no, dad please.
what a pervert!
I didn't even know dogs were fuckin' watching!
This was the last great AVGN video in my opinion
I still think AVGN has it. Tiger Electronics is greatest out of his recent videos.
I stopped watching around the second time he fought Bugs Bunny and of course that awful movie. Shit was cringe worthy and it was clear to me he had lost the passion. But maybe he's turned it around recently.
Well he's a plumber, and he's not wearing a tie.
did anyone else get a boner during this part
Wat, second Bugs fight was great.
>Bugs throws him on his couch
>couch breaks
>fucking Kyle shows up from behind the broken couch
Gets me every time.
I wouldn't say he's lost the passion, but rather that he's run out of material. James had a lot of material to work with early on in AVGN, but now it's clear that he's really reaching to get good content for his videos.
Since he's gone through all the games he remembers from his childhood, he now has to go look for shitty games. This makes his scripts worse because he has no previous experience with the games. If the games aren't completely bonkers (like Plumbers Don't Wear Ties and Big Rigs), it just comes off as half-baked.
>tfw the girl went to became a pornstar
the happiest ending of all
jeanne basone
her tits are super saggy now
his latest video was so boring
>i'm gonna talk about gameboy accessories
>by which, i mean a bunch of lamps and the gameboy camera
He's on and off. I'd say the base level of quality is a bit lower, but sometimes he makes really good stuff in his newer works. You could take it or leave it, but I enjoy it. He's better when he's informative instead of raging all the time imo
I actually really liked it, it's kind of like a sequel to one of my favorite videos of his NEW accessories.
It never even occurred to me to use GB camera with Gameboy Super.
the fuck dude
his new gameboy accessories video is one of his best imo
he's in a state of "between garbage and amazing content"
power rangers was amazing, the christmas special & sonic 2006 were garbage.
and.. he didn't speak only about those accessorie? Are you dumb? he can't talk about everything so he talked about the most populars one.
god bless
His most recent episode is pretty great. But it's also a hardware episode and those are always good by default.
I dribbled a little precum, still embarrased about it.
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