and it seems that they were removed from the PC port due to liscening bullshit.

Man, that blows - on the other hand, it does mean i'm more likely to explore the armor sets available in DD itself. I hope it has nice armor sets - im a sucker for fashion.

>Pawn uses maelstrom near me on enemies it has no effect on or misses


I would be mad but my all-loli party is getting mindbroken in the ogre cave

So still fuck you, but with double peace signs

user, I...

wtf play the fucking game dumbass

but i love this game so i'll answer your questions

yes magic is good, but if you choose magic make your main pawn a melee fighter

ranged is decent. the ranged characters also are good at some short range stuff, pure range =magic.

there is no dex fucktard

shields are iffy. they block real well but not against huge enemies, blocking right as an attack hits does a parry. with fighter, there are some shield attacks, and the other class with a shield magic knight, can enchant his shield so perfect blocking fires bolts, stuff like that

i'm playing magic knight right now, it's fun but the shield skills pale in comparison to the other skills attached to the shield. so, yeah, shields are mostly pretty suck.

>wtf play the fucking game dumbass

>I cant play the game cause im waiting for it to download you dolt.

Crates may hold aught of use.

Play assassin. It's the Link class.

Name my band.

I wonder, the pawns I can recruit - are they specific to the version im playing - aka the PC/Dark arisen version.

Or on PC am I able to have a pawn from say the console version cross platform, that may be wearing the berserk armor?

i got too annoyed with the weight based inventory management plus i was still doing the main quest in gran soren when it got really repetitive.

just wasn't for me. story was pretty bad, but it's japanese so what can you expect.

Pretty sure there's a mod that puts it back in, as well as the original title theme

You don't really need to carry anything though.