Monster Hunter: Why?

Why keep objectively inferior weapons when they've made better versions?

What's the point of...
Sword and Shield if Charge blade exists
Axe and Great Sword if Switch Axe exists
Heavy Bowgun if Light BowGun exists
Lance if Gunlance exists

Other urls found in this thread:

The "superior versions" are usually gutted in some way.

>Way worse defensive skillset

>Switch Axe
>Greatsword moveset sucks

Haven't used chargeblade.

So there is illusion of choice?

SnS lets you use items while CB basically revolves around its vial system.


>he thinks SnS is inferior to anything

What a fucking newshit.

>advocating for the removal of weapon types

Everyone loved this when Tri did it, right?

>What's the point of... Sword and Shield if Charge blade exists


It's literally best weapon.
Top tier mobility
Items on the fly
Double jump attack
Near top tier element/status
Tons of playstyles

They're all different and you know it baka.

Because they aren't upgrades.


You don't even know what you're talking about

Doot doot here free stamina. doot doot monster ko. Doot doot I play song

Men of taste use longsword

>Axe and Great Sword if Switch Axe exists
GS is completely different than SA, you fucking moron. Unless your dumbass wants to run crit draw and focus on SA?

S&S has a lot faster movement, attack speed and mobility than CB. When you play S&S you're playing a flexible, utility bringer who can stack status effects quickly, use items without sheathing your weapon and avoid or mitigate a lot of damage.

>GS vs SA
Great Swords do a lot of raw damage that doesn't lock you into combos to effectively do damage. Highest, single damage hit in the game that is critical for sleep bombing.

More damage, less mobility. Purely objective.

I shouldn't have to explain this one, all I can say is you're pissing a lot of people off by saying it's worse than the Gunlance.

>Shit-talking Lance
You shut your whore mouth

>Lance if Gunlance exists

Except they've consistently gone through every loop to make Gunlance NOT good in every game

>literally just Zinogre armor


>We'll never get a Pokemon Hunter because GameFreak is terrified of letting anyone do anything with their precious baby that they don't even care for anyway

How to skillset on guard-lance?


SnS have it's own gimmick, so they can be heal sluts.


GS is for the stupid newbies and people that wanna compensate their dick size with something big.

HBG is... well... LBG can do what HBG can do but... let's just say that HBG is ok and we really are short in gunner weapons.

>Better than lance
Lance is top tier, true patrician weapon choice, the weapon that only brave veterans use, the weapon that leaders use.

Besides that.

>terrified of letting anyone do anything with their precious baby
Pokemon conquest

I think it's more the idea of actually killing them the problem


Stamina Recovery Up?????????

Why can't everyone just use Lance? It's the true patrician's weapon.

why does insect glaive even exist? The moveset is stupidly complex, I've never seen anyone play it online.

Enjoy being autokicked from 9/10 rooms you try to join.

>The moveset is stupidly complex

1 armor set in 4U gives you ALL you possibly need for guard lancing, the Barroth X set.

Attack Up (M), Guard +2, Constitution +1 all in the armor without the need to gem in anything, you can gem in guard up for gravios, teo, Rajang etc... and increase constitution so you become completely invincible, or increase attack for extra damage, the set is very flexible and looks neat too, you can get it at G1 too and it is easy to make.

That's because the Gunlance serves a different purpose. It's for stunning the monster and blasting parts off of it. I really like the difference between the two because I'm not a faggot like OP

Thanks user

Moveset is

>hating on HBG
Somebody can't evade for shit without shealthing
For some agile monsters I can understand that HBG can make it difficult, but the high damage is well worth the risk

I could never get a handle on the Lance or Gunlance. I don't know if I just never got used to them or what, but they always felt too stiff to me, even in a game where -everything- is kind of stiff.

>It's for stunning the monster and blasting parts off of it
More like, blast away teammates and be kicked off the online rooms.

Nigga, the weapon is literally dance dance revolution in weapon form.

Every weapon has a chance of disrupting others. The key to not getting tripped and knocked around (or tripping and knocking around your teammates) is basic situational awareness.

LBG users are the ones that trip the least or nothing at all, they usually have a great aim, HBG users tend to have a shittier aim for some reason.

I remember seeing all those shitter frenchfags get their asses handed back to them and thought IG might be a challenge. It's not.

Why do you think "je suis monte" is a meme?

>Axe and Great Sword if Switch Axe exists
There never was an "Axe"

Why play HH when dual blades exist????! - OP

>Axe and Great sword
Aw shit, is this the new secret weapon all my friends have been talking about?

I think it's because they need more time to move and get in position, giving them less time to aim. Back in MHFU, I mained HBG and barely ever aimed at all (I fired into the low-hanging monster faced by just pointing my character in the right direction)

>>Way worse defensive skillset
nigga just blow then up

>>Greatsword moveset sucks
nigga just blow then up2

ofense is the best defense

Hurr, why use knives when swords exists?


You're right, sounds like the usual "stealth monster hunter thread", which always starts with git gud bait

>says GS, SnS are shit
>SnS is better than charge blade in Generations and GS is the best melee weapon in every game it exists in
I don't know if you are stupid or this is a false flag that I have fallen victim to

>Having any offense
The only thing that gunlance offends are the other players.

Lance is superior at both offence and defense and even mobility.

I can't play either of them, but I have to admit that the concept of a gunlance is worth any gameplay flaw IMO. I could watch that reloading animation all day.

can you cut tails with a lance?

