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HP2 won't be for another year mate. The dev and a friend are working on a adventure/puzzle game akin to early Zelda games.


It will have to wait


Ah the mental issues meme to have an easy excuse to not do any work for longer time periods without needing to pretend to have any actual sickness.

He's gonna fucking kill himself.

>hp2 never

Two seconds of checking his blog later:

Seriously, every fucking indie game developer eventually has that.

Is the game really that good?

Oh so the dev went batshit for a bit. Glad they're feeling better.

The game is absolute shit but still fun because the reward in it is sexual content.

funnily enough, yes

>before game comes out Sup Forums can't stop shitposting about how shit it is and how trash it will be
>game comes out and suddenly Sup Forums loves it

Probably because people got to play the game and it turned out alright.

Aren't they made that Huniecam or something like that? whore manager game or some sort.

it was ok but not porn


tfw want to replay but already know all the cards

Audrey is best girl.


wrong, it's beli

We've been over this, Audrey forever and always.

Oh cool I'm not the only one who likes women with bitchy attitudes.

Please tell me HP2 has Candice and Brooke from Huniecam

>hate bitchy women irl
>love Audrey
Why is it like this?

do we need it?

That and one of the voice actresses got on on here and flirted all the Sup Forumsirgins.

I wanna be Kyu's sex homie

Because she's cute as fuck and at least attempts to be nice despite not knowing shit about you.

What made Huniepop so good?

Can't wait until 2018. I need to see my love again. Hopefully there will be a story and we won't have to sacrifice the dating sim part of it. That was the highlight for me.

Waifus. Ecchi. Hilarious af voice acting.

It took me back to my days of playing dating sims on newgrounds

>That feel when the dating sim genre died with Love Plus and HuniePot are the only ones still making proper ones.

>VAs actually came here and did various vocaroo lines
Good times. The game was fun but honestly it has only few days of content at most. Worth 5 bucks not more. Still fun regardless

I pre-ordered it for $10 and got my money's worth.

Good for you, I wish there was more content though.

Because you gave her a chance and learned she wasn't that Bitchy. Actually had some character growth for a shallow porn puzzle game.

Because in real life bitchy women are bitchy all the time and don't give you the time of day and are usually horrible people. Audrey just has a very aggressive exterior and a venom coated tongue, but she gives you a chance, and once you break her thorny shell she's a super sweetie who just wants love and a man who won't betray her feelings.

>be a dev myself
>similar issues are arising
>insomina is a good friend of mine to get through work I enjoy
>currently is slowing losing sanity but know it's due to lack of sleep
>want to carry on working even though I need to sleep

what do?!

My post

if it's really you, just wanted to say great game along with hunie cam.

>that feel when normies think visual novel is synonymous with dating sim

That rustles my jimmies so fucking much. I hate it with every fiber of my being.

Who do I have to throw money at to get official huniepop daki covers?

Am I the only one who thinks the art is absolute shit? All the girls look like lolis. I can't fap to that.

You have no idea what loli means.

Nope, I just follow HunieDev and Audrey's VA on twitter.

Ask HunieDev if he has any interest in it. I don't think there's much in the way of HuneiPop merchandise except a physical release.

>all the girls look like lolis
The fuck?

They better bring back best girl and her space trivia quizzes.

9gag meme fairy and mentally damaged hobo girl can rest in piss.

Hopefully the sequel can fix the awfully bad case of sameface this game has.

I'd pay to get a fairy that isn't Kyu. I only liked when she was disguised as a human.

By loli I meant little girls, if you understood something else. Seriously they look like 13 years old girls with boobs.

Okay, I asked.
Celeste is best, she has really cute horns

>meme fairy
Better than Venus and Momo, but to each their own. Kyu is easily in the top 3 girls for me.

Is this you?


I hope this is bait because christ

I liked Venus, if only for the fact that she was the only one I felt I had to "conquer" since she as 100% on to your game.

At least we both agree Momo is pure trash.

Surprisingly okay

One of?

All of them sans Rina Chan came and recorded lines for us

>mfw I read all that

I applaud the lead dev leaving his job at Insomnia to fulfill his dream of making a lewd game

>That feel when they stopped coming around because virgin neckbeards kept trying to hook up with them.

It was kinda hilarious

We don't deserve such a guy.


She also backed it and huniedev refunded her

He truly doesn't give a fuck

because Bitchy women such as Audrey are fun and super easy going as long as you have the spine to not let them escalate and keep things relaxed,open and fun.

The Huniepop MC does that with her and she returns in kind.

The type of dev all should strive to be; "I make shit I like. You don't like it? Don't buy it."

Of course she's a VLD fan, I bet she actually believes Pidge is a tranny

It was self aware in a positive way

>muh SJW boogeyman

there are people who actually believe the google memo made sense, even after it has been debunked multiple times
again, no real point trying to argue with retards, they are like (and probably are) trump supporters, they disconnected from reality a long time ago

>gets rich making some shitty Bejeweled clone with bad art
>starts suffering from anxiety after

What the fuck.

>it has been debunked multiple times
The "debunks" have been nothing more than "look at how mad i am"

I feel it's more than just recent events. Lots of companies are putting being PC before anything else. Instead of hiring people who are great for a job, they're hiring women, minorities, etc just to earn brownie points. See what doing that did to Mass Effect?

HunieDev is just glad he's his own boss and doesn't have to bend over backwards to appease people who likely don't want to create games, but turn other's works into something that fulfills themselves.

I don't buy his games because of his politics. I buy his games I want dating sims and he makes dating sims. Anyone who buys entertainment based on the creator's politics is a retard.

It's more like his politics are interesting in parallel

>complains about about SJW bogeyman
>uses the Trump bogeyman
Everytime, no self awareness with you people.

Fucking this. The tripfag gets it.


Not really. His politics aren't unique or interesting. They haven't been since I don't know when. You could put on a blindfold, throw a handball into a crowd and land on a 20-something white guy who thinks the same thing.

What's there to debunked? The dude said he believed in diversity and proposed an idea on how to achieve it that was different than how the company was tackling it. For this he got fired and blacklisted from the industry. You can't throw around the term boogeyman when that actually happened to somebody for that. It's real at that point.

Why would anyone pay money for Bejeweled and a google image search, let alone a sequel to Bejeweled and a google image search?

>His politics aren't unique or interesting.
I guess you don't follow many gamedevs.

I don't because I don't care about their politics. All I care about is: Are their games shit or are they good?

Alright. On the other hand I am also interested when I see a dev who doesn't suck SJW feminine penis.

I don't get how you look at the game he's making/made and wouldn't think he holds those beliefs. Like what goes on in these peoples heads?