Would you rather play a 10/10 video game or read a 10/10 book?

Would you rather play a 10/10 video game or read a 10/10 book?

Reading is for fags.

Post more cute gooks, nips and / or chinks.

Why not both?

Book for sure. I love video games, but nothing compares to when you reading a 10/10 book. I've cried my eyes out from reading books, but only teared up at a video game.

What the fuck do you think?
Are you gonna ask /lit/ the same question?

Book, but I've only read about ten 10/10 books in my life. I've played double that in vidya at least. Masterpiece books are hard to find because of how saturated the market is.

Both if possible, videogame if not.
Videogame engages all your senses.

book, 10/10 video games are mediocre usually, if it was a video game as good as a 10/10 book then probably the video game

this a good book is harder to find

game, books don't have sountracks


There are lots of good games because it takes a group of people to come together and make one. Very rarely is a good game made by just one person.

However any fucker with a lot of spare time and a dictionary can come up with a book if you give him enough time. High quality books are much harder to come by, and are therefore more valuable.

If its how critics rate, the book. 10/10 is a 7/10 for games.
If its an ACTUAL 10/10, then the game.

Hello, gramps. Did you change your diapers today? ;^)

I'd fuck a 10/10 gook

10/10 Book
It's harder to find a good book than a good game.

Let's switch it up. Would you rather Fuck a 10/10 nip once off, she will never acknowledge your existence afterwards.
Or for we enter the next golden age of gaming where the majority of vidya released for the next 10 year's are 10/10.

The standards for video game writing is so low that even 10/10 games often have very mediocre plots and characters.

Nothing has ever compared to Lord of the Rings even with the hundreds of fantasy games out there.
Nothing has ever compared to the Culture even with the hundreds of sci-fi games out there.

Of course I'd rather play games than read books.

Game has information, visuals, audio, and interactivity. It simply is more sensual, and has bigger potential given OP premise.

Book is just a medium for information, and a shitty, outdated one at that. Do we really need to buy stuff like textbooks in fiscal year 2017 for classes? It can easily be put up on internet in uploadable and downloadable form. My arms always get tired as shit, head feels uncomfortable, and eyes are restrained. Also, a $40 book lasts a fraction of entertainment compared to a $40 game, it's pretty much not even a contest. Some games hold basically infinite replayability because they involve human interactions and creativity in the form of competitive/cooperative play, mod, and level creator. I much rather read on computer or on my phone given the chance.

It however does do that only thing really well, requires no electrical power, and is portable. That is the only saving grace. I've already replaced most of my books onto pdf.


It's literally a child's bedtime story. Also, you're overlooking the fact that there is a damn LOTR game with the same story.

no u fgt

The textbook racket for schools is a very different discussion than reading for pleasure. When's the last time you bought a novel for $40? When's the last time you bought a novel period?

Video games are a visual medium, and they're superior in the sense that there is interactivity. But books are much more mentally stimulating and actively engage your imagination in a way that video games don't.

>It's literally a child's bedtime story.

What fantasy books are better than LOTR? It fucking created the fantasy genre. The only one I can think of that would be close is The Last Unicorn.

Games? Lol

And videogames are for manchildren who didn't drop them when they ought to.

I already play VNs. And Irene's the best RV