>It's for stunning the monster
what the fuck am i reading



I assume you mean in regards to the inworld reasoning because gameplay-wise is obvious. They would be lighter and easier to use/maintain/travel with than the more technical weapons.

charging to the tail when the monster is down will cut it in no time.

yep. there's also a mechanic where lances and gunlances do impact damage if the impact hitzone is that much more sensitive than the cutting one.

rare but it can happen.

but the tail must be chaging reach

with gunlance you can UP swing to cut tails and then unleash a shotgun shot to do extra damage

>that hunter on the left that got BTFO
Otherwise nice

that's a stagger, not a stun. stun is KO only. this is an important distinction.

Hammerbro here. After i got gud with lancing, i want to learn HH, ans Good sets/tips?
I like to play a supportive role while others to the big dps

if you already main the most OP weapon in the game why are you changing man?

you can solohunta Grank with the hammer

Well, sure, it is easier to cut down tails when your kill times are 10 minutes longer than lance duh.

>the thread thats straight out shitposting actually has good posts
>the thread that said no shitposting is full of shitposting
Reminds me of the old times.

Ontopic, I main SA and IG, but haven't played anything after 4U, since I hate styles and that stuff. SA is my weaponfu.

Its not about time, its about the amount of damage you can do to the monster to take more parts

They could just do what the dear do and be knocked out for a short time before getting up and running away.

>play guild
>only use that healing AoE thing and the other thing that removes debuffs for healing
voila, you have a shittier ancient potion and a slightly better version of herbal medicine on a timer and you never have to deal with le anime shit.

just because one weapon is stronger doesn't mean you should limit yourself.

keep a stickynote nearby that has your song combos in button inputs while you learn them. every horn has movement speed up and it's basically like you're dashing everywhere. keep that up at all times.

you've got a simple two button infinite for damage.

there are a couple moves that hit in really odd directions, don't worry too much about them at first. the #1 most important thing is keep songs up and hit the head.

i'm not much of an HH player but those are some really basic tips

good luck and have fun

Just to Spice it up a Bit. Playing Baseball with a glavenus face will never get boring, but i want to become more versatile

Everybody says that, but the monsters are still balanced for the better arts so that's just gimping yourself.

HH is extremely simple because there are no combos. There are 3 inputs (X, A, X+A) and you can mix and match them into 2-hit combos. That is ALL. Pick your 2-hit combo of choice (slight variations depending on style), and bash away. Play your songs once in a while, and ALWAYS maintain the basic X+X song.
Can't think of an easy catch-all set, but you absolutely need horn maestro. I recommend guild style, or maybe adept.

Faster kill times = more completed quest = more chances for that one rare drop to actually drop = less time grinding.

The best art in the game is the evasion one, but if you want to be a total fucking autist, play hammer, since the hammer arts are all incredibly shit and you gimp yourself by using them instead of the general ones I already mentioned.

>kill mammoth real fukken quick
>don't break trunk
>no trunkspine which is used in all mammoth gear and weapons

i always had more luck in the kills were i broke every possible breakable thing and cut every possible cuteable thing in the monster

I liked GL tri (t. Tribabby) when the whole game felt a little clunkier, but 4U forwards I've been loving Insect Glaive too much. Might have to see if Aerial GL rekindles my love for the boomstick

My bad, I don't frequent MH threads often so I'm not current on proper terminology

>not using LBG for precision breaks.

Or just say it fainted like in the games. Give more rewards at the end of the quest and remove carving.

no problem, MH has a lot of subtleties.

Why is everyone responding to such an obvious troll.

That's a regular MH thread for ya!


Will my boy Khezu be useful for online combats in MH stories? because I'm sure as hell will max it out as much as I possibly can to create the world's strongest Khezu.

Man, that image is cool. I wish we got a T-Rex that was more like this instead of booger rex, he's far more dull than this one.

Also I want Peco to come back, I miss him.

>dissing pickle bro
Look Morty! I'm Pickle Jhoooooo!!!!

Peco a shit, I will take Kut-ku and even that clusterfuck of a monster that Gypceros is before that gay ass bird.

SNS is faster, lets you use items, and you can roll out of pretty much any bad situation mid-swing. Greatsword does obscenely greater damange than Swaxe
HBG also does obscenely greater damage than LBG
Lance has a dramatically superior defensive movepool and the pokepokepokehoppokepokepokehop routine is excellent with high-crit weapons or status weapons, far moreso than GL.

I'd play a mobile hunter game that's part village management.

Picklesaur is not booger rex. This is booger rex.

Tyranoswordus rex was here.
Snotsaur is a loser.

You're already playing hammer so you already have an idea of how to play. Just stay aggressive and beat shit up. This is especially important in Gen where hitting shit consecutively lets you play the last song played in addition to the current song.
Double white/purple is ESP and faster movement and is by far your most important song. It lets you move as fast as a SnS so you never need to sheath during a fight.
The most important songs a horn can have are infinite stamina and attack up. Healing songs and cures are kinda ass(they're more tolerable in gen due to the aforementioned double song mechanic), so try not to pick "support" horns like that. Immunities however can be nice to have, especially if you're carrying shitters during a fight with toxic monsters.
Horn maestro is kinda nice but if the horn I'm using only has 2 songs to begin with(e.g. barroth's horn in 3U) just stick with damage skills.

>Obscenely greater damage than LBG
Good joke, but elemental LBG and status LBG would like to have a talk with you.

I want to pet the booger rex.

SOMEBODY got Jho'd during their first high rank mission. I wonder who.

>not appreciating the FREE JHOS that come with every Peco

Best monster

Please show me output matched by LBG's similar to this.

who is the best girl?